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 Indiana State University, 1997  BA Elementary Education  Six years of teaching experience  Taught first and second grade in IPS and Hamilton Southeastern.

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2  Indiana State University, 1997  BA Elementary Education  Six years of teaching experience  Taught first and second grade in IPS and Hamilton Southeastern Schools  Third year at Maple!

3 Lived in Avon for 3 years Robert, Harrison 7, Savannah 4

4  My mission is to create a positive academic environment for students in which they can learn, work, and grow.  Maple Elementary Mission Statement › Maple Elementary is a community where we learn, reflect and work towards our goals until all are successful.

5 All Maple students will improve their writing across the curriculum. 20-30 minutes Writing Workshop All Maple students will show improvement in problem solving across the curriculum. 60 minutes of mathematics focusing on problem solving strategies using hands on manipulatives Problem of the day

6  Check your child’s folder daily  Please return the folder to school every day  Weekly Newsletter  My contact information  School Website  Corporation Website

7 8:50-9:15 Morning work and Maple News 9:15-9:45 Science 9:45-10:15 Writing 10:15-11:45 Reading 11:45-12:00 Get Ready For Lunch and Restroom Break 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-12:50 Recess 12:50-1:00 Restroom 1:00-1:45 Specials 2:00-3:00 Math 3:00-3:30 SST 3:30-3:40 Pack Up 3:40 Dismissal

8 MondayArt TuesdayLibrary (return books on Monday; can renew books, just bring them back to renew) WednesdayMusic ThursdayPE (gym shoes) FridayFAB FRIDAY

9  Please be sure that your child has all of the supplies listed on the supply list from the office. Supply list is also available on Maple’s Website. Please have supplies as soon as possible.  Any future requests for donations will come directly from me.

10 An illness or attendance at a family funeral are excused absences Parents are to call or send a note Pre-arranged absences (i.e. travel), a Pre-Arranged Absence form must be filled out at least five school days prior to the absence and sent to the principal Teachers do not determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused

11  Independent and Responsible!  Walk to and from classroom on own  School hours: 9:00AM to 3:40PM  Do not drop off prior to 8:50AM and pick up no later than 3:50PM

12  Send a note stating the change  Phone calls cannot be honored after 2:00 pm.

13  Outdoor as much as possible!  Raining, snowing, below 20 degrees, including wind chill factor=INSIDE  Dress for the weather!  No backless shoes (such as flip flops)  All playground equipment is provided. Please do not send toys from home.

14  Student will be announced on the Maple News, get a prize from the office, and teacher  Classroom snacks or parties are not permitted  Student Directory-fill out form if interested; this can be used for invitations

15  Homework packet will be sent home on Mondays and should be returned on Fridays  Students will receive points for completion  Read 20 minutes every night  Always check and empty the folder  Help your child develop good homework and organization skills

16  2-3 trips throughout the year  Chaperones are needed!  Information sent home well in advance Volunteers Any volunteer must complete a background check for Avon Schools. Only one background check is needed.

17  Week of 8 th -12 th  Student Day10:00-3:40 M-F  Always call or email with concerns throughout the year and we will meet!

18 Indiana State Standards Parent Guide Avon’s Website Department of Education Website

19  McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders  Three weeks Smart Start  Weekly Comprehension Strategy, Phonics Element, Vocabulary Words and Sight Words  Small Group Instruction  Leveled readers  Assessment on Friday  Daily Five: Students will spend time daily reading to self, reading to someone, listening to reading, word work, and writing workshop

20  Word Study Test on Fridays  Pre-test on Monday, modified lists for Beyond Level children  Words will come from phonics skill for the week  List of words will be in newsletter  10 words a week based upon our phonics pattern for the week  Students will also be required to spell sight words correctly

21 Number Operations Numbers to 12, Comparing and Ordering Numbers, Understanding Addition and Subtraction, Five and Ten Relationships, Addition Facts to 12, Counting Money Comparing and Ordering numbers to 120, Exploring Tens and Ones, Addition and Subtraction Facts to 18 Patterns and Number Patterns to 120 Geometry Congruency and Symmetry, Identifying Plane Shapes and Properties of Shapes, Solid Figures Measurement Feet, Inches, Cups, Pints, Quarts, Pounds, Grams, Kilograms, Telling Time to Hour and Half-hour Please study math facts with your child. Depending upon readiness of class; students will take timed tests. More information to come.

22  Report Cards will come home every 9 weeks  Celebrate and set goals!  Sign and return the envelope  Midterms will come home 4 times per year  Use as a guide and a way to set goals

23  (Reading, Mathematics, Writing)  A+ (100%)C+ (77-79%)  A (93-99%)C (73-76%)  A- (90-92%)C- (70-72%)  B+ (87-89%)D+ (67-69%)  B (83-86%)D (63-66%)  B- (80-82%)D- (60-62%)  F (0-59%)

24  (Handwriting, Social Sciences, Conduct, Special Areas: Gym, Art, Music)  O=Outstanding  S=Satisfactory  N=Needs Improvement  U=Unsatisfactory  F=Failing

25  Based on Maple’s Motto: › Be respectful › Be responsible › Do your personal best

26  Color-based system  Each student has a clothespin  Starts on green each morning  Can move up to blue, purple, or even beyond = rewards given  Purple = automatic “I got caught” card  Poor choices can make clip move down to yellow, orange, or red.  Orange = consequence  Red = family contact, consequence

27  Stays in Parent Communicator (maroon) folder on “Return to School” side  Students color in box daily, comments from teacher if needed  Parent/Guardian reviews behavior with child daily  Parent/Guardian signs sheet at end of week, turned in to teacher every Monday.


29  Classroom Rules › Students cooperatively develop rules based upon fairness, honesty, respect, and teamwork  Rewards › Responsibility Charts › I Got Caught Cards › Verbal Praise › Candy Jar or Other Small Prize (pencils, stickers, etc.) › Phone call home › Note home

30  Consequences › Warning › Miss 10 minutes of recess or other logical consequence › No recess/Call home  Names start over each day

31  YOU ARE WELCOME AT MAPLE!!  Lunch at 12:00 pm  Parents can buy lunches

32  30 minutes for lunch  3 lunch accounts › Hot lunch, $2. 00 › Breakfast; $1.15 › Extra milk, $.50 › Adult lunches, $2.65  PLEASE PUT MONEY IN ENVELOPE  Label (VERY IMPORTANT) › Child’s First and Last Name › Mrs. Clouse › No fast food or carbonated beverages

33  Great books at great discounts  Make one check OR order and pay online!  FREE books for classroom!

34  Sign up sheet in back  Must have background check

35  Call  Email  Write a note  Behavior reports  Midterms and report cards

36  Thank you so much for taking time to come in!  Questions???

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