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Developing a District Guidance Plan NAPSA Conference 2007 Dr. Ann F. Cole.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a District Guidance Plan NAPSA Conference 2007 Dr. Ann F. Cole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a District Guidance Plan NAPSA Conference 2007 Dr. Ann F. Cole

2 Introductions Housekeeping Housekeeping Name, District, Position, Where in the process? Name, District, Position, Where in the process?

3 Why Develop a District Guidance Plan? School Counseling Identity School Counseling Identity Student Achievement Student Achievement Counselors as leaders? Counselors as leaders?

4 The old question was… “ What do counselors do?” The new question is… “How are students different because of the school counseling program?

5 ASCA National Model

6 4 Interrelated Programs Foundation Foundation Delivery System Delivery System Management System Management System Accountability Accountability

7 Advantages Academic Mission Academic Mission Equitable Access Equitable Access Knowledge and Skills Knowledge and Skills Comprehensive Program Comprehensive Program Collaboration of all stakeholders Collaboration of all stakeholders

8 Foundation Beliefs Beliefs Philosophy Philosophy Mission Statement Mission Statement Purpose Purpose Goals Goals

9 Delivery System Guidance Curriculum Guidance Curriculum Individual Student Planning Individual Student Planning Responsive Services Responsive Services System Support System Support

10 Management System Advisory Council Advisory Council Use of Data Use of Data Action Plans Action Plans Use of Time Use of Time Use of Calendar Use of Calendar

11 Examples of Data to Examine Test Scores  Achievement  State  National Enrollment  Honors/AP Classes  College Track  Special Education Graduation Rate  By Gender  By Ethnicity  By SES Attendance  Absences  Tardies  By Grade Level Discipline  By Classroom  Types of Problems  Gender GPA/ Rank GPA/ Rank  By Gender  By Ethnicity  By SES Retention Rates  By Subject Area  By Grade Level  By Gender, Ethnicity Special Education  By Gender  By Ethnicity  By SES Dropout Rate  Grade Levels  Gender, Ethnicity…  Reasons Why

12 Data Interpretation Look for: PicturesPatternsGapsQuestions: What problems or needs surface? What problems or needs surface? What achievement gaps exist? What achievement gaps exist? What opportunity gaps do the data suggest? What opportunity gaps do the data suggest?

13 School Counselors’ Efforts Can : Increase numbers of students in rigorous courses Increase numbers of students in rigorous courses Help ALL students have access to the entire curriculum Help ALL students have access to the entire curriculum Lower dropout rates Lower dropout rates Raise attendance rates Raise attendance rates Reduce retention rates, & Reduce retention rates, & Help Schools Get to Proficiency

14 ASCA National Standards Florida Standards Competencies include: Competencies include: Academic Development Academic Development Career Development Career Development Personal Social Development Personal Social Development Florida adds: Community Involvement Florida adds: Community Involvement

15 Program Components Guidance Curriculum Individual Planning Responsive Services System Support System Support Suggested Distribution of Total Counselor Time Elementary School Middle/Jr. High School High School 35-4525-3515-25 5-1015-2525-35 30-4030-4025-35 10-1510-1515-20 100%100%100%

16 Where are we? Some states have already developed District Guidance Plans Some states have already developed District Guidance Plans Some states have not even begun Some states have not even begun Some states are in the process Some states are in the process

17 One District’s Journey The School District of Lee County, Ft. Myers, Florida The School District of Lee County, Ft. Myers, Florida 80,000 students, 94 schools and 150 Counselors 80,000 students, 94 schools and 150 Counselors Collaborated with Florida Gulf Coast University Collaborated with Florida Gulf Coast University Three-5 year implementation process Three-5 year implementation process

18 Journey, continued Received a 5 county consortium grant to write Guidance Curriculum standards Received a 5 county consortium grant to write Guidance Curriculum standards Worked with DOE and FGCU to develop Pre-K – postsecondary entrance and exit competencies Worked with DOE and FGCU to develop Pre-K – postsecondary entrance and exit competencies June, 2002 – Guidance Counselor job title was updated to School Counselor and job description was Board approved June, 2002 – Guidance Counselor job title was updated to School Counselor and job description was Board approved Sept., 2004 – DOE workshop on District Guidance Report and receipt of “draft” Sept., 2004 – DOE workshop on District Guidance Report and receipt of “draft”

