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August 7th Objectives: Materials distribution, Intro to AP Agenda:

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Presentation on theme: "August 7th Objectives: Materials distribution, Intro to AP Agenda:"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 7th Objectives: Materials distribution, Intro to AP Agenda: Turn in summer assignment Discuss syllabus (available online), receive calendar Introduction to Advanced Placement Do Now: Fill out your student information index card PRINTING your FULL name, parents names, parent phone number, and parent address as shown on the white board Homework: AP World History Agreement needs to be signed by you and your parents and returned tomorrow!

2 August 8th Objectives: Summer Reading Discussion Agenda: Turn in AP Agreement, pick up tonight’s homework, practice class procedures, discuss summer reading Homework: “The Beginnings of History” reading and questions due tomorrow

3 August 9th Objectives: Target 1.1 Agenda: turn in homework, discuss and analyze Paleolithic lifeways & complete Paleolithic notes; Time Review worksheet Do Now: Define and explain animism. Homework: Strayer textbook pages with reading questions due Friday

4 August 10th Objectives: Target 1.2 Agenda: Neolithic Revolution power point & guided notes Do Now: Describe social hierarchies among Paleolithic (hunter & gatherer) peoples. Homework: None 

August 13th Objectives: Target 1.2 Agenda: Watch John Greene Neolithic Rev video; Nomads versus Civilizations Chart Do Now: Name 3 places that farming, and thus civilization, began. Name the location of the first civilization. Homework: Strayer textbook pages and reading questions REMINDER: PICTURE DAY TOMORROW!

6 August 14th Objectives: 1.3 II Agenda: Characteristics of All Civilizations List; Mesopotamia & Egypt Chart groupwork Do Now: Describe hierarchy and patriarchy in the First Civilizations. Homework: Strayer textbook p and questions

7 August 15th Objectives: 1.3 II A-C, 1.3 III A-C, G Agenda: turn in homework, Mesopotamia & Egypt JIGSAW Do Now: Describe what a state is and explain how it replaced kinship as a way of organizing society. Homework: None 

8 August 16th Objectives: 1.3 III D, G, & H Agenda: Complete Early Civilizations Notes, John Green Indus River Valley Video, Primary sources whole group discussion (Epic of Gilgamesh, Code of Hammurabi; Book of the Dead) Do Now: Define city-state, state, and empire Homework: Strayer textbook p & questions – download from the online classroom

9 August 17th Objectives: 1.3 III E & F & 2.1 V A Agenda: Homework check, Early Civilizations and Interactions: Religions Notes, primary source work with either signature seals or Nubian artwork Do Now: How did Buddhism challenge the beliefs and social structure of Hinduism? Homework: Strayer p. 128 – 133 & reading questions; Chinese philosophies primary sources and notes

10 August 20th Objectives: 2.1 II B, & C Agenda: Turn in homework, Early China Timeline, Chinese philosophies notes, Chinese philosopher discussion Do Now: In your own words, explain either Daoism or Confucianism. Homework: None 

11 August 21st Objectives: Time Period I - ALL Agenda: whole-class discussion of Time Period I & pair work on one learning target, whole-class learning target sharing Do Now: What do you think is the most important development in human history that occurred between 10,000BCE and 600 BCE? Defend. Homework: Early Civilizations SPRITE Chart

12 August 22nd Objectives: AP World History Skill 4: Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence Agenda: essay question instructions, essay planning and thesis writing Do Now: Brainstorm ideas relating to the following question: Compare and contrast the ways Egypt and Mesopotamia were influenced by their respective environments. Homework: None 

13 August 23rd Objectives: AP World History Skill 4: Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence Agenda: planning and thesis writing; essay puzzle activity Do Now: At the top of the essay outline worksheet from yesterday, fill in the necessary information for roman numeral one. (context and 3 thesis points). Homework: Strayer and and reading questions (in Week 3 folder)

14 August 24th Objectives: 2.2 Overview Agenda: “What is an empire?”, Empires overview & Crain Brinton paradigm of the rise and fall of empires; Persian Empire Notes Do Now: How can an empire gain and keep power? Describe some of the methods discussed by Strayer Homework: None 

15 August 27th Objectives:. 2.2 II A, B, C, 2.3 III A, & 2.1 V B Agenda: Rise and Fall of Empires flow chart; Greece Power Point Do Now: List at least two similarities and two differences between the early Greek and the early Persian (Achaemenid) Empires. Put an P, C, or E beside each similarity or difference to designate if you think it is a political, cultural, or economic category. Homework: Strayer p and questions (located in Time Period II folder of the Online Classroom)

16 August 28th Objectives: 2.1 II E, 2.2 III D Agenda: Ancient Greece powerpoint and Notes Do Now: Copy this definition: Axial Age – a time period in which people questioned traditional religious practices and created alternatives that dealt more with morality and a personal connection to the gods. Homework: Strayer p & w/ questions (online)

17 August 29th Objectives: 2.2 Overview Agenda: Han China and Rome Notes; John Green Rome video Do Now: Create a Venn Diagram for Rome and Han China. List at least one similarity and difference for each category: political, cultural, and economic. INCLUDE WHO DOES THE WORK in each empire. Homework: Maps of Classical Empires – all info online & maps, too.

18 August 30th Objectives: 2.2 II A & 2.2 III A – D Agenda: Finish Rome & Han Notes; Han & Rome Comparison activity Do Now: Discuss 3 specific ways government in Imperial Rome and Han China were able to project their power over larger areas than the River Valley Civilizations? Homework: Han and Rome SPRITE Chart - No Greeks & Persians, just H & R.

