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Model Driven Information Sharing (MDIS)
Welcome to the presentation on model driven information sharing and NIEM-UML as envisioned by the OMG. We would like to welcome the distinguished representatives of METI and hope that the work OMG has been doing for information sharing can be of some help in your strategic pursuits. Produced by and copyright © 2013, Data Access Technologies, Inc. / Model Driven Solutions
Introductions Cory Casanave [cory-c at modeldriven dot com]
CEO, Model Driven Solutions Actionable Architectures & Agile Solutions Information Federation, SOA, EA and MDA Development Open Source Supporting a Model Driven Approach ( Object Management Group Board of Directors Standards work: UML, SoaML, BPMN, EDOC, AESIG, SIMF, Etc. GovDTF: Chair – Open Government Workgroup W3C Government Linked Data (GLD) Workgroup Government NIEM: Co-chair NIEM-UML PIM Submission Team CIO Council/DAS: Open Government Vocabularies Workgroup Various government enterprise, information, SOA and systems I would like to introduce myself and give each a chance for such an introduction. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Agenda Introductions OMG Model Driven Information Sharing at the OMG
Overview of NIEM-UML Next Steps – Semantic Information Modeling for Federation (SIMF) Creating an IEPD with NIEM-UML (Demo) Optional: NIEM-UML Specification Concepts in Detail Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
OMG Model Driven Information Sharing
Information Sharing Roadmap OMG Model Driven Information Sharing The OMG information sharing workgroup has been working on a roadmap and taxonomy to support the full life-cycle of information sharing. Standards Coordination Workgroup
Standards & Framework Taxonomy
Content Process Service Policy* Requirements Definition (Focus – Users) Mission Context Content Definition Process Definition Services Definition Policies Definition Representation Standards Content Representation Process Representation Services Representation Policy Representation Interoperability Roadmap Scope Technical Standards Data Standards Process Standards Service Standards Policy Standards This taxonomy provides a way to categorize and relate the various standards, definitions and technologies relevant to information sharing. The OMG workgroup is focused on rows 2 and 3. This highlights that while information structure and semantics in critical, it is but one component of the information sharing solution. Interoperability Specifications Data Schema Process Orchestration Service Interfaces Executable Rules Implementation Frameworks Schema & Management Process Orchestration Service Components Policy Execution * Includes Security & Privacy Rules
Specification Layering
Requirements Definition (Focus – Users) User relevant requirements and specifications of functionality from the users perspective EG: Suspicious activity reporting requirements Representation Standards Languages, notations and formats representing functional and technical specifications EG: UML & NIEM-UML Technical Standards General technical capabilities and standards that may be used to provide user functionality EG: WS-Encryption, NIEM-XML This slide provides definitions and examples for the rows. Interoperability Specifications Specifications for interoperability and information sharing that implement a functional specification using a set of technical standards EG: SAR Specification in NIEM-XML IEPD and Web Services Implementation Frameworks Technologies and products that implement a set of technical standards in support of implementing interoperability specifications EG: .NET or JEE
Information Sharing Viewpoints
Content Process Service Policy* Requirements Definition (Focus – Users) What we can know and communic-ate structured in terms of concepts, terms and symbols we understand What we do and when we do it. Processes use and produce information, assets and services How we interact to exchange information, products and services for mutual benefit Rules about content, process and services based on security, privacy and other concerns Representation Standards Technical Standards This slide provides definitions for the columns. Interoperability Specifications
Frameworks Data Process Service Policy Framework
Frameworks are coherent and mutually supportive sets of capabilities that satisfy the needs of a stakeholder group across the standards taxonomy Several Other Frameworks Here we introduce the concept of a framework – a set of mutually supportive capabilities, ones that can be used together.
