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BalticGrid-II Project 1The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 NA2 Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach Robert Pajak, Zofia Mosurska.

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Presentation on theme: "BalticGrid-II Project 1The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 NA2 Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach Robert Pajak, Zofia Mosurska."— Presentation transcript:

1 BalticGrid-II Project 1The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 NA2 Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach Robert Pajak, Zofia Mosurska IFJ PAN, Krakow, Poland

2 2The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Content Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 NA2 plans  for months 13-18  for months 19-24 Collaboration BG-II web site Metrics of dissemination activities Conclusions

3 3The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12

4 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Events  Project materials were presented during ICT’08 conference, in Lyon (25-27 November 2008) – the BELIEF-II project members were managing the common “BELIEF-II: Global e-Infrastructure” booth during the event, where - among others - the BalticGrid-II materials (including the movie) were presented 4The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 GEANT2EGEE-III EELA 26CHOICE 6DEPLOY EU-IndiaGrid EUAsiaGrid GLOBAL GridTalk BELIEF-II booth BalticGrid-II SEE-GRID-SCI

5 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Events  Participation in the 4th EGEE User Forum / OGF25, in Catania (2-6.03.2009) 5The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 “ CoPS - The Complex Comparison of Protein Structures supported by grid” - managed by Bartek Palak and Edgars Znots “The Synthetic spectra modeling under GRIDCOM interface” - managed by Grazina Tautvaisiene and Sarunas Mikolaitis BG-II project stand (with a poster, brochures, pens, calendars and a movie) two BG-II demo stands

6 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Events  Participation in the 4th EGEE User Forum / OGF25, in Catania, Italy (2-6 March 2009) (cont’d) – a talk titled “The Migrating Desktop - Framework for Grid Applications” given – two BG-II posters presented:  “NWChem package as promising grid application for nanodesign”  “The step-by step computation of the energy flow and geo-massif fracture”. 6The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 by Ihar Miklashevichby Yana Douhaya

7 7The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Events  BG-II members were present with talks also at other events, e.g.: – II Congress of Belarusian physicists, Minsk, Belarus, November 2008 – The 10 th international conference “Information society 2008: e-business, innovations and export encouragement”, Vilnius, Lithuania, November 2008 – 14 th Word Lithuanian Symposium on Arts and Sciences, Lemont, USA, November 2008 – Information seminar on development of the international scientific and technical cooperation with EU in sphere of information and communication technologies, Minsk, Belarus, December 2008 – IBM seminar about HPC, Riga, Latvia, December 2008 – All-hands meeting of Latvian Academic Network developers, Riga, Latvia, January 2009 – Network for Aquatic Remote Sensing (NordAquaRemS) Kick-off meeting, Helsinki, Finland, January 2009 – Information day: FP 7 Specific Programme „Science research facilities“, Vilnius, Lithuania, January 2009 – Dynamic and Technological Problems of Mechanics of Continuum and Structure XV International Symposium,Yaropolets, Moscow, February, 2009 – Seminar about novel technologies, Ventspils, Latvia, February 2009 – 2nd International Cloud Computing Conference & Expo, New York, USA, March/April 2009 – Immersive Education Initiative London Summit, London, England, April 2009

8 8The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Materials  Several new technical brochures were elaborated by BG- II partners. The brochures were dedicated to: – BG-II application ITER - prepared in January 2009 – SA2, SA3 and JRA1 activities - prepared in February 2009 – Gridcom tool - prepared in February 2009 – BG-II application SYNSTPEC - prepared in March 2009 – SA1 activity – prepared in April 2009

9 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Materials (cont’d)  the updated general BG-II brochure (April 2009) 9The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009  the Customer Feedback Form (April 2009)

10 10The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Materials (cont’d)  Promos – The updated version of the BG-II movie was prepared in February 2009 (available online at: – The BG-II calendars with the Project logo, web site address and some images of BG-II applications - produced in February 2009

11 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Materials (cont’d)  Other: – Two interviews at demo stands made during the EGEE UF / OGF25 in Catania:  “See inside the stars” – during which Sarunas Mikolaitis presented SYNTSPEC  “Comparing protein structure using a computer grid” – during which Edgars Znots explained "CoPS" - the Complex Comparison of Protein Structures Available at: 11The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009

12 12The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Report on NA2 activities performed in months 7-12 Web sites  moving the content of the BalticGrid-II main web site to a new server - finished in November 2008  preparation of Project local web pages at Partners’ institutions - finished in December 2008 Deliverables  Dissemination Report (P12) – describes and summarizes many various activities carried out by NA2 leader and by all Partners - elaborated in April 2009

