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Supporting Users: ESDS and the role of site representatives Louise Corti ESDS/UKDA ESDS Awareness Day 5 December 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Users: ESDS and the role of site representatives Louise Corti ESDS/UKDA ESDS Awareness Day 5 December 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Users: ESDS and the role of site representatives Louise Corti ESDS/UKDA ESDS Awareness Day 5 December 2003

2 Key target groups research users –new researchers –PhD students and their supervisors promoting research communities teachers –research methods –substantive courses –data support and library staff learners – Further Education and beyond

3 ESDS: supporting research, teaching and learning Resource discovery - locating appropriate data resources Providing access to key data resources free of charge, where possible Facilitating access to new sources of data requested by the community Advice and training in data analysis Helping and stimulating teachers – providing tailored cut down datasets for methods and substantive teaching Outreach - educating learners, budding and novice researchers in the importance of using real data

4 ESDS Outreach and Training Programme Busy timetable - many deliverables General ESDS initiatives Service specific, more focussed activities Joint work/ events with other organisations and training providers Online presence / support and training materials User Consultation

5 Publicity and Promotion Joined up promotional strategy for social science data resources Web site: Regular newsletter: UK Databytes - a newsletter of the ESDS Annual Report - short and glossy format Publications in newsletters; journals etc (invited & volunteered) Events – talks, posters, demos, circulation of publicity materials

6 Outreach activities Joined up ESDS outreach strategy Service specific promotion and support Linking ESDS resources –eg, government surveys and longitudinal data Joint events with other organisations –ESRC Research Methods programme –Data producers (e.g. ONS) and data series user groups –CAQDAS networking project –Statistics User Groups –Other ESRC/JISC investments

7 Training programme training days/workshops for data creators introductory and ‘getting started’ courses topic-based or thematic courses specific datasets, data series, particular data types support software packages data manipulation and analysis - basic and more advanced weighting analysing hierarchical data analysing longitudinal and qualitative data methodological issues ‘train the trainers’ workshops

8 ESDS Government training Awareness raising –introduction to ESDS; what ESDS Government covers; why useful, registration and access Introduction to using the large-scale government surveys Topic- based courses: Year 2, health Methodology training: Year 2, weighting meeting and CCSR short courses Analysis using SPSS/STATA Regular meeting between users and producers –E.g. Health Surveys and Labour Force Survey, 2003 Annual research conference –Social and demographic change, December 2003

9 ESDS International training introductory courses - overview of the structure, content and research potential of international databanks hands on Beyond 20/20 & CommonGIS training introductory time series data analysis course using Stata and based on the databanks statistical analysis techniques such as univariate modelling, forecasting and simple regression annual conference to highlight research, discuss methodologies, bring together users & data providers Seeking your views: currently carrying out a user consultation exercise to gather feedback on programme of courses

10 ESDS Longitudinal training introductory days - overview of UK longitudinal data resources Hands-on data confrontation workshops –BHPS, NCDS/BCS and MCS Annual BHPS users conference – July

11 ESDS Qualidata Creating and depositing workshops roadshows and workshops Online Access to Qualitative Data: Opportunities and Challenges – Jan 2004 Whither community studies – March 2004 Confronting qualitative data using CAQDAS (Atlas-ti) Thematic data awareness days

12 E.g. past events - 2003 JISC Exhibition, Birmingham JISC RSC Conference, Bristol Annual Conferences (eg British Sociological Ass.) IASSIST, Ottowa ESDS launch, London MIMAS User Forum, Manchester July/August - Essex Summer Schools SOSIG/RDN events The European Social Survey meeting, London Millennium Cohort Study, NCDS hands-on workshops, London LFS and Health Survey User Group Meetings, London Creating and depositing data workshops, Essex, Glamorgan, Edinburgh, London Using government surveys and international data Manchester PhD workshops, Essex and Manchester

13 Training: what you want Currently organising a programme of general ESDS awareness events around the country –2004: roadshows planned for Scotland, N. Ireland, Wales, North east, West Specific events - scheduled and on demand Consulting with communities – ESDS User Consultation early 2003 LET US KNOW

14 Advisory groups and user forums Advisory Committees – strategic advice and champions Data Providers’ Forum - representation from key data organisations to discuss and advise on issues relating to data creation User forums to gain input and feedback on ESDS developments –virtual networks/discussion lists –exploit existing user forums (e.g. JIBS; HE-LTSN, FE-JISC RSC) –new user groups and other ESDS Stakeholder forums

15 Social Science Data Resources (SSDR) site representatives Network of local site representatives to whom ESDS and census data users can turn for information Cover much of UK HE and FE

16 What SSDR Site Reps do for ESDS/Census services test and provide feedback on new versions of the ESDS & CRS systems local site representatives and contacts disseminate literature appropriately about the services within their institutions help host social science and census workshops act as a port-of-call for social science data-related queries (to supplement the existing ESDS & CRS helpdesks)

17 What we do for SSDR Reps are the first to hear about new developments from the ESDS & CRS receive copies of UK Databytes have privileged access to free social science or census workshops receive pertinent user statistical information if required on request, receive ESDS and CRS promotional materials for display in their local institution

18 Outreach & Promotion Contacts Outreach & Training section: Louise Corti, Head Anne Etheridge – Events & publications Sharon Jack - Web

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