XML / Web Services Technical Capability Framework
Data Process Service Policy Technical Standards Data Standards Process Standards Service Standards Policy Standards XML / Web Services Framework NIEM-XML BPEL WS* GRA GFIPM XACML WS Security Encryption IEF Several This provides an example of the XML / Web services framework. Other Frameworks What is agreed between technical systems sharing information
Services Specification
UML/MDA Framework Content Process Service Policy Representation Standards Content Representation Process Representation Services Representation Policy Representation UML Framework NIEM-UML Activity Diagrams UML-BPMN UML SoaML GRA TBD (IEPV?) Requirements Definition Process Specification Content Services Specification Policies Represents This shows the in-progress UML framework XML / Web Services Framework NIEM-XML WS* GRA GFIPM XACML WS Security Encryption IEPV BPEL Generates 1 4 2 3 Roadmap
Implementation Frameworks
Data Process Service Policy Implementation Frameworks Schema & Management Process Orchestration Service Components Policy Execution Implements Implements Implements Implements Java/JEE Framework JAXB JDOM JBPM BPELJ ActiveBPEL Services Beans Java Security Technology stacks, proprietary or open source, implement the frameworks. .NET and JEE are such frameworks. Many .NET Framework NIEM-XML Biztalk ASP .NET ASP .NET ? Implementations of Sharing Specifications – Out of our scope for standards
Wide Scope of Information Sharing
Information Sharing Architecture Content Enable the full life-cycle of information sharing Across diverse technologies, standards, communities and systems Process Services Security/Privacy Policies Information Sharing Specifications Back-end Stakeholders & Systems (Consume and/or supply information) We strive to support the full lifecycle of information sharing, this includes full sharing specifications and adapters to the people and systems that share information. This is supported by viewpoints of content, process, services and policies. Adapters Implement Adapt NIEM-XML / Other XML RDF / JASON / EDI WS*/REST/PubSub XACML, GFIPM Etc… Code XSLT OWL/Sparql Brokers Anything Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Model Driven Information Sharing With
NIEM-UML This is the NIEM-UML high-level introduction Produced by and copyright © 2012, Data Access Technologies, Inc. / Model Driven Solutions
NIEM in the Standards Taxonomy
Content Process Service Policy* Requirements Definition (Focus – Users) Mission Context Content Definition Process Definition Services Definition Policies Definition Representation Standards NIEM-UML Content Representation Process Representation Services Representation Policy Representation Technical Standards NIEM-XML Data Standards Process Standards Service Standards Policy Standards The NIEM XML specifications define the technology used to share information, NIEM-UML defines how it is represented in a more business-friendly way. Interoperability Specifications Data Schema Process Orchestration Service Interfaces Executable Rules Implementation Frameworks Schema & Management Process Orchestration Service Components Policy Execution * Includes Security & Privacy Rules
NIEM-UML Players The National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) is a well established U.S. sponsored program and community for standardized information exchange. The NIEM Program is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). The effort was co-sponsored by the NIEM-PMO ( and the Information Sharing Environment ( The Object Management Group (OMG) is a leading industry consensus organization specifying many of the popular modeling and middleware standards. OMG Experts brought modeling & OMG process expertise. The NIEM community and experts, such as Georgia Tech, Microsoft-Services, Search (nonprofit) and others contributed to the standard. Commercial organizations such as Nomagic (UML tool vendor), Model Driven Solutions, Tethersend and Everwere-CBDI
NIEM-UML Status The final NIEM-UML specification was recommended for adoption by the Object Management Group Government Domain Task Force ( and architecture board June 2012 and adopted by the Board of Directors. Implementations of the specification are already available and pilot projects have started– the PMO is seeking additional pilot projects. The specification and associated resources are available at: Recorded webinar: Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Repeatable, Reusable Process
The Foundation of NIEM Common Language (Data Model Lifecycle) Repeatable, Reusable Process (Exchange Specification Lifecycle) Lets start with the foundations of NIEM The NIEM ʘ data model provides a common vocabulary of agreed-upon terms, definitions, and formats for information exchange - independent of the way information is stored in individual systems. The ʘ NIEM Core, includes data elements that are commonly understood across many established communities, or domains. The petal-like objects that extend from the NIEM Core represent the NIEM Domains. There are currently 15 NIEM domains defined. ʘ A standardized process for developing exchanges and new domains is repeated and reused throughout all NIEM communities. Built and governed by the business users at Federal, State, Local, Tribal and Private Sectors Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