19 August 31st Objectives: 2.2 ALL Agenda: Discuss SPRITE Chart; Rome & Han Timeline/Rise and Fall of Empires work Do Now: Brainstorm several causes for the collapse of Classical Period empires like the Han and Rome. Homework: India reading and questions online – Due on WEDNESDAY

20 September 4th Objectives: Target 2.2 Agenda: Partial Essay: “Compare and contrast the development government, society, and economics in the Han and Roman Empires.” Do Now: Create a T-chart on a whole sheet of paper. Label it “Han” and “Rome” at the top and list the following categories down the left side: centralization, bureaucracy, supply lines & infrastructure, the incorporation of new people into the military draft, patriarchy, production of food, social structures, cities Think of examples of how both empires use these methods to exert political control over their peoples. Homework: Be certain you finish your India reading and Notes. Complete the intro and body paragraph if you didn’t get done in class

21 September 5th Objectives: 2.1 II A Bullet 3, 2.1 III First Target, 2.2 IV A & B Agenda: Maurya-Gupta India power point Do Now: Identify two important comparisons between the Maurya and Gupta Empires Homework: Strayer w/ questions

22 September 6th Objectives: Interpretation of Primary Sources Agenda: Classical Empires & Social Hierarchy Chart; Rome Life of Augustus, Han Discourses on Salt and Iron, and Indian Bhagavad Gita primary sources discussion Do Now: Write this Definition: The Pax Romana (31 CE-180 CE) is a period of the Roman imperial history characterized by government stability, extensive and lucrative trade, and the apex of Hellenistic culture. Homework: Review classical empires notes and information for quiz tomorrow.

23 September 7th Objectives: Classical Empires Quiz!!!!! Agenda: Beast the Freakin Quiz  Do Now: Prepare to Beast Homework: Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism Readings and Note Taking – look at the READINGS AND POWER POINTS ONLINE!!!

24 September 10th Objectives: 2.1 II A, D and 2.1 I A, B Agenda: Religions Video & Wksheet Do Now: In your own words, define the Axial Age. Why are Buddhism and Christianity considered Axial Age religions? Homework: Strayer and questions

September 11th Objectives: 2.3 I and 2.3 I A Agenda: Trade Routes Chart, Maps and Lecture Do Now: Identify the trade route discussed in your reading last night and name one characteristic of it, as well as one main product carried along it. Homework: Strayer w/ questions BUY PRINCETON REVIEW BOOK! BEGIN STUDYING FOR YOUR UNIT I-II TEST!

26 September 12th Objectives: 2.3 II A and B, and 2.3 III C Agenda: Bridging World History: Trade Networks Educational Videos for your pleasure and knowledge Do Now: Name the two trade routes you read about last night and list one characteristic of each. Homework: BUY PRINCETON REVIEW BOOK! BEGIN STUDYING FOR YOUR UNIT I-II TEST!

27 September 13th Objectives: 2.3 II and 2.3 II A and B, 2.3 III and 2.3 III A and B Agenda: Finish up Trade Videos and Packet, discuss quiz more extensively, John Green Silk Roads if time permits Do Now: None Homework: “Southernization” Article and Mindmap – Start it now…you have 4 days. PRINCETON REVIEW. ORDER NOW. PERIOD I AND II EXAM – STUDY!

28 September 14th Objectives: 2.3 I A, 2.1 V B and C Agenda: The Arts in Classical Civilizations, the Spread of Hellenism, and Indian Civilization Do Now: Define “Bodhisattva” as the following: A Mahayana Buddhist saint venerated for having attained Nirvana, but remained in the path of reincarnation to help other people attain the same. Homework: Southernization article and Mind Map. TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST STUDY. PRINCETON REVIEW DUE IN CLASS ON WEDNESDAY. TEST HAS BEEN MOVED TO THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29 September 17th Objectives: 2.3 All Agenda: Southernization Fishbowl Do Now: None Homework: Study Study Study Study Study or Epic Fail! REVIEW TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 4-5! PRINCETON REVIEW DUE WEDNESDAY! TURN IN YOUR NOTEBOOK EARLY IF YOU WANT!

30 Review Session Tonight: My Room!
September 18th Objectives: Study Agenda: Study; textbook distribution Do Now: Think about how much you dislike it when our routine is interrupted by state-mandated testing. Homework: Regardless of interruption study or fail! Review Session Tonight: My Room!

31 After School Review w/ Booth in Library from 4-5
September 19th Objectives: Period 2 All Agenda: Textbook distribution; Period 2 Target Breakdown Do Now: What is that?  Homework: STUDY STUDY STUDY After School Review w/ Booth in Library from 4-5


33 Missing assignment parent signature papers by Monday!
September 21st Objectives: Look Over Test Agenda: Look Over Test Do Now: Get a book off the cart Homework: Bulliet textbook ; Reading questions are uploaded online but completing them in pen-to-paper fashion is OPTIONAL. Use them to guide your reading. Expect short clicker-quizzes from now until Fall Break over readings. Missing assignment parent signature papers by Monday!

34 September 24th Objectives: 3.1 III A Agenda: Basics of Islam power point; John Green Clip; Spread of Islam Venn Diagram Do Now: Clearly label your Brand New Do Now paper “Week One” and put today’s date under that. THEN: Identify two characteristics of Islam Homework: Bulliet w/ optional questions

35 September 25th Objectives: 3.1 III A and 3.1 I E Agenda: Important Islamic Vocabulary Sheet; Abbasids and Umayyads Chart; finish Venn Diagram if necessary (2 & 3rd hours) Do Now: Name the 5 Pillars of Islamic Faith and Practice THEN, try to make sense of this quote I heard this morning: “It’s the big enchilada. If you can get the children of Isaac and the children of Ishmael to talk…well, there’s your Nobel Peace Prize.” Homework: None 

36 September 26th Objectives: 3.1 III A and D, 3.1 I E Agenda: The Messenger DVD and questions Do Now: Pen for Video questions in your hand now! Homework: Bulliet w/ optional questions

37 Objectives: 3.1 II C, 3.2 II B and C, 3.2 II Agenda: Caliphates ppt
September 27th Objectives: 3.1 II C, 3.2 II B and C, 3.2 II Agenda: Caliphates ppt Do Now: Explain one difference between the Umayyad and Abassid Caliphates Homework: Ibn Battuta Reading w/ questions (not optional) Vicuna! = Tiny Llama!

38 September 28th Objectives: 3.1 I E, 3.1 III C, D, E Agenda: practice Clicker quiz (no make up); The Awakening Video Clip and questions Do Now: Describe how the Abbasid Dynasty declined and fell. Homework: FINISH IBN BATTUTA READING AND NOT OPTIONAL QUESTIONS BY MONDAY! DON’T PRINT THE PICTURES IN THE MIDDLE, KIDDOS!

