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DIVERSITY FROM THE POLICE PERSPECTIVE. Diversity Human qualities that are different from our own and those of groups to which we belong but are manifested.

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2 Diversity Human qualities that are different from our own and those of groups to which we belong but are manifested in other individuals and groups. Dimensions: ethnicity, gender, race, physical abilities or qualities, sexual orientation etc.. (Adapted from Marylin Loden and Judy Rosener, Workforce America: Managing Employee Diversity as a Vital Resource, Illinois: Business One Irwin, 1991, p.18) Police – „different ability”, „different needs to support” of some members of minority communities

3 The concept of diversity has acquired a particular importance for the Police Forces around the country following the findings of Stephen Lawrence Enquiry. 1. The Race Relation (Amendment) Act 2000 – arose directly from the recommendations of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report 2. Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (introduce specific racially aggravated offence 3. Human Rights Act 4. Race Equality Scheme (result of Race Relation Act 2000) Its now emphasised that, as a public service provider the Police has a duty to provide the required degree of service for all members of community. The duty to promote race equality - all police forces and authorities have a statutory general duty to work towards: eliminating unlawful racial discrimination promoting race equality promoting good relations between people from different racial groups

4 Racist incident – any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or ant other person Faith Related Incident – any incident which is perceived to be based upon prejudice toward or hatred of the faith of the victim or so perceived by the victim or any other person Secondary victimisation – if victims of hate crimes or incidents experience indifference or rejection Examples: Unprovoked assault, abuse, or harassment of any person of visible ethnicity, or those for whom English is not a first language (unprovoked damage to property, graffiti) Any incident in which members of the asylum seeker & refugee communities are similarly targeted Incidents that occur in and around take away & restaurant premises that are own and staffed by people of visible ethnicity or international background – Chinese and Indian food premises, kebab, pizza, fish and chips shop

5 Diversity Officers – key roles: to provide regular contact point for victims and community groups How we do it: Contacting the victim by letter, telephone Signposting to alternative agencies for support and advice (Intercom, DEREC, Victim Support) Keeping the list of suitable contacts for diverse group for advice and guidance (CAB, Social Services) Also part of the role - collecting statistics and information on hate crimes 1.Welcome to the Police Leaflet - introduction packs for emigrants detailing expectations and basic law to abide by 2.TRUE VISION packs 3.Leaflets in various languages to Stop and Search and Crime prevention 4.Statement taking – assisting 5.Diversity Resource book – for Officers who wish to engage with their diverse groups + locations, contact numbers 6.Partnership work with other agencies – where a victim of racial harassment requires assistance with a housing move 7.Regular visits in take ways 8.Visiting places where people from ethnic minorities are employed (Lloyd Monder)

6 Difficulties It is often difficult to obtain information on the issues faced by members of minority communities. Communication may be problematic, whilst some group feel intimidated by the Police and find it hard to express their needs freely. Barriers to reporting Language barrier Victims feel the crime was not important enough Victims feel the police would not take them seriously Some do not trust the Police Some do not know how to report it Difficult to reach groups Asylum seekers and refugees What do we do: Interpreters Language line Work in partnership with other organisations like Race Equality Council Consulting members of ethnic minorities (Chinese Take Ways Partnership)

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