People & Organizations Sharing Information
Technology NIEM is about People, Organizations and communities ʘ Exchanging information ʘ Using technologies To be practical, information exchange needs to be easy, fast, repeatable and reliable. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Information Exchange Based On NIEM
Specifies Rules XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004 Information Exchange using technologies requires that the structure, format and semantics of the data as it is “in motion” “on the wire” be precisely understood and specified Information Exchange using technology requires that the structure, format and semantics of the data as it is “in motion” or “on the wire” be well understood and specified ʘ The NIEM XML technical specifications define rules for creating information exchange packages that define the in-motion data “on the wire” using XML technologies. XML data “on the wire” Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Information sharing bits & bytes XML Data-In-Motion “on the wire”
Manual Production XML data “on the wire” People think about the ʘ information they need to share ʘ NIEM-XM defines the structure of “data on the wire” using XML technologies Worrying about business information needs along with the bits and bytes of hundreds of technology rules ʘ can get complicated and requires that the technical specification be manually produced Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Information sharing based on NIEM-UML
Automatic Generation w/ NIEM UML NIEM-UML XML data “on the wire” NIEM-UML helps address the complexities of information sharing technologies ʘ UML provides high-level information models That are easier for people and organizations to understand ʘ Tools automatically generate the bits and bytes needed for on-the-wire specifications based on the NIEM-UML standard ʘ The way NIEM-UML is modeled and generates technology specifications is based on the model driven architecture standards of the object management group Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Using Model Driven Architecture for NIEM
Using Model Driven Architecture (MDA) for NIEM Information Exchange has multiple advantages Models are easier for both business and technical stakeholders to understand MDA helps reduce the time and cost to develop and maintain information sharing solutions NIEM Naming, design and packaging rules are automatically applied and validated Processes, services and information can be part of a coherent system and system of systems architecture across the full life-cycle of solutions Multiple technologies can be supported using different MDA generation patterns, such as JSON or the Semantic Web Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
OMG-MDA standards you probably already know about
For example, a few include: Unified Modeling Language UML®, a standardized modeling language Business Process Modeling Notation BPMNTM , allows businesses understanding of their internal business procedures Common Warehouse Metamodel CWMTM, the integration of the last two data warehousing initiatives Meta-Object Facility MOFTM, a repository standard XML Metadata Interchange XMI®, a XML-UML standard SoaML Service Oriented Modeling Language There are a lot of OMG-MDA standards you probably already know about For example, UML and BPMN NIEM-UML becomes part of this family of standards NIEM-UML becomes part of this family of standards Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
From UML to NIEM Exchanges
NIEM Domain Concepts NIEM-UML extends and tailors the unified modeling language (OMG standard) NIEM-UML Profile MODELS NIEM Exchange NIEM-UML Transforms UML, the unified modeling language, is the OMG standard on which NIEM-UML is based Modeling for NIEM is defined using the built-in extension mechanisms of UML This is called a UML “profile”. The NIEM-UML profile extends and tailors UML to fully model NIEM information concepts as understood by stakeholders Another part of the NIEM-UML specification, the transforms, define how tools produce NIEM technical specification from NIEM-UML models as well as how to convert technical specifications into models – providing for “round trip” engineering. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Reuse is the key to NIEM The NIEM “Core” and domain reference vocabularies provide the basis for the reuse that is central to NIEM. These vocabularies are now available as NIEM-UML models Building on and reusing what others have done is a core value of NIEM. NIEM provides reusable reference vocabularies that span multiple domains These vocabularies are now available as NIEM-UML models Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Modeling reuse via subsetting
This is the subset of person for our particular exchange need The is the reference model for person from “NIEM-Core” A big part of using NIEM is subsetting the reference vocabularies for a particular need. NIEM-UML helps this subsetting process by providing high-level UML models of the reference vocabularies and a way to take just the parts your need in an exchange. This is all part of the NIEM-UML modeling process Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Using NIEM-UML to Model Information Exchanges
