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2015 User Conference Mastering Report Building in OP14 April 2015 Presented by: Carl Peahota Reports Developer General Session.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 User Conference Mastering Report Building in OP14 April 2015 Presented by: Carl Peahota Reports Developer General Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 User Conference Mastering Report Building in OP14 April 2015 Presented by: Carl Peahota Reports Developer General Session

2 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Purpose ●Gain an understanding and appreciation of what goes into the design and implementation of a report. ●Learn how to create meaningful and robust reports by analyzing the requirements and purpose of the report. ●Learn some report construction techniques using Digital Metaphor’s Report Builder (v.15). ●Have FUN!!!

3 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Prerequisites 1.SQL Specific a.Table joins (INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, CROSS JOIN). 2.Report Builder Specific a.Adding fields to a report b.Creating basic variables (i.e. patient name) c.Creating search parameters d.Creating filters e.The use of aggregate functions (SUM and COUNT, specifically) f.The difference between sorting and grouping

4 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Report Design - Considerations 1.What is the purpose of the report? a.Appt Schedules b.School/Camp c.Vaccines d.etc…. 2.Get an idea of what the report will look like a.How are things grouped? b.What detail will be displayed? c.Will there be totals evaluated? what levels will these occur (detail? groups? summary?) d.Will certain types of filtering need to be used? e.Will you need a Detail version and/or a Summary version? 1.Will the report need to be exported (Excel, CSV)? a.OP 14 and greater use Report Builder v15 and can handle it better.

5 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Let’s Try It!

6 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Report Example 1 Let’s create a report that contains the following: A.1.1 - Register_By_MainLocation Purpose: Show all active clients’ “main” practice location DS Name = “Main” Tables: Perform an INNER JOIN between REGISTER and LOCATION on (LOCATION.ID = REGISTER.LOC_ID) Fields: REGISTER.STATE REGISTER.PATNO REGISTER.LNAME REGISTER.FNAME REGISTER.MI “FullName”* REGISTER.SEX REGISTER.BIRTHDAT LOCATION.LOC_NAME as PrimLoc Parameters/Filters: 1) REGISTER.STATUS_PAT = 'ACTIVE' Sorting: ORDER BY REGISTER.LOC_ID,REGISTER.STATE, REGISTER.PATNO Report Design Mode: 1) *Create a variable called “varFullName” as MAIN['LNAME'] + ', ' + MAIN['FNAME'] + ' ' + MAIN['MI']; 2) Group by PrimLoc and subtotal: Count(Patno) 3) Create a variable called “varPatCntByLocName” as ' patients from: ' + MAIN['PrimLoc']; and put it next to the Count(Patno) 4) Add Summary and total: Count(Patno) Before running the report, use this to help find Loc_ID’s in your system to find locations easier: SELECT LOCATION.ID, LOCATION.LOC_NAME FROM LOCATION ORDER BY LOCATION.ID Call the data source “CheckingMyLocations”

7 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Report Example 1 - Solution

8 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Involvement - Exercise 1 Fields: First: Remove the variables LNAME, FNAME and MI (as well as labels, if you have any). Grab the remaining variables that are to the right (including their labels if you have any) and move them to the left, as to make more room on the report. Second: You will need to add these to the MAIN data source, then to the design of the report. REGISTER.INS_CARRIER_CODE, REGISTER.HPHONE, REGISTER.ETHNICITY, REGISTER.ADDRESS, REGISTER.CITY, REGISTER.ZIPCODE, REGISTER.PORGFNM, REGISTER.PORGLNM Report Design Mode: 1) Group by State (under PrimLoc) and subtotal: Count(Patno) Add variables in the design of the report: 1) Create a variable called “varPatCntByState” as ' patients from the state of: ' + MAIN['STATE']; and put it next to the Count(Patno) in the State grouping. 2) Concatenate all patient address info from the REGISTER table (Address, City, State, Zip) and call it “varPatAddress”. This is similar to the “FullName” variable created earlier and will be put in the detail section 3) Concatenate the Parent/Guardian info from the REGISTER table (PORGFNM, PORGLNM) and call it “varPorG” (detail section) 4) Add the code below to a new variable, between begin and end, and rename the variable to “varEthnicity” if MAIN['ETHNICITY'] = 0 then Value:= 'Not Answered'; if MAIN['ETHNICITY'] = 1 then Value:= 'Hispanic or Latino'; if MAIN['ETHNICITY'] = 2 then Value:= 'Not Hispanic or Latino'; Parameters/Filters: 1) REGISTER.LOC_ID (In List with “Value” blank and “AutoSearch” checked) 2) REGISTER.STATE (In List with “Value” blank and “AutoSearch” checked) A.1.2 - Register_By_MainLocation Using the report we just created, add the following:

9 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Involvement - Exercise 2 Purpose: Show all active clients’ scheduled practice location for 2014 DS Name = “Main” Tables: Perform a LEFT JOIN between REGISTER and SCHEDULE on (SCHEDULE.PATNO = REGISTER.PATNO) Perform an INNER JOIN between LOCATION and SCHEDULE on (SCHEDULE.PATNO = REGISTER.PATNO) Fields: REGISTER.PATNO REGISTER.LNAME REGISTER.FNAME REGISTER.MI REGISTER.BIRTHDAT REGISTER.SEX SCHEDULE.APPT_DATE LOCATION.LOC_NAME as LocForAppt Parameters/Filters: 1) REGISTER.LOC_ID (In List with “Value” blank and “AutoSearch” checked) 2) SCHEDULE.APPT_DATE BETWEEN '01/01/2014' AND '12/31/2014' (enter this as: 1/1/2014,12/31/2014) 3) REGISTER.STATUS_PAT = 'ACTIVE' Sorting: ORDER BY SCHEDULE.LOC_ID, SCHEDULE.APPT_DATE, REGISTER.PATNO Report Design Mode: 1) Group by LocForAppt and subtotal: Count(Patno) 2) Group by Appt_Date and subtotal: Count(Patno) 3) Add Summary and total: Count(Patno) 1) Create a NEW report based on the following: A.2 - Register_By_ScheduleLocation

10 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Involvement - Exercise 2 Design view of the report A.2 - Register_By_ScheduleLocation

11 2015 Office Practicum User Conference What other cool things can we do? E.1 - BSA_Health_06-14-with Musculoskeletal E.2 - ScheduledApptsVsSlotUsage_ByDayAndProv E.3 - Patients by VFC Detailed with DOB and Age Range Totals Examples of Expert Reports:

12 2015 Office Practicum User Conference References Digital Metaphor’s website ml ml Digital Metaphors rbWiki Report Builder Developer’s Guide (4th ed)


14 We want your feedback! A 1.1 – Register_By_MainLocation A 1.2 – Register_By_MainLocation A 2 – Register_By_ScheduleLocation E 1 – BSA_Health_06-14-with Musculoskeletal E 2 – ScheduledApptsVsSlotUsage_ByDay E 3 – Patients by VFS Detailed with DOB

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