39 October 1st Objectives: 3.3 II All Agenda: Urban Decline and Revival Cause and Effects guided notes; Begin Ibn Battuta Mind Map Do Now: Read the Little Ice Age reading and respond to the questions (Absent people – get the reading from the folder) Homework: Bulliet w/ optional questions

40 October 2nd Objectives: 2.2 III A, 3.1 I E Agenda: Byzantine Empire overview notes & Constantinople Google maps tour; Byzantine Art Analysis Do Now: Get together in small groups and work on Ibn Battuta Mind Map for 10 Minutes. GO! Homework: Bulliet w/ optional questions

41 October 3rd Objectives: 3.3 I A, 3.3 II A, 3.3 III A Guilds and Unfair Labor Agenda: Medieval Western Europe Notes; Clip from John Green’s “The Dark Ages” Do Now: Watch the animated Bayeux Tapestry and write 3 things you can learn about medieval Europe from the Tapestry Homework: Bulliet w/ optional questions

42 October 4th Objectives: 3.3 II A, 3.1 II A, 3.1 I A Agenda: Vikings Video Game Competition, Viking Notes and Novgorod notes Do Now: Explain one reason Russian civilization was closely tied to the Byzantine Empire. Homework: ONLINE Strayer p and NOT optional questions Tomorrow – Judge Phelps visits to discuss Teen Court ANY LATE WORK MUST BE TURNED IN BY THIS FRIDAY (TOMORROW) IN ORDER TO COUNT ON THIS 9 WEEK’S REPORT CARD. NO EXCEPTIONS. (Unless…you are the Mongols).

43 October 7th Objectives: 3.1 I C and D, 3.3 I A, 3.3 III A Agenda: Medieval Europe Powerpoint Do Now: How did Western Europe change after the collapse of the Roman Empire in 476 CE? Homework: Strayer w/ questions (not optional)

44 October 10th Objectives: 3.2 II Crusades Agenda: Empire of Faith video clips and Crusades primary sources Do Now: Explain the impact of the Crusades on Western Europe Homework: None 

45 October 11th Objectives: 3.3 All Agenda: Concept 3.3 Essay prep work Do Now: Review all Key Concepts under List one thing you think would help increase economic productivity and EXPLAIN why. Homework: None - - if we get our brainstorming done! 

46 October 12th Objectives: 3.3 All Agenda: Economic Productivity Compare and Contrast whole class essay Do Now: Get ready to make a thesis! Homework: Enjoy your Fall Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

47 October 17th Objectives: 3.1 I C (2nd bullet), D, & E; 3.1 III E; 3.2 I A Agenda: After the Han Dynasty: Sui, Tang, and Song Dynasties Timeline; work in groups to fill in the major developments and importance of each on the graphic organizer. Do Now: Why was Chinese civilization able to reconstitute (put back together) itself after the collapse of the Han Dynasty? Homework: Online Classroom: Strayer ;

48 October 18th Objectives: 3.1 I C (2nd bullet) & D (2nd bullet); 3.3 I A (4th bullet); Agenda: Bridging World History (the alien one) video about Chinese Commercial Revolution and accompanying questions Do Now: Explain what the Chinese Tribute System was and how it operated. Homework: Nada 

49 October 19th Objectives: 3.1 III D; 3.3 III D Agenda: Chinese Neo-Confucian primary resources wksheet and question; Footbinding powerpoint and notes Do Now: Tell about the role of Buddhism in Tang Dynasty China and why and how it fell out of favor by the beginning of the Song. Homework: Online Classroom Strayer ; Japanese Feudal System worksheet

50 October 20th Objectives: 3.2 I C Agenda: Japanese pictures powerpoint; picture analysis with worksheet and notes Do Now: Explain two specific Chinese cultural elements that diffused to Japan. Explain one element of Japanese culture that remained distinctive to Japan and was NOT influenced by China. Homework: Partial section from National Geographic article, “Fire is Born,” and NOT OPTIONAL questions (through #7) China Parent Meeting Thursday at 8pm!!!

51 October 21st Objectives: 3.1 I B & C; 3.2 I D (bullet 2) Agenda: Complete “Fire is Born” and questions & discuss; Maya basics ppt & notes, Americas Zones of Interaction activity (pick up worksheets in absentee folder) Do Now: Describe one characteristic of Mayan culture, based on the reading, “Fire is Born.” Homework: Read entire National Geographic Article over the Incan Empire and complete NOT OPTIONAL questions China Parent Meeting Thursday at 8pm!!!

52 China Meeting 8:00pm on Thursday!
October 24th Objectives: 3.3 I A (bullet 1); 3.2 I D; 3.3 III C (bullet 1) Agenda: Discussion of syncretism shown by Inca/Spanish religious practices; Aztec & Inca Powerpoint and guided notes & primary resources discussion Do Now: What interesting practice did the Inca use on their dead emperors? Homework: Day of Empire and NOT OPTIONAL questions section #1 China Meeting 8:00pm on Thursday!

53 China Meeting 8:00pm on Thursday!
October 25th Objectives: 3.3 I A (bullet 1); 3.2 I D; 3.3 III C (bullet 1) Agenda: Maya, Aztec, Inca Chart and Thesis Practice worksheet Do Now: Describe how the Aztec built their empire – you should describe at least 3 characteristics Homework: Day of Empire section 2 and NOT OPTIONAL reading questions China Meeting 8:00pm on Thursday!

54 October 26th Objectives: 3.1 I E; 3.1 III E; 3.3 II A (invasions bullet) Agenda: Discuss and notate DBQ essay rubric; Read and notate Mongols DBQ documents & Act-It-Out!  Do Now: Describe one way that the Mongols were horrible evil destructive monsters. Describe one way they were wonderful fabulous tolerant benevolent rulers. Homework: None 

55 October 27th Objectives: 3.1 I E; 3.1 III E; 3.1 IV B; 3.2 I B; 3.2 II ALL Agenda: Mongols Fishbowl Discussion – please do the makeup assignment on the Online Classroom if you are absent or choose not to discuss out loud Do Now: Get out paper and pen for note taking on fishbowl discussion Homework: Write a thesis for the Mongols DBQ question

56 October 28th Objectives: Anything about Mongols Agenda: Complete DBQ Outline Essay worksheet using whole-class discussion and individual work Do Now: Get out your thesis from last night’s homework about this DBQ and get ready to defend it and edit it for the whole-class DBQ Homework: None 