Profile NIEM-UML Information Exchange Model Design and Model XML data “on the wire” Using the NIEM-UML profile with UML modeling tools, ʘ domain experts combine their own unique needs with the ʘ NIEM reference vocabularies to ʘ design information exchange models that will ultimately produce NIEM information exchange packages that power XML “on the wire” technologies Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Using NIEM-UML to define new NIEM domains
Profile Design and Model In the same way, NIEM-UML can help users create new domain vocabularies that will extend NIEM, domains created with NIEM-UML will have both a UML and XML representation Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Supporting Multiple Technologies
Model Driven Architecture Supporting Multiple Technologies Potential standards and/or implementations to support RDF, JSON and Other Exchange Technologies Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM-UML Vocabularies
XML Primitive Types NIEM-UML Model Libraries NIEM-UML Profiles and Transforms NIEM Vocabulary PIM Profile Uses NIEM Domain Vocabularies NIEM Core Vocabulary Extends & References Vocabulary Model For One or More Exchanges User’s UML NIEM Models Includes NIEM MPD PIM Profile Uses Platform Independent Model of a Specific MPD This slide shows parts of NIEM-UML and a NIEM-UML IEPD (Information Exchange Package Description) Conforms to Transform Specification Transforms Between NIEM PSM Profile Uses Platform Specific Model of a Specific MPD Generated Based on NIEM-UML Conforms to Mapping Specification Maps Between Conforms to Existing NIEM NDR and MPD Platform Specifications A NIEM MPD
NIEM-UML Vocabularies
XML Primitive Types NIEM-UML Model Libraries NIEM-UML Profiles and Transforms NIEM Vocabulary PIM Profile Uses NIEM Domain Vocabularies NIEM Core Vocabulary Extends & References Vocabulary Model For One or More Exchanges User’s UML NIEM Models Includes NIEM MPD PIM Profile Uses Platform Independent Model of a Specific MPD Platform Specific Model a NIEM Model in RDF A NIEM RDF Schema RDF Metamodel (ODM) RDF/S Maps Between Uses Conforms to Transform Specification Mapping Specification Transforms Between Generated Based on NIEM-UML Introduce RDF Support This slide shows how, with different mapping specifications, RDF or any other serialization technology could be supported as well.
NIEM-UML Summary NIEM-UML is a new NIEM specification that provides for modeling NIEM in UML and producing or reverse engineering information exchange technical specifications This reduces the time, cost and learning curve of information exchange using NIEM MDA also provides for other aspects of the information sharing solution, such as: business processes, SOA services and back-end system integration Since NIEM-UML generates 100% NIEM conformant technical specifications, NIEM-UML Architects and Developers don’t need to worry about as much about the technology details NIEM-UML can be extended to support other technologies, such as JSON and the semantic web NIEM-UML has been adopted by the OMG, tools are available now and more are being built Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Information on NIEM-UML
More information Information on NIEM Information on NIEM-UML Contact Us Thank you for your interest in NIEM-UML Additional information and more tutorials are available on and Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
SIMF What's Next? Semantic Information Modeling for Federation
A current OMG standards effort Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
SIMF Architecture Model Bridging Relations Kernel
Subject focused conceptual models define the concepts, predicates, integrity rules and terms of a domain that can be related to each other Kernel Conceptual Domain Models SIMF Scope Solution focused logical information elements represent information structures and integrity rules that can use and extend other information Logical Information Models This shows the architectures asked for in the SIMF (Semantic Information Modeling for Federation) RFP, which is currently underway. Technology focused physical data schema are grounded in logical data models which define their context and semantics Physical Data Schema
What is Federation? Combining multiple independently conceived data sources and/or systems and using them together for analytics and other purposes. Example: A sales department may want to combine public, internal and external information about prospect companies as part of their CRM system Key term: Independently conceived Different systems may use different structures, technologies, vocabularies, identifiers or theories when expressing information about the same things. Sharing information between potentially independent organizations (and their independently conceived systems). Example: U.S. Government Information Sharing Environment ( initiative to combat terrorism and other threats to the U.S.
