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Counselors Using Data as a Tool
School Counselor Workshop September 12, 2012
Counselors Using Data as a Tool
Overview – Participants will learn how to enter data into a spreadsheet and prepare a presentation which summarizes the results of the lesson. Session 1 – Review of data terms, survey design and excel worksheets
Counselors Using Data as a Tool cont.
Session 2 – Visualizing data How to integrate data into a spreadsheet and into a PowerPoint presentation. Elements of effective presentations. Session 3 – Presentation of data over time PowerPoint presentation by class New data collection tools Next steps for school counselors
Objectives To discuss-- Review data terms used in ASCA National Model.
Review how data is used in the ASCA National model results reports.
What Does A School Counselor Do?
The ASCA National Model
Examples of Data to Examine
Test Scores Achievement State National Enrollment Honors/AP Classes College Track Special Education Graduation Rate By Gender By Ethnicity By SES Attendance Absences Tardies By Grade Level Discipline By Classroom Types of Problems Gender GPA/Class Rank Retention Rates By Subject Area By Gender, Ethnicity Dropout Rate Grade Levels Gender, Ethnicity… Reasons Why
Program evaluation data
It is critically important that school counselors use data to show the school counseling program’s impact through the evaluation of process, perception, and results data. Process data Perception data Results data
Process Data “What did you do for whom?”
1, th grade students received the “Time to Tell” guidance lesson. Four year plans were completed by 350 freshman students during English 9 classes. Held six five-session counseling groups with eight students each on anger management.
Example of Process Data for one high school
Sixteen high school classroom guidance lessons were taught for (1 per quarter) Eight student support groups (2 per counselor) Forty-eight students participated in support groups 240 consultations regarding immediate student needs with parents, teachers, etc. 150 documented incidents of immediate and critical student interventions 75 documented referrals to outside agencies for families and students. 10
“What others think, know or demonstrate” data.
Perception Data “What others think, know or demonstrate” data. Measures competency achieved, knowledge gained or attitudes beliefs of students Pre-post Competency achievement Surveys Evaluations Measures what students are perceived to have gained in knowledge 11
Perception Data - Examples
Competency Achievement Every student in grades 9-12 completed a 4 year plan Every 10th grade student completed an interest inventory Knowledge Gained 89% of students demonstrate knowledge of high school graduation requirements 92% can identify Early Warning Signs of violence Attitudes or Beliefs 74% of students believe fighting is wrong 29% of students feel safe at school 78% know the name of their school counselor 12
Results Data “So WHAT” data Hard data
Proof that your program has (or has not) positively impacted students ability to utilize the knowledge, attitudes and skills to effect behavior Attendance Behavior Academic achievement 13
Results Report How are students different as a RESULT of what you do?
What does the data tell you? Was the program successful? What worked? What did NOT work? What needs to be changed? 14
Results Data - Examples
42 students on the retention list avoided retention as a result of being in a group. Graduation rates improved 14% over three years. Attendance improved among 9th grade males by 49%. 15
Achievement and Related Data
School counselors should be proficient in the collection, analysis and interpretation of student achievement and related data. School counselors should be proficient in the collection, analysis and interpretation of student achievement and related data
Student Achievement Data
Standardized Test Scores Grade point averages SAT and AT scores Graduation rates Passing all classes Promotion and retention rates Drop out rates Completion of specific academic programs (honors, college prep.)
School Specific Data- Achievement Related Data
Look at the date from the following three areas of achievement related data for your school. Attendance data Tardy data Suspension rates Discuss how you would use this data in selecting a closing the gap lesson based on a ASCA standard & a district performance objective.
Standards & Competency Related Data
Competency Achievement Every student in grades 9-12 completed a 4 year plan Every 10th grade student completed an interest inventory All 3rd grade students achieved competency PS:B1.5 Demonstrate who, where, and how to seek help for solving problems and making decisions.
Disaggregated Data Separating data by variables to see if there are any groups of students who may not be doing as well as others. Gender Ethnicity Socio-economic status (free and reduced lunch) Language spoken at home Grade level, etc.
Disaggregated Data Jefferson County, KY Advanced Placement Enrollment: Race and Gender
Data Over Time To get a true picture of the impact of the school counseling program, it is important to look at data over time. Immediate Intermediate Long Range
Immediate Data Data that measures the immediate impact of knowledge, skills and attitudes change as a result of counseling activity or intervention. Examples: Pre-post test on student competencies addressed in a classroom unit. The number of students who completed a 4-year plan.
Differences Pre- Post (Immediate Data)
Intermediate Data Data collected to measure application of knowledge, attitudes, and skills over a short period of time. Examples: Improved test-taking ability Improved classroom behavior after small-group counseling Improved grades this quarter after homework lessons.
Academic Results Intermediate Data
Start of Group End of Group Students who came off retention list: 6th - 27 7th - 22 8th - 23 Students on retention list: 6th - 81 7th - 73 8th - 103 72 students avoided retention 26
Attendance Data After Intervention for Six Weeks (goal + 5% increase)
Long Range School wide year-to-year, longitudinal student impact data collected for areas such as student attendance, graduation rates, and suspension rates.
African American and Latino 17 Year Olds Do Math at Same Levels As White 13 Year Olds
Source: NAEP 1999 Long Term Trends Summary Tables (online)
Comparison of Attendance Data for Eight Year Span
Percent Attendance 92.27% 93.33%
Percent Without WITH Career Plan
Academic Results Intermediate Data
After Academic Counseling Groups, Percentage of Students Demonstrating GPA Improvement: 37% of 6th graders (64) 24% of 7th graders (47) 72% of 8th graders (46)
Differences Pre- Post (Immediate Data)
Total Number Of Parents Attending Events/activities at Each Target Site
1-Bloom Davidson Ford Gale 5-Lyons Maldonado Reynolds Vesey
Individual Reading Scores Of One Student
The ASCA National Model
Results Reports Ensure programs are implemented, analyzed for effectiveness, and changed/improved as needed Shared with stakeholders Immediate, intermediate, and long-range results
Guidance Curriculum Results
Report documents results of the guidance curriculum lessons delivered to ALL students. Provides process data, perception data & results data. Provides implications and suggestions for next lesson. Turned in to supervisor at end of the year.
Guidance Curriculum Results Report
Report documents results of the guidance curriculum lessons delivered to ALL students. Provides process data, perception data & results data. Provides implications and suggestions for next lesson. Turned in to supervisor at end of the year.
Closing the Gap Results Report
Shows the results of your action plan and gives data – Process – number of students affected Perception – what do students think they know Results – what happened Implications for future lessons
Websites ASCA:
Russ Sabella: Education Trust: LifeBound: Real Game: TUSD” Department, “S” school counselors, elementary career, academic, & personal/social lesson plans, and 9-12 curriculum books. Free to download.
Thank you!!!!!
Judy Bowers, Ed.D. School Counselor Consultant ASCA President
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