19 Journey, continued January, 2005 – Presentation to Principals about State required report, updated job description and recommended percentage of time January, 2005 – Presentation to Principals about State required report, updated job description and recommended percentage of time January, 2005 – Florida DOE memo notifying Districts about requirement for annual guidance report to Commissioner of Education January, 2005 – Florida DOE memo notifying Districts about requirement for annual guidance report to Commissioner of Education 2004-2005 – Collection of data from Counselors and Principals; training for School Counselors 2004-2005 – Collection of data from Counselors and Principals; training for School Counselors March – April, 2005 – Development of District Guidance Plan March – April, 2005 – Development of District Guidance Plan March 15, 2005 – Counselor Advisory Board Meeting at FGCU March 15, 2005 – Counselor Advisory Board Meeting at FGCU

20 Journey, continued April, 2005 – Counselors review draft District Guidance Plan and provide feedback April, 2005 – Counselors review draft District Guidance Plan and provide feedback April 28, 2005 – Plan is presented to School Board at briefing for approval April 28, 2005 – Plan is presented to School Board at briefing for approval May 6, 2005 – District Guidance Report is on- line, completed and sent to Director of Student Services and CAO for approval May 6, 2005 – District Guidance Report is on- line, completed and sent to Director of Student Services and CAO for approval May, 2005 – Plan is added to Counselor website May, 2005 – Plan is added to Counselor website June, 2005 – Counselor Summer Institute Cadre – Counselors met to update plan, evaluate data and create goals for 2006-07 school year June, 2005 – Counselor Summer Institute Cadre – Counselors met to update plan, evaluate data and create goals for 2006-07 school year June 30, 2005 – On-line Report is submitted to DOE June 30, 2005 – On-line Report is submitted to DOE

21 The School District of Lee County PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN High School Guidance Department Counselor NameSignatureDateSchool Administrator NameSignatureDate Goal(s) StatementStrategiesDocumentation MethodsDates By May 30, 2006, increase by 5% the percentage of students in 11 th and 12 th grades taking rigorous academic courses (honors, A/P, dual enrollment). The baseline statistic from 2004-05 is ____. By May 30, 2006, decrease by.5% the percentage of students dropping out of high school. The baseline statistic for the 2004-05 school year is ______. By May 30, 2006, increase by 2% the percentage of students graduating high school. The baseline statistic for the 2004-05 school year is _____. By May 30, 2006, decrease by.5% the percentage of students in 10 th grade scoring level 1 and level 2 on FCAT reading. The baseline statistic for the 2004-05 school year is _____. END-OF-YEAR OUTCOMES: (Attach additional page if necessary) ORIGINAL: Personnel CANARY: Assessor PINK: TeacherMIS 777 S(9/00)A

22 Where do we go? Check with the State and District to see if they have developed a plan Check with the State and District to see if they have developed a plan If they have, tweak it for your District If they have, tweak it for your District If they haven’t – develop a template If they haven’t – develop a template

23 Template Mission Statement – tied in to the District mission Mission Statement – tied in to the District mission Rationale/Philosophy Reflect the School Philosophy as well as the Counselor Rationale Rationale/Philosophy Reflect the School Philosophy as well as the Counselor Rationale Advisory Committee – teachers, parents, students, college staff, business members, counselor, administrator Advisory Committee – teachers, parents, students, college staff, business members, counselor, administrator Program Resources – Human Resource, Financial, Political Program Resources – Human Resource, Financial, Political

24 Template continued The 4 c’s The 4 c’s Counseling – academic, responsive Counseling – academic, responsive Consultation – with teachers, parents, students, administration, community Consultation – with teachers, parents, students, administration, community Coordination – academic programs. referrals Coordination – academic programs. referrals Curriculum – Guidance Curriculum based on state standards Curriculum – Guidance Curriculum based on state standards

25 Template continued Accountability/Evaluation – goals, feedback on program, surveys, student results, program results Accountability/Evaluation – goals, feedback on program, surveys, student results, program results Organize Organize Plan Plan Design Design Implement Implement Evaluate Evaluate Share results Share results

26 Website Resources Oregon State: Oregon State: Tuscon Unified School District Tuscon Unified School District Missouri School Counselor Association Missouri School Counselor Association Washington School Counselor’s Association Washington School Counselor’s Association Michigan School Counselor’s Association Michigan School Counselor’s Association Florida Department of Education Florida Department of Education

27 Websites Continued Dr. Carolyn Stone @University of North Florida – M.E.A.S.U.R.E. The School District of Lee County – Student Services Dept. Dr. Carolyn Stone @University of North Florida – M.E.A.S.U.R.E. The School District of Lee County – Student Services Dept. Indiana: Indiana: ASCA (American School Counselor Association) ASCA (American School Counselor Association)

28 Questions? Thank you for your attention Dr. Ann F. Cole,

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