57 October 31st Objectives: 3.2 II B Agenda: Complete Mongol Khanates Graphic Organizer worksheet in small groups Do Now: Explain what you have to do for the POV of a document on a DBQ. Homework: None 

58 November 1st Objectives: 3.2 II B & D Agenda: 2001 AP Exam Compare and Contrast Question worksheet, complete as whole-class and individual work Do Now: Brainstorm some ideas for empire building of Mongols and Aztecs (per the question on the worksheet you picked up when you walked in). Homework: Online Classroom Day of Empire p and Bulliet textbook p. 316 about gunpowder

59 November 2nd Objectives: 3.3 III (statement 2); 3.1 I A & C (bullet 2) Agenda: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai readings and notes in small groups. If absent, pick up & do the readings and copy the notes from a neighbor; TURN IN YOUR PRACTICE ESSAY PARAGRAPH! Do Now: How did women among West African exercise more power than in other areas? Homework: Online Classroom Bentley textbook p &

60 November 3rd Objectives: 3.3 III statement 2; 3.1 I A&C bullet 2 Agenda: QUIZ; Finish African Empires Group notes Do Now: Clear your desks and take out a pen and one sheet of paper for the test. Backpacks under your desks. Homework: None  Begin Exam Studying. INFO: THERE IS A HUGE TEST AND NOTEBOOK CHECK NEXT WEDNESDAY! Mrs. Booth is NOT doing Freaky Friday tutoring. However, if you want to sit in here and study quietly and individually, you can.

November 4th Objectives: 3.1 I A; 3.1 IV B Agenda: Swahili Coast reading and questions individual work; Plague primary source reading and discussion Do Now: Where would the Plague hit more harshly, urban or rural areas? Explain why. Where would the Plague hit more harshly, Asia or Europe? Explain why. Homework: Bulliet textbook REVIEW SESSION IN LIBRARY FROM 4-5 WITH MRS BOOTH! Test this coming Wednesday! Notebooks due the same day, also!

62 November 7th Objectives: 3.1 I D (bullet 2 sub-bullet 2); 3.1 III B; 3.2 I B Agenda: European Revival and Trade Diaspora Notes; comparisons to Swahili Coast of Africa Do Now: Define Hanseatic League. It was in your homework last night, so don’t tell me you don’t know. If you don’t get a book off the shelf and look, silly. Homework: STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY REVIEW SESSION IN LIBRARY 4-5 WITH Mr. Sullivan


64 November 10th Objectives: 4.1 VII A & B Agenda: Pick up Unit IV Targets handout; European Renaissance Guided Notes worksheet Do Now: Define the word humanism, as was given in last night’s homework Homework: Humanism worksheet w/questions

65 November 11th Objectives: 4.1 VII 2nd statement; 4.1 VII A; 4.3 I 1st statement; 4.3 I A Agenda: Medieval versus Renaissance Art powerpoint and discussion questions worksheet. Art is posted online – if absent pick up the worksheet in the folder. Do Now: Look at the two works of art that will be projected momentarily. Find and list at least two differences and two similarities. Homework: Bulliet textbook p (including the section called, “The Fall of the Yuan”)

66 November 14th Objectives: 4.1 III A; 4.3 I B&D Agenda: Finish Art wksheet & Video from Friday Do Now: Describe the main difference of opinion about foreign policy between government officials during the Ming Dynasty. Homework: Bulliet textbook p

November 15th Objectives: 4.3 I A & B; 4.1 III A Agenda: Ming Dynasty power point & notes; Government Change in Early Modern Europe ppt and discussion; Compare and Contrast Ming and Renaissance Art Discussion; PRINT BOTH POWER POINTS FROM ONLINE CLASSROOM!!!! Do Now: Name at least 2 ways European “New Monarchs” consolidated their power Homework: None 

68 November 16th Objectives: 4.1 II; 4.1 III B&C; 4.3 II Agenda: Early European Exploration Guided Notes; Begin Guns, Germs, and Steel DVD with questions Do Now: Name one reason Europeans began efforts to explore during this period. Name one advantage they had over Native Americans and explain it. Homework: Online Classroom reading and questions from Spice – complete by 11/18 for a fishbowl

69 November 17th Objectives: 4.3 II Agenda: Finish Guns, Germs, and Steel DVD and questions; discuss Do Now: What was the initial reaction of most Incas to the arrival of Pizzaro and his conquistadors in their territory? Homework: Finish Spice for fishbowl tomorrow

70 November 18th Objectives: 4.1 III B; 4.1 IV A Agenda: Turn in HW questions for Spice; Spice Fishbowl Do Now: get ready for fishbowl Homework: None 

71 November 21st Objectives: 4.1 I 1; 4.1 IV All Agenda: African and European Responses to Contact Primary Source analysis Do Now: Read the DBQ question you just picked up. On your Do Now paper, write in your own words what the question is asking you to think about. Homework: SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF THE FLOW OF SILVER DBQ DOCUMENT ANALYSIS WORKSHEET!

72 November 22nd Objectives: 4.1 I 1; 4.1 IV All Agenda: Write Silver DBQ opening paragraph, Additional Doc, and ONE body paragraph of your choice. If absent, turn in the homework DBQ analysis sheet from Monday. Do Now: Write down three possible economic and social effects of the flow of silver, according to the DBQ docs from last night. Homework: Eat some Turkey…gobble, gobble. Or beef. Yum, yum.

November 28th Objectives: 4.1 VI B Agenda: Protestant Reformation Guided Notes; Martin Luther primary resources analysis wksheet Do Now: What is a Protestant? Do you REALLY know? Homework: Bulliet p PICK UP A DECEMBER CALENDAR FROM THE ABSENTEE FOLDER!