SIMF Language Definition
Defined Using OMG Diagram Definition Kernel Ontology SIMF Conceptual Model Defined Using Conceptual Domain Concepts Represented In SIMF Kernel SIMF Notation Graphical + Textual Grounds Model Bridging Concepts For Logical Information Concepts SIMF Metamodel Defined Using This shows the expected components of SIMF submissions. LIM Defined Using CDM Optional Formal Logic Defined Using RDF Semantic Bridge Semantic Bridge OMG MOF/SMOF Defines XML Copyright (c) ModelDriven Solutions
SIMF Language Federation
SIMF Conceptual Model OWL Metamodel Semantic Bridge Semantic Bridge XSD Metamodel Conceptual Domain Concepts Semantic Bridge Semantic Bridge Model Bridging Concepts SQL DDL Metamodel Semantic Bridge Semantic Bridge Logical Information Concepts UML Metamodel Semantic Bridge Semantic Bridge This is a conceptual slide to show how a SIMF semantic conceptual model can be used is a “pivot point” between multiple representations of the same concepts. Abstraction of information modeling concepts found in more than one reference language E/R Metamodel Semantic Bridge Semantic Bridge SIMF Metamodel Semantic Bridge Semantic Bridge
Example of “Pivoting” through a conceptual model
There is an actual “Person”, Cory Casanave There is a concept of this person shared in this meeting, right now Here is one representation of him “Person” is a shared concept, independent of data structures There may also be shared agreement that Cory is a person and some other “facts” “Cory Casanave” is a name for this person He weighs 240 LBS There are multiple data representations about Cory Casanave which may or may not agree Those representations can be grounded in concepts (semantics), assisting federation . Concept of “Cory Casanave” Concept of a “Person” <PersonType> <NameText>Cory Casanave</NameText> <Weight-LBS>240</Weight-LBS> </PersonType> Excel UML XML Representations
How does SIMF relate to…
As a federation capability, “overlap” with other views of information, semantics and conceptual models is required and intended. So if your saying : We can do that with {OWL, Rules, UML, XSLT, CL, My Product…} we want to listen. It is expected that other standards will be proposed by submitters to fulfill requirements as part of the SIMF specification Since there are multiple choices for what to reuse and how these existing standards should be integrated into the SIMF solution, the choice of standards to leverage for the SIMF domain specific language is the purview of the submitter and not prescribed by the RFP. It is intended that SIMF build on existing languages!
Summary of SIMF Requirements
Conceptual Model of SIMF expressed in SIMF notation Conceptual Domain Model Logical Information Model Model Bridging Relations Grounding in formal logic (Common Logic Default) Textual and graphical notations Bridging to common information modeling languages ER, SQL DDL, XSD, UML, SBVR, OWL, RDFS Metamodel and exchange format for OMG-MOF and (Optionally) RDF Copyright (c) ModelDriven Solutions
Quick Demo – Creating an IEPD with NIEM-UML
Context Health Care Information Exchange Based on design done by Tony Mallia Presented to OMG’s Healthcare Interoperability Workshop Subject is exchange of healthcare medical condition involving a client (patient) and Healthcare Service Provider Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Information to be shared
Client – a healthcare consumer Service Provider – a person in an organization providing healthcare Service Provided – associates clients and service providers A Healthcare Organization Information about and identifiers for the people (clients and service providers) Medical condition information Includes diagnosis, problem, etc. Various code lists for medical problems All the above “packaged” for a healthcare information exchange Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Lets Build (most of) This In NIEM-UML
Demonstration Lets Build (most of) This In NIEM-UML Switching to UML tool Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM-UML Specification
The remainder of this presentation is backup material going into more detail on the NIEM-UML specification, should questions come up. Translation is not required. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Conformance Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Support for PIM & PSM Perspectives
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM-UML Layered Architecture
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
What is the NIEM PIM Profile?
