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Published byEvangeline Bennett Modified over 9 years ago
2013-2014 Student Code of Conduct Review
Please take out the book that looks like this
Acknowledgement: Student Code of Conduct This Student Code of Conduct is a document designed to provide rules, expectations, and consequences for student behavior. We ask that you review the Student Code of Conduct with your child (ren) and have a discussion regarding school expectations. In addition, Appendix IV is a copy of the Appoquinimink School District’s Educational Technology – Acceptable Use Policy. In order for your child to use educational technology, this policy must be reviewed and the parents must sign below. Please sign below and have your child sign to acknowledge that you have received a copy of the Student Code of Conduct and the Acceptable Use Policy. Return the signed sheet to your child’s homeroom teacher by September 6, 2013. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is to confirm that I have received a copy of the Appoquinimink School District Student Code of Conduct and the Appoquinimink School District Acceptable Use Policy (See Appendix IV, and the Notification of Rights under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (See Appendix VII) ________________________________________ Student Name (Please Print) ________________________________________ Student Signature / Date ________________________________________ Parent Signature / Date Return the signed sheet to your child’s homeroom teacher by September 6, 2013. Acknowledgment page MUST be signed and returned to homeroom by Friday, September 6, 2013. This is located on page 5 of the Student Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct Is used by EVERY student, parent and staff member in our district. It is YOUR responsibility to know it, (we’ll get you started).
To establish and maintain a “positive school environment” Why does it exist?
When is it enforced?
On school property – prior to, during, and following school hours On the bus To, from, and at the bus stop At district events On field trips Even when behavior out of school presents ANY TYPE of threat to ANY student and/or staff member Or when the behavior out of school such as bullying, cyberbullying or harassment interferes with the educational rights of another student or is a disruption of the school environment page 10 ALL Times?
Any student who hinders an investigation or any student who aids, is involved with the planning, or helps another student in any way that violates the Code, may be subject to the same disciplinary action as the student who committed the violation. Important to Note page 11
Attendance p. 14-16 Bus Privileges p. 17-18 Harassment p. 21-23 Dress Code (Personal Appearance) p. 23-25 Search & Seizure (Property) p. 25-26 Use of Surveillance Equipment p. 29 Reminder Pages:
Four, 4, yes IV Levels Consequences range from a reprimand and parent/guardian notification to expulsion and police notification Violation Basics
Be Respectful to yourself, others, and the space and belongings around you Be Responsible by following the rules, knowing your limits, and maintaining integrity Be Safe by sharing physical and emotional space with your fellow Redding knights Be a Good Citizen and not only treat everyone well, but actively promote and encourage good behavior Be There – Be Ready by being prepared to do your best every day PREVENTION by following School Expectations
Disruptive Behavior Inappropriate Language Loitering Minor Vandalism Possession of Non-School Items Unexcused Tardy Level I p. 32-34
Teacher reprimand Parent/guardian notification Detention and/or suspension Conference Grade Penalty Suspension Level I cont’d First Offense Consequences Can Include:
All of the previous PLUS –Detention –Suspension –Parent conference –Behavior Contract/Plan –Referral to School Discipline Committee –Referral to administration Level I cont’d Subsequent Level I Consequences:
Disruptive Behavior includes ANY behavior (Language, gestures, or actions) that interferes or disturbs ANY part of an effective learning environment. Non-school items are anything “deemed by building staff as disruptive or having the potential for causing disruption.” Misunderstood Level I Terms
Level II p. 34-44 Abusive language Careless or reckless behavior Cheating/Plagiarism Class cut School cut/Truancy Defiance Failure to serve detention Forgery Gambling Harassment Inappropriate sexual behavior Leaving school without authorization Major vandalism Misuse/Abuse of substances Misuse of cell phones and all other electronic devices Misuse of technology Smoking Stealing/Possession/ Transferring of stolen goods Trespassing Violation of Dress Code Violation of medication policy
Detention and/or suspension is likely as early as the first offense Level II cont’d First Offense Consequences
Abusive Language is any “written or spoken language or gestures that are considered offensive, obscene, or vulgar”. Careless and Reckless Behavior is seen as “unintentional behavior that threatens to or causes injury, property damage OR intentional behavior that threatens to or causes injury, property damage”. Cheating/Plagiarism is “…preparing or presenting…assignments as a student’s own work when it is not. (Includes copying another’s work, sharing answers during a test, presenting another’s work as your own, etc.)” Defiance is a “verbal or nonverbal refusal to comply with reasonable request from school personnel, including refusal to identify oneself”. Misuse of Technology can include a site not authorized by teacher Level II cont’d Terms to Clarify