74 November 29th Objectives: 4.1 VI B; 4.2 II B Agenda: Catholic Reformation & Scientific Revolution guided notes; Monty Python Clip Do Now: Read the rest of the Protestant Reformation Primary sources from yesterday. Note on that worksheet if the source shows a religious, political, or economic reason for the Reformation. Now, on your Week 4 Do-Now sheet, justify your category for ONE of the documents. Homework: Bulliet p

75 November 30th Objectives: 4.2 II B Agenda: Complete Scientific Revolution Notes; Enlightenment guided notes; Enlightenment Thinker quotes worksheet Do Now: Define “joint-stock company” Homework: Bulliet p

76 December 1st Objectives: 4.1 IV A, B, & C; 4.3 I A & B Agenda: Economics and Politics in Enlightenment Era Europe guided notes Do Now: Describe the political theory of Divine Right. Homework: None 

77 December 6th Objectives: 4.1 V (All) Agenda: Finish Columbian Exchange worksheet and potato video. Do Now: In your own words, describe the Columbian Exchange and explain its impact. Homework: Bulliet

78 December 7th Objectives: 4.1 VI D; 4.2 II D; 4.3 II C Agenda: Millennium video & questions; Latin American colonization guided notes Do Now: Describe the various racial categories of Latin America Homework: Bulliet p

79 December 8th Objectives: 4.3 II C Agenda: Complete North v. Latin America Venn Diagram (using political, social, and economic categories); create thesis individually; illustrate thesis. Be sure to pick up the directions and your blank piece of paper for illustrations in the folder! Do Now: None Homework: None 

80 December 9th Objectives: 4.1 IV B & D Agenda: Atlantic System Guided Notes, Turn in Latin v. North American Colonies cartoons! Do Now: Explain the difference between an indentured servant and a slave and identify where each was utilized in the Americas. Homework: Bulliet

81 December 12th Objectives:4.1 V B & C, 4.2 I C & D Agenda: Sugar, Slaves, and the Modern Economy Guided Notes; discuss Ch Quiz Do Now: Predict what will happen in slave based economies as public support for slavery declines. Homework: Bulliet p

82 December 13th Objectives: 4.2 I D; 4.2 II C Agenda: Discuss Indentured Servitude docs in small groups and annotate them; read well done DBQ example; 4th Hour ONLY! Get out your Latin v. North American Cartoons to turn in! Do Now: Compare and Contrast the institution of slavery in the Muslim world with that of the Atlantic System. Homework: Sugar DBQ doc analysis

83 December 14th Objectives: 4.1 I; 4.1 V C & E Agenda: Create “buckets” and complete a “Chicken foot” thesis statement. Begin work on the introduction paragraph to the Sugar DBQ; Get out Sugar DBQ Doc Analysis and turn it in Do Now: List at least one factor that drove the sugar trade of the period Homework: None 

84 December 15th Objectives: Same as yesterday Agenda: Silver DBQ Intro, Additional Doc, and 1 Body paragraph. If absent, complete and turn into Mrs. Booth to be evaluated and placed in your writing folder. Do Now: get out your writtin’ stuff Homework: Nada You have a ch quiz tomorrow people!

85 December 16th Objectives: Ch Quiz Agenda: quiz, finish DBQ writing Do Now: get ready for your quiz Homework: Lay Around Doing Nothing!

86 January 2nd Objectives: Time Period IV Review Agenda: Mind Map – using your blank sheet of computer paper, draw a ROUGH sketch of the globe. Label or draw pictures of definitive events/goods/movements. Your labels map must depict global changes of the period. Events across the ENTIRE globe must be covered. At the bottom, under your globe, defend the dates 1450 and 1750 as either good or defective transition points in global history with a 4 sentence explanation. Do Now: Complete a rough sketch of the globe Homework: Bulliet p. 485 – 495

87 January 3rd Objectives: 4.3 II B & C Agenda: Land and Sea Powers of guided notes; Pair-share discussion of Sea versus Land powers Do Now: Describe methods that the Ottoman Empire used to bolster their power. Homework: Bulliet p. 495 – 503

88 January 4th Objectives: 4.3 II All Agenda: Complete Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal Empires Chart in small groups (complete on your own using your text book if absent) Do Now: In what ways were the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires utilizing new and better ways to govern their peoples, as compared with previous empires? Homework: Bulliet p. 503 – 507

89 January 5th Objectives: 4.3 II All Agenda: Complete Islamic Gunpowder Empire group work graphic organizer Do Now: Create a Venn Diagram with the headings “Europe” and “Islamic World.” Compare the following: what methods was Europe using to gain more power? The Islamic world? Homework: None 

90 January 6th Objectives: 4.3 I & II All Agenda: Comparative Essay Outline Do Now: Take out the essay rubric and outline. Write the words “political,” “social,” and “economic” on the side of the outline, where it asks you for your 3 thesis topics. Homework: Be completely prepared for your essay on Monday - - make you’re your outline is completed and that you feel comfortable with your evidence!

91 January 9th Objectives: 4.3 I and II All Agenda: Your first real, on-your-own essay Do Now: Get out paper, pen, and yesterday’s prep work. Homework: Bulliet

92 January 10th Objectives: 4.1 IV A & B; 4.3 I B; 4.3 II B Agenda: Qing Dynasty small group worksheets Do Now: Describe how the Ming Dynasty fell and how the Qing came to rule Chine. Homework: None 

93 January 11th Objectives: 4.1 IV A & B; 4.3 I B; 4.3 II B Agenda: MacCartney Mission to China – Act out the Play! Discuss and bullet point notes on concepts generated by watching/acting Do Now: Complete the rest of the back of the worksheet from yesterday. It is all review of yesterday’s material – take 5 minutes! Homework: Bulliet p

94 January 12th Objectives: 4.1 VII A; 4.2 I; 4.2 II B; 4.3 I D Agenda: Tokugawa Japan guided notes; Tokugawa Cause and Effect Chart Do Now: Who was Hideyoshi? Tokugawa Ieyasu? Homework: Begin Time Period IV Extra Credit Review

95 January 13th Objectives: Agenda: Do Now: Homework: SNOW DAY

96 January 16th Objectives: Agenda: Do Now: Homework: MLK Jr. DAY

97 January 17th Objectives: 4.1 VII A; 4.2 I; 4.2 II B; 4.3 I D Agenda: Watch Tokugawa Japan DVD & answer wksheet questions. To make up, look for “Japan: Secret Empire Episode II” online - - you can watch it on Youtube. Complete the questions and place in your binder. Do Now: Get paper & pen, title it Tokugawa Japan DVD Homework: Bulliet

98 January 18th Objectives: Agenda: Russia in the Age of Peter and Catherine the Great Guided Notes Do Now: Describe what you remember of Russian history so far (you should cover Kievan Rus and Mongol-era) Homework: Bulliet p REVIEW SESSIONS THURSDAY (ROOM 267) AND FRIDAY (LIBRARY)!