A simplified subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) A set of UML constructs and stereotypes Extends UML to represent NIEM business concepts Business concepts are augmented with NIEM-Platform mapping information Enforces NIEM rules by leveraging OCL – a valid NIEM-UML model will produce a valid MPD Representations correspond to commonly used UML patterns with well defined mapping to NIEM platform Provides a generalized information modeling environment not specific to NIEM schema Supports mapping to and from the NIEM platform, supporting and enforcing the NDR and MPD E.g. name prefix and suffixes are added as specified by NIEM rules Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Profiles and Transforms
NIEM-UML PIM Models XML Primitive Types NIEM-UML Model Libraries NIEM-UML Profiles and Transforms PIM Profile Uses NIEM Domain Model NIEM Core Model Extends & References PIM Model For One or More Exchanges User’s UML NIEM Models Includes Model Package Description Profile Uses Model of a Specific MPD Conforms to Transform Specification Transforms Between PSM Profile Uses Platform Specific Model of a Specific MPD Generated Based on NIEM-UML Conforms to Transform Specification Transforms Between Conforms to Existing NIEM NDR and MPD Platform Specifications A NIEM MPD Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM-UML Profiles Getting Down to Detail
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM-UML Profile Structure
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Common Profile Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Platform Independent Profile
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Platform Specific Profile
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Namespaces Example Namespace (Package)
Namespace represents a namespace, which is implemented in XML Schema as a “schema” schema component. Namespace includes the following attributes: isConformant, namespace, and version. Example Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Information Models (PIM Only)
InformationModel (Package) Extends Namespace for the PIM Adds “default purpose” Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Relations between namespaces (PIM Only)
InformationModel (Package) Packages can “use” other packages Packages can <<Reference>> and subset reference packages Supports MPD/IEPD packaging Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Representation of Complex Types
NIEM Complex Type Representation in the NIEM-PIM Object Type Class – no stereotype is required, Object Type is the default. Role Type Use of <<RoleOf>> association and or <<RolePlayedBy>> generalization referencing the complex signifies that type is a role. Association Type <<AssociationType>> stereotype applied to the complex type or a UML association class. Metadata Type <<MetadataType>> stereotype applied to the complex type. Augmentation Type <<Augmentation>> stereotype applied to the complex type. Adapter Type <<AdapterType>> stereotype applied to the complex type. The initial version of the PIM does not include adapter types, these will be added in the final specification. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Object Types NIEM Object Types
An object type is represented as a UML class, no stereotype is required. (PIM Only). In a PSM an object type must be stereotyped an <<ObjectType>> PIM Only Equivalent Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Your basic “thing” in XML
<xsd:complexType name="PersonType"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:appinfo> <i:Base i:name="Object" i:namespace=" </xsd:appinfo> <xsd:documentation>A data type for a human being.</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="s:ComplexObjectType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ref="nc:PersonBirthDate"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ref="nc:PersonName"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ref="nc:PersonSSNIdentification"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="PersonBirthDate" nillable="false" type="nc:DateType"> <xsd:documentation>A date a person was born.</xsd:documentation> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="PersonName" nillable="false" type="nc:PersonNameType"> <xsd:documentation>A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.</xsd:documentation> <xsd:element name="PersonSSNIdentification" nillable="false" type="nc:IdentificationType"> <xsd:documentation>A unique reference to a living person; assigned by the United States Social Security Administration.</xsd:documentation> Elements are used in XSD data structures Every element becomes global for reuse ( Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Roles RolePlayedBy
Where a role represents an optional extension to an object type a <<RolePlayedBy>> stereotype of generalization may be used – maps to a NIEM RoleOf property. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Roles NIEM Roles UML also has the capability to represent roles in their simpler form as UML association ends (The names on the ends of lines in a class diagram) or properties. To represent roles that are complex types a class or data type is used. NIEM Role Concept Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM & UML Associations
NIEM Associations (PIM Only) Alternative: As UML includes a first-class concept of association classes, A NIEM association may also be represented as a UML association class (Line with a class attached by a dotted line), optionally having the <<AssociationType>> stereotype. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Associations NIEM Associations
