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Hillarie Coleman Grade 6 Math and science.

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1 Hillarie Coleman Grade 6 Math and science

2 About Mrs. Coleman Went to college at Northwestern State in Louisiana
on a full soccer and academic scholarship I received a degree in Exercise Science Teaching credential at Cal State San Marcos My 9th year here at San Elijo: have taught all subjects I am a San Marcos High School graduate My husband also teaches in San Marcos at San Marcos Middle I am coaching soccer here in the Spring, and I have previously coached at SMHS and SEMS 2 children: Brooklyn: 7 and Brycen 4.5

3 School Policies No I-pods or other electronic devices While we strongly encourage students to keep iPads and other electronic tablets at home, students who choose to bring them will use them under the guidance of school staff, and San Elijo is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items. Cell phones are for use before and after school. If you have an emergency please contact the office.

4 School Policies TARDIES Students must be in their assigned seats when the bell rings or they will be marked tardy. The 1st and 2nd tardies will result in a lockout, and will be recorded. Three or more offenses during a semester will result in detention assigned for each offense. After the fifth tardy, a Saturday School will be assigned. Excessive tardiness is referred to the Assistant Principals.

5 School Policies Dress Code Violation Consequences: 1st-Warning, change clothes and documentation 2nd-Change clothes, lunch detention, copy of policy given to student, and parent notified 3rd-Change clothes, 1 week of lunch detention, and parent notified 4th-Change clothes, Saturday School, and parent notified 5th-Change clothes, ISS, and parent notified 6th-Suspension due to defiance and parent phone call

6 School Policies No Gum 1st- Lunch detention 2nd-1 week of lunch detention, copy of policy given to student, and parent notified 3rd-Saturday School and parent notified 4th-ISS and parent notified 5th-Suspension due to defiance and parent phone call

7 Citizenship policy and criteria
Citizenship is evaluated differently than academic progress. It involves a student’s actions in upholding the school’s responsibility and accountability standards, positive involvement in their learning and living communities, and attitude. Citizenship assesses student participation, leadership / cooperation, willingness to assist others and following school and classroom rules. These rules include but are not limited to just behavior, cell phone violations, excessive gum chewing issues, continually talking in class and/or dress code issues. Additional factors for consideration are \\sems-fs\Staff\hillarie.coleman\My Documents\back to school\Citizenship Grade Criteria.docx

8 Class GUIDELINES Follow directions the first time Bring all materials
Respect people and property No food or drink Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings Follow all school rules School motto: “I am responsible for myself.” Follow the Golden Eagle Rule: treat others as I wish to be treated

9 Consequences warning sign behavior log **ESCORT Parent contacted

10 Rewards Coleman Cards A Coleman card is handed out for participation, 100% on tests, good sub report, no missing assignments for a grading period, etc. Can be redeemed for pencils, paper, erasers, homework passes, pick your seat passes, and free test question. Coleman Cards can only be used in Mrs. Coleman’s class

11 Math curriculum 1. Numbers and Factors Introduction to Integers Fractions and Decimals 2. Expressions Ratios, Rates and Percents 3. Writing and Solving Equations and Inequalities 4. Area Surface Area and Volume 5. Statistical Measures Data Displays

12 Mathematical practice standards
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

13 Common Core state standards
The goal of the CCSS is to make sure that all students are well prepared for college, technical education, or the workplace after high school graduation. Focus: fewer topics to focus deeper on Coherence: linking topics and thinking across grade level Rigor: pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill, fluency and application.

14 TENMARKS A supplemental math resource to help with the instruction outside of class. Usually assigned once a week with time to complete. Username: smusd##### Password: yyyymmdd assignments have hints, and videos and will assign additional work if needed

15 70% Assessments (13-20/semester) 20% Homework/Class work
Math Grading 70% Assessments (13-20/semester) 20% Homework/Class work (60-72/semester) 10% Class/Group participation Homework is corrected by the student, and I spend time going over questions. Students get completion points, but work must be show, or a written explanation to get points.

16 Homework Homework may be assigned Monday- Thursday. Sometimes Friday class work extends to Friday homework, but shouldn’t be often. Projects and reports may require extra time over weekends. Late work will only be accepted in math. If you are absent you will have the same number of days to complete the assignment.

17 Homework help I am available on Thursdays after school from 2:15-2:45 for students who want to come in, as well as other days by appointment. PRIDE and RISE

18 PRIDE PRIDE (Pupils Requiring Individualized Daily Education) is an afterschool program at San Elijo Middle School grades 6-8 and is staffed by our own teachers here at SEMS. Program Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:15pm to 3:15pm Wednesday from 1:25pm to 2:25pm 6 week intervals where students work with a teacher in their classroom After school homework in the library with a campus supervisior for an hour each day. This is first come first serve and students must be working on school work.

19 RISE R.I.S.E. (Responsibility, Independence, and Study Skills in Education) is a before school program at San Elijo Middle School grades 6-8 and is staffed by our own teachers here at SEMS. (study skills, organization, goal setting: not a homework club) Program Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:10am to 7:55am. 6 week sessions (teacher recommendation) Contact: Your student’s Counselor for an application. Space is limited.

20 Online math Textbook You can access the entire textbook online. (math) Username: hcoleman203 Password: eagles

21 Questions

22 Science Unit 1: Earth Systems and Processes Unit 2: Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure Unit 3: Weather and Climate Unit 4: Ecosystems and Resources

23 Science homework and classwork
Science homework is graded for accuracy, and will consist of Workbook pages, review activities, projects and finishing classwork Classwork: notes, class activities, and labs Classwork/notes are collected at the end of each chapter, usually the day of the test. Students need to stay organized and keep papers together. Workbook, and other homework assignments will be graded in class

24 Science grading 50% tests/quizzes and benchmarks (20-30 assessments/projects) 50% homework and classwork (40-60 classwork/homework assignments) Science homework is graded for accuracy

25 Materials needed everyday
3 ring binder over 2” (anything less than this is too small!) College ruled lined paper ( please no perforated, tear-out sheets) Dividers for subjects A red or purple pen for corrections 2 pencils that work and have lead (regular #2) 2 pens black, or blue A highlighter, colored pencils, crayons, markers Math spiral and workbook Science workbook Hall Pass

26 Science textbook Username: alfred.wegener Password: sems1415

27 Synergy (grades) Use your access code to access your student’s information. Can access through ParentVue on SEMS website

28 Communication You may check homework assignments, teachers, and be in the know about SEMS through the school website: Click on the Faculty tab, click on Hillarie Coleman This will take you to my website

29 Contact Information Hillarie Coleman rm.203 ext 3203 Please contact me if you have a question or concern.

30 Questions?

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