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“Parts of Speech” Essential terminology The brown fox quickly jumped over a lazy dog. The brown foxquickly jumpedover a lazy dog Subject Noun Phrase Verb.

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Presentation on theme: "“Parts of Speech” Essential terminology The brown fox quickly jumped over a lazy dog. The brown foxquickly jumpedover a lazy dog Subject Noun Phrase Verb."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Parts of Speech” Essential terminology The brown fox quickly jumped over a lazy dog. The brown foxquickly jumpedover a lazy dog Subject Noun Phrase Verb Phrase Prepositional Phrase

2 “Parts of Speech” continued brown quickly over Subject Noun Phrase Verb Phrase Prepositional Phrase Thefox Definite Article Adjective Noun (Subject) jumped Adverb Verb adoglazy Preposition Indefinite Article Adjective Noun (Object) Object Noun Phrase

3 Articles Definite Article: the Indefinite Articles: a, an

4 Nouns Nouns are : Persons, Places, Things, Ideas/feelings.

5 Adjectives Adjectives describe nouns: accuratebigclumsydaringelegantfeisty glassyhorribleidioticjollykinglylost moroseneatopportunisticpeacefulquarrelsomerelaxing sadtepidunawarevivaciouswartyyellow “It was a beautiful bridge, and as I looked at this thing, she told me what had happened." -- Leo Kotke

6 Verbs Verbs are : Blam, 1962. Oil on canvas by Roy Lichtenstein Yale University Art Gallery New Haven, Connecticut © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein

7 Adverbs Adverbs describe verbs: tightlycalmlypolitelywarilyslylyangrily firmlysadlyidlysuspiciouslyjauntilyfurtively awkwardlycautiouslyfuriouslyswiftlyquicklygracefully joviallywillinglyseriouslyproudlygentlynervously “'It's good to know that the maelstrom which is the PC industry continues to swirl just as frantically as it always has done." -- Eva Glass [example of bad adverb usage. –ed]

8 Prepositions Prepositions describe relationships: I was sitting atmy desk… inthe bathtub… onthe stairs… formy portrait… withmy family at the dinner table… onbehindunderbesidebetweenon intooffoveruponacrossof toatinfortoby Here is a partial list of prepositions:

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