A UML Class stereotyped as an <<AssociationType>> represents a NIEM association using the rules of complex types. Each end of the NIEM association is represented as an independent UML association (an association line in a class diagram). The end is named on the related object side of the UML association and the cardinality of this relation will be the number of such objects that can participate in each association, this cardinality is usually one. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Augmentations NIEM Augmentations
An Augmentation type is represented as a UML class with the <<AugmentationType>> Stereotype. A property typed by an augmentation type may have an <<AugmentationApplication>> dependency which restricts the class of objects that may contain a property typed by an augmentation (this is sometimes called the properties “domain”). Properties without an <<AugmentationApplication>> may be properties of any NIEM object. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Augmentations NIEM Augmentations (PIM Only)
A generalization can be marked to <<Augments>> an <<AugmentationType>>. Inheriting an augmentation creates an augmentation property. <<Augments>> restricts what an augmentation can augment Subclassing an augmentation turns into a augmentation property. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Metadata NIEM Metadata
A Metadata type is represented as a UML class with the <<MetaDataType>> Stereotype. A Metadata type may have a <<MetadataApplication>> dependency which restricts the class of objects the metadata may be applied to. Metadata without a <<MetadataApplication>> may be applied to any NIEM object. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Adapter Types Adapter Types
An adapter type is a NIEM object type that adapts external models for use within NIEM. An adapter type creates a new class of object that embodies a single concept composed of external elements. [NIEM-NDR 7.7] Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Modeling Simple Types Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
DataType and Related Elements
DataType (UML) DataTypes represents a simple type, which is implemented in XML Schema as a simple type definition component. PrimitiveType and Enumeration are kinds of DataTypes ValueRestriction, Union, and List stereotypes may be applied to DataType Realization or Generalization may relate DataTypes Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
DataType and Related Elements
PrimitiveType (UML) Represents XML types and subtypes of them. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM CODE Lists NIEM Code Types
Code types are represented as UML enumerations. Each code value is one value of the enumeration. An enumeration may <<Realize>> another DataType to indicate restriction. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
DataType and Related Elements
ValueRestriction (DataType) ValueRestriction represents the facets of a simple type, which are implemented in XML Schema as the facets property of a simple type definition component. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
DataType and Related Stereotypes
Union (DataType) Union represents a union simple type, represented in XML Schema as a simple type definition component for which the variety property is “union”. A dependency marked as <<UnionOf>> references each member of the union. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
DataType and Related Stereotypes
List (DataType) List represents a list simple type, represented in XML Schema as a simple type definition component for which the variety property is “list”. A single property with an arbitrary name indicates the type of the list PIM Only Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Modeling NIEM Properties
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Properties NIEM Properties Non-reference properties:
Properties are represented as properties of UML classes or as ends of associations. Information from the UML property or association end definition includes the name, type and cardinality. Associations are only used in a PIM. . PIM Only Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Property Reuse NIEM Property Reuse and Subset Schema
UML has no notion of properties independent of any class and the normal way to handle this in UML is to define classes, perhaps abstract, that are inherited. To be consistent with UML all properties are defined within a class (or data type). The <<References>> stereotype of realization is used to import properties from one class to another (perhaps in another name-space) to provide for the property reuse that is a principle of NIEM. The defining class can be complex type, an abstract type or a <<PropertyHolder>>. Property holders are a NIEM-PIM Stereotype specificity to hold properties not owned by a class in the namespace (top level properties). Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Subsetting a Reference Vocabulary (PIM Only)
NIEM Property Reuse and Subset Schema Classes and packages may subset NIEM reference vocabularies. <<Reference>> Subset for a particular exchange Reference Vocabulary Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Substitution Groups
NIEM Properties A substitution group is represented by UML property subsetting. A property that subsets another will be substitutable for the base property. All subset properties within a name space are normally grouped together into a single class with the name of the base property combined with the suffix “SubstitutionGroup” (Current implementation is generating “PropertyHolder”). Substitution groups are also declared as a <<PropertyHolder>> since the containing class is not consequential, it is simple a holder for the group of substitutable properties. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Platform Specific Profile