99 January 19th Objectives: Agenda: Thesis Practice & Essay examples Do Now: In what ways are large, land-based empires similar to each other? Find one political, one economic, and one social. Homework: Study for exam Ch REVIEW SESSION TONIGHT 4-5 IN MRS. DUNCAN’S ROOM! (room 267) UNIT IV EXTRA CREDIT DUE ON MONDAY WHEN YOU WALK IN. NOTEBOOK DUE ON MONDAY WHEN YOU WALK IN.

100 January 20th Objectives: All of them Agenda: Reviewing Do Now: Define Renaissance – include place of origin, characteristics, important people. Homework: Review REVIEW TONIGHT 4-5, IN THE LIBRARY IF YOU WANT EXTRA CREDIT, COMPLETE THE SHEET IN PEN, HANDWRITTEN, FINISHED, AND DONE WELL!!!

101 January 23th Objectives: Show what you’ve learned Agenda: Period IV Test Do Now: Clear off your desk, grab a pencil, beast the test! Homework: Bulliet p

102 January 24th Objectives: 5.3 I D & E; 5.3 III B Agenda: Atlantic Revolutions Intro Guided Notes; Atlantic Revolutions required document comparison (Declaration of Independence vs. Rights of Man and Citizen) wksheet Do Now: Name one common cause of the revolutions that happened on both sides of the Atlantic. Homework: Bulliet ;ESSAY REDO IS DUE TOMORROW!

103 January 25th Objectives: 5.3 I D & E; 5.3 III B Agenda: French Rev intro notes; discuss & write about cartoon; go over test Do Now: What were the Three Estates? Be very specific! Homework: Declarations (except early a.m.)

104 January 26th Objectives: 5.3 III B Agenda: Turn in Declarations wksheet; French Revolution Notes through Napoleon; Napoleon quotes Do Now: How and why did Napoleon come to rule France and conquer most of Europe? Homework: Bulliet p

105 Objectives: 5.3 III 1st bullet; 5.3 III B bullet 1 and 2
January 27th Objectives: 5.3 III 1st bullet; 5.3 III B bullet 1 and 2 Agenda: Haiti Reading and questions wksheet; Atlantic Revolutions Review wksheet in groups; continue commonly missed questions if time allows Do Now: What was the Congress of Vienna? What was its goal? Homework: None  OTHER RANDOM ANNOUNCEMENT: A past student is getting together a group to participate in KUNA – Kentucky United Nations Assembly. Listen for announcements on the intercom or go to for more info.

106 January 30th Objectives: 5.3 III B Agenda: Discuss Review wksheet; Latin American Revolutions Overview wksheet and group notes Do Now: Describe at least 2 similarities in the Atlantic Revolutions we’ve studied so far. Homework: p & either Mexican or Venezuelan Rev reading & questions

107 January 31st Objectives: 5.3 III B, 5.3 IV B Agenda: Mexican and Venezuelan Revolutions wksheet discussion & notes; Abolition and Women’s Suffrage Notes; Ch. 21 & 23 QUIZ (schedule make-up after school) Do Now: What nation was the last to abolish slavery? In what year? Who are the two Creole generals associated with Latin American independence from Spain? Homework: p AND inventions wksheet (wksheet due 2/3, Friday)

108 February 1st Objectives: 5.1 I A & B Agenda: Industrial Revolution intro guided notes; Industrial Revolution primary source comparison questions; go over Ch. 21 & 23 Quiz Do Now: Look at 5.1 I A. Choose TWO of the factors and explain how they helped Europe go through an Industrial Revolution. Homework: Bulliet p. 582 – 587; Remember the Inventions Worksheet for FRIDAY; Essay re-dos for some in Mrs. Booth’s classes due on MONDAY 2/6.

February 2nd Objectives: 5.1 IV A; 5.1 V A (bullet 1 & 2); 5.1 VI A (all bullets) Agenda: 4thCities primary source HW check; Age of Mass Politics Notes (if needed); Industrial Revolution Effects group work packet Do Now: Describe with specific detail the basics of the life of an average industrial working class person. Homework: Bulliet p ; Industrial Rev Inventions wksheet due TOMORROW REMEMBER ESSAY RE-WRITES ON MONDAY!

110 February 3rd Objectives: 5.1 III A; 5.1 V A Agenda: Notes on reactions to the Industrial Revolution (classical liberals & socialism/communism); Apocalypse Pony clip; Modern Times video & questions if there is time! Do Now: What was the reactions of factory workers to the industrial rev and why? The factory owners? Homework: None, unless you need to redo your ESSAY WHICH IS DUE MONDAY!

111 February 6th Objectives: 5.1 I D; 5.1 II B Agenda: Industrial revolution goes World wide reading and worksheet Do Now: None Homework: DBQ – Mechanization of the Cotton Industry document analysis

112 February 7th Objectives: 5.1 II C; 5.1 V B Agenda: prep for essay, 19th century Millennium video (last 2 segments only) Do Now: take out the doc analysis from yesterday to be checked and discussed Homework: none

113 February 8th Objectives: 5.1 II; 5.1 II B; 5.1 V C; 5.1 VI A all bullets Agenda: Mechanization of the Cotton Industry in India and Japan in-class DBQ Do Now: Create 3 “buckets” on your paper. Give 3 categories you’ll use for your thesis to answer the question and put the documents that back up that idea in each bucket. Homework: Bulliet p. 624 – 633; QUIZ tomorrow over industrial revolution!

114 February 9th Objectives: 5.1 II; 5.1 II A; 5.2 I; 5.2 I A Agenda: Turn in DBQ essay (from top to bottom: rubric, your writing, question paper, documents, & staple); Industrial Rev quick quiz; Trans-Oceanic Empire Building guided notes; British in India DVD clip Do Now: get together your DBQ packet & staple it; Describe why the new factories developing in Europe were connected to a desire for colonies after 1750. Homework: None 

115 February 10th Objectives: 5.2 II D (both bullets) Agenda: Empires Intro discussion; Zulu Kingdom & European Colonization GG&S video & questions Do Now: Based on the homework reading, discuss today’s target. Homework: Bulliet

116 February 13th Objectives: 5.1 II; 5.1 II A; 5.2 I; 5.2 I A Agenda: British Empire in India guided notes; Empire-building primary source work; The Rising dvd clip Do Now: Define nawab & sepoy Homework: p. 641 – 648 & 663 – 667

117 February 14th Objectives: Agenda: Do Now: Homework: SNOW DAY

118 February 15th Objectives: 5.1 II D; 5.2 I C & D Agenda: Different Types of Colonies ppt Do Now: Describe the settler colony of Australia. Homework: OPIUM WAR READING DUE FRIDAY WITH QUESTIONS…NOT THURSDAY!

