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Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 GRID INFRASTRUCTURES FOR LITHUANIAN RESEARCH AND PUBLIC SECTORS prof. Algimantas Juozapavičius (VU) Eduardas Kutka.

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Presentation on theme: "Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 GRID INFRASTRUCTURES FOR LITHUANIAN RESEARCH AND PUBLIC SECTORS prof. Algimantas Juozapavičius (VU) Eduardas Kutka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 GRID INFRASTRUCTURES FOR LITHUANIAN RESEARCH AND PUBLIC SECTORS prof. Algimantas Juozapavičius (VU) Eduardas Kutka (VU) dr. Dalius Mažeika (VGTU) Rolandas Naujikas (VU)

2 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 Grid technology Grid technology LitGrid architecture LitGrid architecture Research areas and applications Research areas and applications Cooperation and the future Cooperation and the future Use case - electrophysiology Use case - electrophysiology Outline

3 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 connecting geographically distributed clusters into heterogeneous computing system via communication network provides efficient infrastructure: for heterogeneous computing/modeling procedures and comprehensive data maintenance functionality “The Lithuanian distributed/parallel computing and e-services network (LitGrid)” program is established for such tasks This program is an NGI for European Grid Initiative and joins/cooperates with FP7 project BalticGrid-II Grid technology

4 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 Virtual Organizations User Interface Grid Services (CA, middleware, WMS, VOMS, LFC, etc.) User Interface Key elements of grids

5 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid follows the architecture of LitNET (loop, etc.). Bandwith of LT NREN: RAIN-I & Rain-II - An equally developed advanced e- infrastructure as well as ample resources of electronic content, and for business

6 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid - Infrastructure for Academics LitGrid is designed mainly for academic sector (at a moment) It operates over 500 processors, over 40 TB storage capacity, 17 clusters, about 90 users, serves numerous scientific research areas The analysis, design and test deployment of cloud computing is currently on the way, in relation to grids New users and new tasks/areas requiring efficient and high performance computing for scientific research appear almost constantly The authoring, deployment and maintenance of LitGrid CA is foreseen in a near future The constant introduction of LitGrid activities/capabilities to potential users, to public sector and business structures, the formation of new grid projects are under way

7 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid - Technical Infrastructure LitGrid now has 13 partners: most active universities, research institutes and colleges of Lithuania NREN Litnet provides the network infrastructure with 1Gbps throughput connection between sites LitGrid is based on gLite middleware, however several other systems are under consideration (KnowARC, Globus, Cream, Unicore) Three sites are running central services (WMS, VOMS, LFC) for LitGrid (at VU, VGTU, KTU) All Litgrid clusters have EGEE certified status and are monitored globally (GSTAT, SAM, Stress Test monitors) as well as locally (Ganglia, Nagios)

8 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid - Central Services BalticGrid CA is used for authentication service User support is based on a request tracking workflow, which includes e-mail conferencing and a collaborative support system based on request tracking (ticketing) system Smaller sites are managed by leading partner VU MIF, with the help of Quattor software The site of VU MIF and its central grid services are managed entirely by Quattor also LitGrid has a team of well trained and educated administrators as well as RAs, covering most important geographical locations of Lithuania

9 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid - Research Areas modeling of heterogeneous processes in biology, biochemistry, optical spectroscopy, analysis of biological molecules, others mathematical modeling and global optimization computing in quantum mechanics, material science, modeling crystals and crystal surfaces analysis and visualization of multidimensional biomedical data Baltic Sea eco-system modeling computational linguistic, text corpora, etc. modeling of free and two-sided surfaces and friable material dynamics, related engineering science problems computing of pseudo-random data sets, their composing and analysis computing of physics of elementary particles and atomic nuclei stars’ and galactic spectrum analysis, problems of astrophysics.

10 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 Applications in BalticGrid Applications are in 7 research areas: High-energy physics Experimental and Astrophysical Thermonuclear Fusion Material sciences and quantum chemistry Framework for Engineering Modelling Tasks Operational Modelling of Baltic Sea Ecosystem Linguistics Bioinformatics and Biomedical Imaging

11 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid - Cooperation within InSPIRE Lithuanian researchers have many scientific links with Scandinavian countries; participation in EGI-InSPIRE, in the same group with Nordics, Slovenia, Israel, gives advantages: Access to the new grid developments, upgrades and other possibilities, to raise efficiency, to share methodical and organizational support of research infrastructure Development of joint projects and sharing computing efforts in materials science, medical signal and image systems, linguistics, etc. Improvement of Lithuanian cooperation with the European Center of Nuclear Research (CERN), the development of information/data centers in Lithuania (like Tier-3, CERN- CMS-TV)

12 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid - Ways of Cooperation LitGrid infrastructure will be extended to cooperate: with well-known scientific centers and projects, such as CERN, EMBL, PRACE, etc. with most essential medical and health care programs (creating suitable virtual repositories, cancer attack diagnostics and prophylaxis, electrophysiological data and analysis, some others) with European medical projects, like Health e-Child, MammoGrid, eNMR-grid, cancer monitoring systems with institutions of Belarus (UIIP, BNTU, some others), in the area of medical imaging, research and computing in materials science and nanotechnology

13 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid - the nearest Future LitGrid will expand computing resources and research infrastructure (especially grid and cloud technologies): to serve Santara Valley science park partners (including Life Science Centre, Innovative Medicine Centre, Life Science Research Centre) to offer services for business partners and public sector institutions, as well as for partners of Sauletekio Valley science park and for other science valleys (Santaka Valley in Kaunas, Juros Valley in Klaipeda) to serve joint projects with prominent scientists abroad of Lithuanian descent

14 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 LitGrid - Infrastructure for Public Sector The grid technology, HPC and other computing resources have to meet challenges in healthcare: Data overload Knowledge discovery Decision support systems Disease models Grid and HPC infrastructure have to serve: Advanced functionality of virtual data repositories Computing resources “on demand” The task for services is to provide effective translation of knowledge into new approaches for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases

15 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2Electrophysiology EEG analysis - research for knowledge discovery and to improve diagnosis (of epilepsy). The processing of measurements of brain activity - electroencephalograms - includes: “ raw ” signal processing data anonymization data segmentation with attributed segments storing them in database with precomputed attributes computational procedures of data warehousing and data mining

16 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2Electrophysiology LitGrid resources are provided for grid computing procedures: on EEG segments (from database) on entire EEGs, primary and secondary attributes of them (such as KDS, KSS, spike index, slow eye movement recognition, distribution of spike appearance time, amplitude, duration, shape, others) Theoretical models of such data manipulation and computational modeling are based on attributed graphs representation (nodes and edges having parameters and precomputed attributes) LitGrid also allocate enough resources for data mining analysis (clusterization, recognition, etc.) of all data accumulated in data repository.

17 Terena, Vilnius, 2010. May 31 - June 1-2 Thank you Questions, comments, suggestions Sincerely Algimantas Juozapavicius

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