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Here….the second edition. THE SUMMER SCHOOL IN BRAIN PLASTICITY University of Lille 1 2-7 September 2006 Last year.

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Presentation on theme: "Here….the second edition. THE SUMMER SCHOOL IN BRAIN PLASTICITY University of Lille 1 2-7 September 2006 Last year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Here….the second edition

2 THE SUMMER SCHOOL IN BRAIN PLASTICITY University of Lille 1 2-7 September 2006 Last year

3 …. Sara Morley-Fletcher is missing from this photo …a nice photo of the last year’s group in Lille.

4 Last year,…something important was beginning…..I was already hoping to the second edition in rome…. PENS the Programme of European Neuroscience Schools -an IBRO-FENS collaboration Federation of European Neuroscience Societies IBRO, International Brain Research Organisation …our hope became reality

5 …But this would never have taken place without the help of the group from the Department of Human Physiology and Pharmacology of the Sapienza University of Rome (Dir. Fabrizio Eusebi) Here my collegues: Ferdinando Nicoletti Assia Catalani Paola Casolini Sebastiano Alemà

6 Postdocs between Lille and Rome AnnaRita Zuena Jérome Mairesse Carlo Cinque Charlotte Laloux PhD students Angela Giovine Vincent Waes Master student Chiara Giuli

7 Erasmus Programme This summer school is the result of a long preparation which began,….1988

8 20th anniversary of the European Commission’s SOCRATES-ERASMUS programme

9 So everything, in a sense, started in Rome. Sara, too, started her carrer here in Rome, with ISS at the famous laboratory run by Enrico Alleva. ROME BORDEAUX LILLE After, the research was developed in France, but we never broke off ties with Italy

10 Public: Foreign Ministry and Egide (Galileo) Private: SERVIER The Rome – Lille connection obtained several grants public and private

11 Was signed by both the Chancellor of the Sapienza University of Rome and the Chancellor of the University of Lille 1 Thanks to: Prof. Isabella Screpanti, Sapienza Profs Beatrice Delpouve and Alain Higgins, Lille 1 A FRAME AGREEMENT (Accordo Quadro) This summer school in Rome is the first result However,…other projects are coming GDRI, UIF

12 Summer school is very important for the students’ training… but it is also important for the faculty…. I would like to thank all speakers that have accepted to teach for you

13 Very prestigious summer schools have been held in the past, …as in the case of.. E. R. (Ron) de Kloet In association with Prof Luciano Angelucci, who was also my first and foremost mentor

14 E. R. (Ron) de Kloet RESEARCH INTEREST: Stress, hormones and the brain Ph.D. University of Utrecht, 1972 Professor in Medical Pharmacology, LACDR/LUMC, Leiden University; Of course….Ron has done a lot of other important things…

15 Now the focus on the students This school is for you You are the main protagonist You are expected to participate FULLY

16 Asking questions Chairing sessions Present your poster Take part of a working group « letter of intent » Discuss your letter of intent on the last day Now you will each have 1 or 2 min. to present yourselves individually.

17 Enjoy your summer school in Rome

18 Lille, International Summer School in Neurosciences, 2006

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