119 February 16th Objectives: 5.2 II C (both bullets); 5.3 III F Agenda: Ottoman Decentralization ppt (Egypt); Ch. 24 Quiz Do Now: prep for quiz – 4 minutes Homework: OPIUM WAR READING MUST BE COMPLETED, WITH QUESTIONS, TOMORROW. WE WILL HAVE A FISHBOWL DURING CLASS ON FRIDAY!

120 February 17th Objectives: 5.2 I E (all 3 bullets) Agenda: Look over DBQ; Opium Wars Fishbowl – if absent, look for make-up written work online!!! Do Now: PLEASE CAREFULLY read the comments on your DBQ – I will be circulating to answer questions/clarify. This is VITAL to your future success on this essay!! Homework: p. 651 – 663, optional reading questions are posted Writing Center Option: Feb 23rd or March 5th

121 February 20th Objectives: Agenda: Do Now: Homework: PRESIDENT’S DAY

122 February 21st Objectives: 5.1 V B & C; 5.2 I E (all 3 bullets); 5.3 III (bullet 1); 5.3 III D & F Agenda: China in the Age of Imperialism POV Practice; Create Meiji Japan v. Qing China Timeline with pictures Do Now: In what way are the Tanzimat Reforms of the Ottomans Muhammad Ali’s reforms in Egypt, a response to European actions? Homework: Bulliet p If you are interested in re-doing your DBQ for added credit, Writing Center Dates are held on Feb. 23rd or March 5th & re-writes are due to me on the 6th.

123 February 22nd Objectives: 5.1 V B & C; 5.2 I E (all 3 bullets); 5.3 III (bullet 1); 5.3 III D & F Agenda: Comparative Timeline work; Boxer Rebellion video & questions; DBQ document group work Do Now: Timeline Work! Please get started! Homework: Bulliet p. 700 – 705 (I am aware that you are skipping ahead. This is correct.) If you are interested in re-doing your DBQ for added credit, Writing Center Dates are held on Feb. 23rd or March 5th & re-writes are due in class on the 6th.

124 February 23rd Objectives: 5.1 V B & C; 5.2 I E (all 3 bullets); 5.3 III (bullet 1); 5.3 III D & F Agenda: Discuss Africa Maps Quiz (study using game found at Online Classroom!); Late Qing & Meiji Restoration whole-class discussion notes; work on DBQ docs in groups; TURN IN TIMELINE! Do Now: Africa Maps Quiz Practice Game Homework: Study for Ch. 25 quiz tomorrow

125 February 24th Objectives: 5.1 V B & C; 5.2 I E (all 3 bullets); 5.3 III (bullet 1); 5.3 III D & F Agenda: Ch. 25 Quiz; Document analysis & POV statements Do Now: Africa Maps Quiz game Homework: Outline for 2002 AP World C&C question on responses of Japan and China to Western encroachment – 25 points, due Monday!

126 February 27th Objectives: 5.1 I E; 5.1 VI A (2nd bullet); 5.4 I A & B Agenda: Discuss essay outline & TURN IN; Ch. 26 Reading questions in groups; Impressionist Art analysis Do Now: Africa Maps Quiz Practice Homework: Bulliet p

127 February 28th Objectives: 5.2 II E (1st bullet) Agenda: Ch. 26 Reading Questions presentations; nationalism characteristics list; nationalism definition & drawing Do Now: Africa Maps quiz practice! Homework: Bulliet p & Ch. 26 Conclusion

128 February 29th Objectives: 5.2 II E (2nd bullet) Agenda: Germany & Italy Unification whole-class notes; Ottoman & Egypt Nationalism Venn Diagrams; Ch. 26 Review Do Now: Africa Maps Quiz Practice Homework: Bulliet p AFRICA MAPS QUIZ TOMORROW!

129 March 1st Objectives: 5.2 I Agenda: Africa Maps Quiz (makeup during Friday collaboration or after school if absent!); Imperialism intro notes; Imperialism motives analysis worksheet Do Now: Get ready for map quiz by taking out a pencil or pen. Homework:

130 March 2nd Objectives: 5.2 I B & C Agenda: Imperialism Learning Centers in groups Do Now: 0 hour only: Complete India Map Everyone Else: get your number, sit at your table, get ready Homework: Bulliet p & finish Learning Centers, if needed AP REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! GET ONLINE AND REGISTER FOR THE AP EXAM! ANY DBQ RE-DOs ARE DUE ON THE 6TH! BEGIN STUDYING FOR UNIT V EXAM!

131 March 5th Objectives: Agenda: Do Now: Homework: SNOW DAY

132 March 6th Objectives: Agenda: Do Now: Homework: ACT TESTING

133 March 7th Objectives: 5.2 I B & C Agenda: Scramble for Africa Guided Notes & primary source analysis Do Now: Discuss Test, etc. Homework: STUDY AP REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! GET ONLINE AND REGISTER FOR THE AP EXAM! BEGIN STUDYING FOR UNIT V EXAM!

134 March 8th Objectives: Agenda: CCOT Essay Rubric Discussion Do Now: Homework:

135 March 9th Objectives: All Targets Agenda: Unit V Review Jeopardy Game Do Now: Homework:

136 March 12th Objectives: Unit V Assessment Agenda: Multiple Choice Exam Do Now: Homework:

137 March 13th Objectives: 6.1 III C Agenda: One minute world news; WWI notes; WWI trench warfare sources Do Now: World News – make a hand-drawn map of the world on your paper Homework: Colonial Troops in WWI wksheet; p IF YOU AREN’T REGISTERED BY SUNDAY, YOU CAN’T TAKE THE AP TEST!

