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PLANS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL HELIOPHYSICAL YEAR (IHY) Sept 2005 An international program of scientific research Joseph Davila, Barbara Thompson, Nat Gopalswamy.

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Presentation on theme: "PLANS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL HELIOPHYSICAL YEAR (IHY) Sept 2005 An international program of scientific research Joseph Davila, Barbara Thompson, Nat Gopalswamy."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLANS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL HELIOPHYSICAL YEAR (IHY) Sept 2005 An international program of scientific research Joseph Davila, Barbara Thompson, Nat Gopalswamy NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center

2 IHY ( Elements of IHY Plan Coordinated Investigation Programs (CIPs) Distributed small instrument program Education, outreach and IGY History preservation Register at to receive news and update information by email Science HistoryOutreach Distributed Instruments

3 IHY ( Coordinated Investigation Programs (CIPs) Basic unit of scientific research within IHY –Will combine observation and modeling to address an observational objective Grass-Roots Driven, originated by researcher using web form –Draft version being tested now –Available by mid July Many examples identified in planning workshops –Comparative Planetary Aeronomy –Whole Heliosphere Intervals –Reconnection, Shock acceleration, … etc CIPs organized into Universal Processes by coordinators Cross-cutting scientific data analysis workshops organized by Universal Process

4 IHY ( Distributed Instruments Objective is to help facilitate the deployment of distributed instrument arrays –Extension of existing arrays, or new arrays –Provides meaningful participation for developing nations Instrument providers are united with university groups from potential host nations –Potential Instruments, GPS, radio dishes, magnetometers, all-sky cameras, additional neutron monitors, etc. Implemented jointly with United Nations Basic Space Science Program –UNBSS program devoted to this effort through 2009 –Three-year work plan approved by COPUOS and Gen Assembly First Workshop in UAE November 2005 –Instrument concepts selected by Sep 2005, contact Nat Gopalswamy ( to be considered –Other participants selected by Sep 2005

5 IHY (

6 6 Outreach Use upcoming solar eclipses to provide opportunity for young Islamic students to meet scientists, and become interested in science careers Radio receivers to be located in each country visited, monitoring the ionosphere, as part on an international science program to study lightning and sprites. Coordinated with UN-BSS and summer schools

7 IHY ( History IGY Gold Certificates to recognize the contribution of IGY participants (joint with eGY) –Open to all participants in IGY –Recipients provide historical material from IGY –Nomination and criteria available at IHY website –Funded by IUGG Sputnik/Explorer 50 th Anniversary Symposia –Sputnik anniversary (Oct 4, 2007) to be celebrated in Russia –Coordinated ceremony at Russian embassy in Washington, DC –Explorer anniversary (Jan 31, 2008) to be celebrated in US –Yoji Kondo to organize these events

8 IHY ( Organization Chart

9 IHY ( Potential Areas of Science Collaboration IPYeGYIYPE IHY -Climate -Geomagnetic field -Ionospheric structure -Aurora -Ozone -Energetic particle fluences -Virtual Observatories -Capacity Building -Best data practices -Protype data systems -Climate -Geomagnetic field -Human health -Ocean -Life -Societal benefits IYPE -Climate -Groundwater -Resources -Deep Earth -Ocean -Life -Societal benefits -Virtual Observatories -Capacity Building -Best data practices -Prototype data systems eGY -Virtual Observatories -Capacity Building -Best data practices -Protype data systems

10 IHY ( IHY Overall Schedule 2004: Regional coordination meetings, campaigns begin to be defined, synergy/coordination discussions with professional organizations 2005: Synthesis from regional to international, merging of science working groups and campaigns, identifying missing initiatives 2006: Prototyping year, preliminary work, review and finalize campaign proposals, proposals to national funding agencies 2007: IHY campaigns 2008-9: CDAWs, publications, archives

11 IHY ( Near Term Events Calendar IHY-UNBSS Planning Workshop –United Arab Emirates, November 2005 –Contact Nat Gopalswamy ( Over 40 IHY-related sessions at Fall AGU –Distributed Instruments, Polar Window to the Heliosphere, Reconnection a Universal Process, … European Planning Meeting for Coordinated Investigation Programmes –January 2006

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