Bullying and cyberbullying Disorderly Conduct Extortion Fighting Offensive Touching Student on student Of a staff member Reckless Driving Sexual Harassment* Terroristic Threatening and/or Behavior Level III p. 45-51
Level III cont’d EVERY offense presents a threat to others Detention and/or suspension are REQUIRED for every Level III offense: up to
Bullying includes ANY intentional written, electronic, verbal, or physical act (where there is an imbalance of power physical, cognitive)… against a student, school volunteer, or school employee that… places a person in reasonable fear of … harm to his/her emotional or physical well-being…. or creating a hostile, threatening, humiliating or abusive educational environment… p.45 Bullying Prevention and Cyberbullying Policy is Appendix 5, Page 79 Misunderstood Level III Terms
Cyberbullying means the use of uninvited and unwelcome electronic communication directed at an identifiable student or group of students, through means other than face-to-face interaction which (1) interferes with a student’s physical well-being; or (2) is threatening or intimidating; or (3) is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it is reasonably likely to limit a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the educational programs of the school district or charter school. Communication shall be considered to be directed at an identifiable student or group of students if it is sent directly to that student or group, or posted in a medium that the speaker knows is likely to be available to a broad audience within the school community. p.45 Whether speech constitutes cyberbullying will be determined from the standpoint of a reasonable student of the same grade and other circumstances as the victim. The place of origin of speech otherwise constituting cyberbullying is not material to whether it is considered cyberbullying under this policy, nor is the use of school or district materials. Misunderstood Level III Terms
Bullying continued
This is a good time for a…
Prevention is the best way If all else fails… Be a responsible witness/bystander –Know that keeping our school safe is NOT snitching –Report what you see/know to a school adult –Diffuse the situation by NOT promoting it –Cheering on a fight or bullying is as bad as doing it yourself –Ask questions and seek guidance from a trusted adult –Any staff member or responsible family member counts! REMINDER!
Level IV Arson Assault –On Student –On Staff Member Commission of Sexual Acts Possession, Use, or Impairment of Alcohol, a Drug, a Drug-Like Substance, a Look Alike Substance and/or Paraphernalia Page 52 - 57 Distribution of Alcohol, a Drug, a Drug-Like Substance, a Look Alike Substance and/or Paraphernalia Possession of any Weapon/Explosive Device Rape or Attempted Rape Security Threat
Every offense requires a minimum of a 5 day suspension AND Police notification AND Possible expulsion from school LEVEL IV
Assault –Sometimes horseplay causes physical injury. It then becomes assault, which is “Intentionally or RECKLESSLY causing physical injury to another…” p.53 Commission of Sexual Acts –This is “Consensual sexual acts between students” p.54 Misunderstood Level IV Terms
Look-alike Substance –“Any non-controlled substance…packaged so as to appear to be, or about which a student makes [ANY] representation that the substance is, a drug or a non- controlled substance capable of producing a change in behavior or altering a state of mind or feeling.” p.54 Distribution –“The transfer or attempted transfer of alcohol, a drug – including prescription medication, a look alike substance, a drug-like substance or drug paraphernalia… with or without the exchange of money or other valuable consideration” p.55 Misunderstood Level IV Terms
Delaware law requires mandatory reporting to the police of certain crimes. The principal or designee must report the following: (p. 58) –Student, school volunteer, or school employee has been the victim of violent felony, assault III, unlawful sexual contact III; or –Student under 18 has been victim of sexual harassment; or –Person on school property has drugs or weapon or bomb. Reporting School Crime
If a student believes that he or she has been treated unfairly or has not been afforded due process – follow the process outlined on page 59. If a student believes that he or she have been a victim of harassment, see Appendix VI, page 87, for how to file a complaint under the harassment policy. Grievance Procedures
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents/guardians, and students over 18 years of age, the following rights: Inspection and Review of Records Amendment of Records Disclosure without Consent : Disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in students’ education records requires parent/guardian consent with the following exceptions: 1. Such records may be disclosed to school officials with legitimate education interests. 2. Upon request, the District discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. 3. Please see Appendix VII for a list of directory information. Page 91
Page 60: Suspension (in school and out of school) Page 61: Unsafe school choice Page 61: Expulsion procedures Page 65: Definitions (Glossary) Page 76: Educational Technology – acceptable use agreement Page 79: Bully Prevention Policy Page 87: Harassment Policy Other Important Information
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