March 14th Objectives:6.1 III C; 6.2 IV B (5th bullet) Agenda: Finish up WWI work – trench life sources; The Russian Revolution 1917 guided notes Do Now: 1 minute world news Homework: BE CERTAIN TO READ BULLIET P so that you can participate in tomorrow’s activity! Colonial Troops in WWI wksheet Middle East partition map & analysis REGISTER FOR THE EXAM, YOU!!!

March 15th Objectives: 6.2 I A & C; 6.2 IV B (3rd, 4th, and 5th bullets); 6.2 V B; Agenda: Finish Russian Bolshevik Revolution Notes; Middle East Partition Cartoons; discuss Unit V exam Do Now: 1 minute world news Homework: Catch up on reading and get on the correct day! REGISTER FOR THE EXAM BY SUNDAY! STUDENTS NEEDING TO MAKE UP UNIT V EXAM – STAY AFTER WITH BOOTH TODAY!

140 March 19th Objectives: 6.2 I A & C; 6.2 IV B (3rd, 4th, and 5th bullets); 6.2 V B Agenda: Mid East Cartoon groupwork & whole class notes; Stalinist Russia video & questions Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: Bulliet p

141 March 20th Objectives: 6.2 I A & C; 6.2 IV B (3rd, 4th, and 5th bullets); 6.2 V B Agenda: Stalin video; Stalin definitions & discussion; Stalin notes Do Now: BBC 1 Minute World News Homework: Yea! The first day of Spring is here. Breathe the air. Take Zyrtec if necessary.

142 March 21 Objectives: 6.2 IV B (last bullet); 6.3 I B Agenda: Great Depression guided notes & primary sources; Great Depression Causes worksheet Do Now: 1 minute world news Homework: p

143 March 22 Objectives: 6.2 IV A Agenda: WWII Notes with propaganda analysis & video clips Do Now: 1 minute world news Homework: CCOT OUTLINE DUE ON TOMORROW!

144 March 23 Objectives: 6.1 III C; 6.2 IV A Agenda: Turn in Russia CCOT Outlines for HW grade & Discuss; Complete WWII guided notes & videos; Atomic Bomb notes & discussion of pros & cons Do Now: World News Homework: CCOT Essay due TUESDAY 3/27

145 March 29th Objectives: 6.2 IV E; 6.2 IV C (2nd bullet) Agenda: Finish Cold War guided notes; nuclear build-up demonstration; complete primary sources packet; Non-Aligned movement article and questions Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: Bulliet , , These pages cover modern China, our topic for tomorrow’s class. ALSO! You have Spring Break reading questions. They are due the Monday we return.

146 March 30th Objectives: 6.3 I A (1st bullet) Agenda: Non-aligned stuff (finish) Do Now: 1 minute world news! – it works! Homework: Spring Break Reading and Questions due the Monday we return!

147 April 9th Objectives: 6.3 I A (1st bullet) Agenda: Finish China power point; Mao’s China primary sources; 1911 vs Graphic Organizer Do Now: Draw your map for 1 Minute World News! Homework: Decolonization Reading and Questions

148 April 16th Objectives: Agenda: EOC TESTING….. Do Now: Homework: CCOT ESSAY!

149 April 19th Objectives: Agenda: EOC TESTING… Do Now: Homework: CCOT ESSAY, India Readings

150 April 20th Objectives: 6.2 IB, 6.2 II A Agenda: India Independence Video Questions Do Now: One Minute World News Homework: Bulliet,

151 April 23rd Objectives: 6.2 II D Agenda: Turn in CCOT Essay; Latin America in the 20th Century Notes; discuss 2006 essay prompt Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: p

152 April 24th Objectives: 6.2 V Agenda: Israel and Palestine background notes; Israel-Palestine primary source work Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: p REVIEW SESSION SATURDAY FROM 9AM-12PM

April 25th Objectives: 6.2 V Agenda: Interesting Modern Governments: Totalitarianism and Theocracy Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: Modern Stuff Vocabulary REVIEW SESSION SATURDAY FROM 9AM-12PM

154 April 26th Objectives: Some modern stuff – get out your targets! Agenda: Modern issues ppt; discussion Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: Nada  REVIEW SESSION SATURDAY FROM 9AM-12PM

April 27th Objectives: LEARN ALLLL THE TARGETS! Agenda: 2007 AP World History Multiple Choice Exam for 70 participation points! Do Now: fill out your scanner, get your pencil ready! REMEMBER SATURDAY SESSION TOMORROW 9-12!!! LEARN ALL THE THINGS!

156 April 30th Objectives: Go over baseline test Agenda: Go over baseline test Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: STUDY FOR AP EXAM REVIEW SESSION SATURDAY FROM 9AM-1PM

157 May 1st Objectives: Go over baseline test.
Agenda: Go over baseline test. Do Now: sit in your seat! Homework: Period I and II thesis worksheet. REVIEW SESSION SAT, FROM 9am to 1pm

158 May 2nd Objectives: Multiple Choice Discussion; Periods 1-2 Essays Agenda: Finish going over MC test; discuss prompts 1 and 3 from Thesis Practice Homework Do Now: Get out your MC analysis sheet Homework: STUDY FOR AP EXAM REVIEW SESSION SATURDAY FROM 9AM-1PM

159 May 3rd Objectives: Essay Format Review; Time Periods 1-3 Chronology & Information Agenda: Discuss National ID CCOT; Learn Chinese Dynasty Song; Human Timeline Events; Period 3 Content ppt Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: STUDY FOR AP EXAM REVIEW SESSION SATURDAY FROM 9AM-1PM

160 May 4th Objectives: Essay Format Review; Time Periods 1-3 Chronology & Information Agenda: Discuss National ID CCOT; Learn Chinese Dynasty Song; Human Timeline Events; Period 3 Cotent ppt Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: STUDY FOR AP EXAM REVIEW SESSION SATURDAY FROM 9AM-1PM

161 8 DAYS May 7th Objectives: Periods 3-4 Review
Agenda: Timeline Events, Word Associations, Review notes Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: STUDY FOR AP EXAM 8 DAYS FINAL EXAM FRIDAY!!

May 9th Objectives: Period 4 Review Agenda: Unit IV Power Point Do Now: 1 Minute World News Homework: STUDY FOR AP EXAM REVIEW WITH MRS. BOOTH TONIGHT 4-5 6 DAYS TIL THE AP TEST! FINAL EXAM FRIDAY!!

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