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Quality Control Prof. R. S. Rengasamy Department of Textile Technolgoy

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1 Quality Control Prof. R. S. Rengasamy Department of Textile Technolgoy
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

2 Quality & Standard Quality is a measure of how closely a good or service conforms to specified standard. Quality Standard may be any one or combination of attributes/ variables of product.

3 Attributes Attributes (discrete data, binary) (Accept or reject; using Go/NoGo gauges) Performance Reliability Appearance Commitment to delivery time etc

4 Variables Variables (continuous data; measurable)
Some measurement like Length, Width, Height, Diameter Surface roughness, Count, Strength Work of rupture, Elongation, Tear strength , Rate of moisture vapour transport, Rate of wicking Air permeability, Bursting strength, etc.

5 Results of ‘No quality control’
No yardstick for comparing quality of goods/ services Difficulty in maintaining consistency in quality Dissatisfied customers due to increased maintenance & operating costs Increased rework cost Reduced life time of products/services Reduced flexibility for use of standard spares

6 Strategic areas of QC program in manufacturing
Supplier quality Incoming raw material quality Process quality Final inspection Customer quality

7 Basic components of product quality
Careful consideration of product design specifications Adequate inspection procedures for products Acceptance procedures for purchased materials & parts Control practices to maintain quality levels in process-stage Commitment from top to bottom of enterprise towards quality Formulation of quality assurance procedures are necessary to integrate & coordinate these functions

8 Quality control techniques
Control Charts (for in-process quality) Acceptance Sampling (for quality of materials, semi-finished, finished products) For Variables For Attributes For Variables Attributes 1) X Chart 1) P chart 1) Plan with α 1) Single sampling plan 2) R Chart 2) C chart 2) Plan with α and β 2) Double sampling plan 3) Multiple sampling plan

9 Process capability

10 Process capability

11 Control Charts

12 Control Charts for variable
Notations =Mean of a sample = Mean of sample means R = Range of a sample observation = mean range of samples A, B, & C are factors for different sample size (n) obtained from published table K = number of samples

13 Control Charts for variable
Control limits for chart Upper control limit, Lower control limit, Control limits for R chart

14 S. No K = 10 Observations (n = 5) R 1 2 3 4 5 10 12 13 8 9 10.4 7 11 9.0 10.8 10.2 8.8 6 9.6 11.4 11.2 11.6 Total 103.2 39 n = 5 A = 0.58 B = 2.11 C = 0 Mean 3.9

15 Chart R Chart

16 Control Charts for attributes (good or bad etc.)
Percent defective chart (P-chart) Based on normal distribution The no. of defectives per sample (C-chart) Based on Poisson distribution

17 Purpose of P-chart To discover average proportion of non-conforming parts/articles submitted for inspection over a period of time To bring to the management attention, if there is any change in average quality level

18 P-chart p = percentage defective in a sample
= Process mean percent defective n = Sample size k = No. of samples = Standard deviation of percent defective

19 P-chart Sample no (k = 5) No. Of defective, n = 50
% of defective rolls 1 10 0.20 2 3 9 0.18 4 5 0.08 6 0.12 7 0.04 8 0.06 11 0.16 12 0.22 13 14 15

20 P-chart

21 C-chart Applies to the no. of nonconformities in each sample Purpose
To control the no. of defects in final assemblies Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean Missing items (c ) 14 13 26 20 25 15 11 16

22 C-chart

23 Why acceptance sampling?
100% inspection on lots is not possible due to High cost of inspection Destructive method of test results in spoilage Long time for testing Impossible & impracticable, if population is too large

24 Possibilities Product Accept Reject Good product Desired Not desired.
Rejecting a good product. Producer’s risk (Error I) Bad product Accepting a bad product. Consumer’s risk (Error II) Not Desired.

25 Operative Characteristic (OC-Curve
Sample size = n Percentage defective = p (5% means 0.05) Acceptance number = c AQL = Acceptance Quality Level = percentage defective, p1 LTPD = Lot Tolerance Percent Defectives = p2 p2 > p1 (n) and (c ) must be decided based on AQL and LTPD

26 O. C. Curve

27 O. C. Curve Probability of acceptance of lot is pa
Solution is based on Chi-square distribution, where (c+1) is degrees of freedom & c can be found out

28 O. C. Curve for different n and c

29 Six Sigma Origin Management standard in product variation (later service) coined by Motorola Engineer Bill Smith during 1920’s Standards such as defects in thousands of opportunities did not provide depth of information Decided to measure defects per million opportunities

30 What is Six Sigma? It is a disciplined data driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects which amounts to driving towards six-standard deviation between the mean and the nearest specification Six Sigma level indicates that we are % confident that the product/service delivered by us is defect free 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) A process is said to be at 6-Sigma level provided that the process is not producing more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities

31 Objectives & concepts in 6-Sigma
Process improvement & reduction of variation Concepts Attributes which are most important to customers are critical Focus on process more specifically what it can deliver Consistent & predictable processes to improve quality is utmost expectation of customer Employing systematic methodology, utilizing tools, training & measurements to produce at Six Sigma level

32 Approaches for Six Sigma
DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, & Control For improving existing process falling below specification and looking for incremental improvements DMADV: Define, Measure, Analyze, Define, & Verify To develop new processes/products at Six Sigma level

33 Execution of Six Sigma DMAIC & DMADA are executed by Six Sigma Green Belts and Six Sigma Black Belts and these are overseen by Six Sigma Master Black Belts. Six Sigma Green Belt Team Team leaders capable of forming & facilitating Six Sigma teams and managing Six Sigma projects from concept to completion 5-days of classroom & practice in Six Sigma projects

34 Execution of Six Sigma Six Sigma Black Belt Team
Team leaders responsible for measuring, analyzing & improving & controlling key processes that influence customer satisfaction/or productivity growth Full time positions They focus on 1 to 3 projects

35 Benefits of Sig Sigma It ensures enhanced product quality
It enables predictable delivery of products It helps to achieve productivity improvement It helps to have rapid response to changing needs of customers It facilitates the development & introduction of new products

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