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Platform Specific Profile
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
XSD Property (Property)
Indicates the implementation of a NIEM property: whether it is an element or attribute declaration, its value constraint property, and its nillable property. kind attribute: whether an element or attribute declaration. fixed attribute: the value of the value constraint property. nillable: the value of the nillable property. Property is attribute or element fixed or not nillable or not Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
XSD AnyProperty (Property)
Indicates a XML Schema wildcard. processContents attribute: the value of the process contents property. valueNamespace attribute: the value of the namespace constraint property. Extension and exchange schemas only Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
SequenceID (Property)
Indicates an attribute use for which the attribute declaration is structures:sequenceID. SequenceID only applies to NIEM 1.0 Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
XSD Representation Restriction (DataType)
Indicates that the facets property of the XML Schema simple type definition includes a whiteSpace component. whiteSpace attribute: value of the whiteSpace component. Not really related to Pet Adoption Just an example of a Restriction Collapse white space in the value. Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
XSD Declaration (Realization)
Indicates the element or attribute declaration of an element or attribute use. client: the element or attribute use supplier: the element or attribute declaration Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
XSD SimpleContent (Realization)
Indicates the content type of a complex type definition. client: the complex type definition supplier: the content type of the complex type definition, a simple type definition CSC - designates the simple content as decimal Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Model Package Description Profile
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Model Package Description Model
Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
IEPD Example A MPD <<imports>> one or more information models that it requires. Information models may <<use>> other models, these will be included in the IEPD Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Model Package Description
Models the MPD (IEPD) Artifact and metadata Drives the generation of the MPD Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Overriding defaults <<ModelPackageDescriptionFile>> may provide additional information on the information models or other artifacts used in the MPD. <<ModelPackageDescriptionRelationship>> models the relationship between MPDs, for example, between revisions Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM Reference Vocabularies
Core (NIEM Core) Reference (Combined) common.ansi_d20 common.apco common.atf common.cbrncl common.census common.dea common.dod_jcs-pub2.0-misc common.edxl-cap common.edxl-de common.edxl-have common.edxl common.fbi common.fips_10-4 common.fips_5-2 common.fips_6-4 common.geospatial common.have-codes common.hazmat common.icism common.iso_3166 common.iso_4217 common.iso_639-3 common.itis common.lasd common.mmucc_2 common.mn_offense common.nga common.nlets common.nonauthoritative-code common.sar common.twpdes common.ucr common.unece_rec20-misc common.usps_states common.ut_offender-tracking-misc core domains.emergencyManagement domains.familyServices domains.infrastructureProtection domains.intelligence domains.jxdm domains.maritime domains.screening external.cap external.have external.ogc Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
NIEM-UML Vendors Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
Model Driven Solutions
Developed the NIEM-UML PIM and First Implementation Model Driven Solutions (MDS) is the services division of Data Access Technologies, Inc., a small business headquartered in North Virginia, founded in Our primary customers are government and large corporations. MDS provides a Model Driven approach to business and information systems solutions. Perhaps we can provide you with a 2 or 4 day “quick start” on NIEM-UML? Providing Enterprise Architecture Business Architecture Information Architecture Information Sharing Services Architecture Systems Architecture Executable Systems Automated Federation Open Source Tooling Using Semantic Technologies Unified Modeling Language NIEM-UML Business Process Modeling Notation Service Oriented Architecture Model Driven Architecture Industry Standards Open Source & Commercial Products Model Driven Information Sharing with NIEM-UML
No Magic Inc. Founded in 1995 Privately owned No Magic’s Cameo Suite
Fully integrated solution suite No Magic included in the Magic Quadrant for Business Process Analysis Tools OMG® standards-compliant products for UML 2 Teamwork Collaboration Enterprise Architecture Systems Engineering Simulation Parametrics NIEM SOA Ontology BPMN 2.0 Data Modeling Requirements Management Model Driven Development Interoperability And many other 3rd party and open source
Cameo NIEM-UML Plugin Requirements: MagicDraw 17.0.1
(or later) - Standard through Enterprise Editions QVT Plugin
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