13 13The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 NA2 Plans

14 14The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 NA2 plans for months 13-18 Events  Grid Open Day and 2nd AHM in May 2009, in Riga – is being held now  Summer School to be organized on 29 June – 3 July 2009, in Vilnius – program elaborated – web site prepared – registration of participants started  Participation in the EGEE’09 conference in Barcelona (21-25 September 2009)  Co-organization of (and participation in) other conferences, like NDTCS- 2009 (22-26 June 2009, in Vilnius), CGW’09 (12-14 October 2009, in Krakow) Materials  BG-II USB pen drives to be ready in May 2009 – distributed during the 2nd AHM (and to be distributed among the Summer School participants)  Elaboration of the third issue of the BG-II movie – late Autumn 2009 Deliverables  DNA2.4 Dissemination Roadmap (revision) (P14) – to be ready in the end of June 2009

15 15The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 NA2 plans for months 19-24 Events  BG-II Scientific Conference in November 2009  3rd AHM (P21) to be organized in January 2010 – place TBD (Estonia or Poland) Materials  Elaboration of the new BG-II brochures and posters Deliverables  DNA2.5 E-learning resources in virtual environment – to be ready in the end of December 2009 (P20)  DNA2.6 Final plan for the use and dissemination of foreground – to be ready in the end of April 2010 (P24)

16 16The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Participation in external events - plans All Project Partners are encouraged to actively participate in various Grid related events and to promote the Project and its results through:  presentations,  exhibitions and demonstrations. Examples  EGEE conferences and user forums,  Cracow Grid Workshops and other events organized by the Project partners,  Open Grid Forums,  Grid Concertation Meetings,  etc.

17 17The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Collaboration

18 18The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Collaboration NA2 collaborates with: EGEE-III  active participation in the EGEE User Forum in Catania, Italy, in March 2 - 6, 2009 with a Project stand, two demos, two posters and a talk,  the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the BalticGrid-II and EGEE project was signed by Ake Edlund and Bob Jones (the EGEE Project Director) on 4 th March 2009, in Catania, Italy, during EGEE UF/OGF25 – This document details how BalticGrid-II will interact with EGEE on an infrastructure and application level as the European grid community moves towards the European Grid Initiative. BELIEF-II  the Memorandum of Usage (MoU) was signed with this project in October 2008,  the BG-II materials are uploaded to the BELIEF-II Digital Library,  the BG-II disseminative materials were presented at the common booth maintained by BELIEF-II during the ICT in Lyon, in November 2008.

19 19The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Collaboration BG-II also collaborates with: UNICORE  In March 2009 the BG-II PD Ake Edlund signed the MoU with UNICORE. The document defines the ways of cooperation between the two projects, in line with the interoperability tasks w r t UNICORE. Nordugrid  On 7 April 2009 the BG-II PD Ake Edlund signed the MoU with Nordugrid project. The document defines the frames of cooperation between the two projects, in line with the interoperability tasks w r t ARC.

20 20The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 BG-II web site

21 21The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 BalticGrid-II web site The Project web site ( comprises: public part, internal (managerial) part – with contents available only after log in. Please send an email to  you don’t have an account on the BG-II portal yet or  your password doesn’t work.

22 22The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 BalticGrid-II web site Contribution to the public part of the BG-II web site by all Partners and ALs Please contribute to the development of the web site by:  providing information and documentation,  providing suggestions of news and upcoming events,  updating the Activities sections with new information. All Partners’ institutions – please keep your local web pages up-to-date with most actual information concerning the Project

23 23The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Metrics of dissemination activities

24 24The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Metrics of dissemination activities Planned for P01-P12Done in P01-P12 Number of AHMs organized (including kick-off meeting) 22 Number of Grid Open Days organized 22 Number of seminars organized (at least 1 organized per 6 months by each Partner in BS and Belarus) 1825 Number of tutorials organized (at least 1 in each BS and Belarus for a year) At least 45 Number of summer schools organized 00 Number of scientific conferences organized 02 Number of published scientific papers 729 Number of presentations (talks) given 3066 Number of brochures and leaflets prepared 512 Number of posters prepared 315 Fullfilment after 1st year

25 25The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Conclusions The months 7-12 involved many dissemination activities What we achieved:  we were present and visible at several grid events (e.g. ICT’08, EGEE UF in Catania) – thanks to the NA2 team and other members of BG-II  many presentations on BG-II were given and many scientific papers were published  several interviews were recorded and presented on Gridcast web site  BG-II members gave also a few radio interviews and participated in several TV programs devoted to IT / Grid / BG-II matters  several types of disseminative materials were prepared and distributed (or presented) at grid events and internally  a press conference was organized in Minsk (in March 2009) to cover the state and the prospects of grid and supercomputer technologies in Belarus and abroad What is needed:  more seminars (especially in Belarus) and tutorials would be welcome  the same effort from all Partners and ALs during the 2nd year of the Project

26 26The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 NA2 internal meeting We invite all NA2 contact persons (and other people interested in dissemination activities) to participate in the NA2 meeting tomorrow: 9:00- 10:30

27 27The BalticGrid-II 2nd AHM, Riga, 12th May 2009 Thank you

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