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Public Safety The Israeli Solutions. Daily Dose of Israeli Technology PC-Pentium (Intel) Notebook-Centrino (Intel) CellPhone (DSPC/TI) PhoneCalls (Amdocs)

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Presentation on theme: "Public Safety The Israeli Solutions. Daily Dose of Israeli Technology PC-Pentium (Intel) Notebook-Centrino (Intel) CellPhone (DSPC/TI) PhoneCalls (Amdocs)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Safety The Israeli Solutions

2 Daily Dose of Israeli Technology PC-Pentium (Intel) Notebook-Centrino (Intel) CellPhone (DSPC/TI) PhoneCalls (Amdocs) Call Centers (Nice/ Verint) Voice Mail (Comverse) Instant Messaging (ICQ) PC Inspection (Orbotech) VOIP(Vocaltec/AudCod) Flash (M-Systems) Generic Drugs (Teva) Vegetables (Netafim) Stents (Medinol) Firewalls (CHKP) SW Performance (Mercury Interactive) Chip Manufacturing (Applied) AntiVirus (many)

3 A Steadily Growing Economy 20042003200220012000 115110.4102.5111.8113.9 GDP ($B ) 4.2%1.3%-0.7%-0.9%8% GDP growth rate (Quantity change GDP growth rate (Quantity change) 16,85016,50015,60017,36018,100 GDP Per capita($) 2.4%-0.5%-2.7%-3.2%5.2% GDP Per capita growth rate (Quantity change) 49.142.438.639.845.8 Exports of goods & services ($B) 56.948.947.548.652.2 Imports of goods & services ($B) 10.4%10.7%10.3%9.4%8.8% Unemployment rate 1.3%0.7%5.7%1.1% Inflation rate

4 Why Israel Open market economy Consistent export-oriented growth Stable democracy Technological leadership Highly skilled human resources Modern infrastructure and business culture Extensive government incentives

5 The role of the multinationals- IBM, MS, AOL, Cisco, Intel, Motorola Building design centers, buying companies, training managers Massive immigration and brain influx from former Soviet Union Strong ties between Academy and Industry Entrepreneurial phenomena. …add a Generous Helping of…

6 Israel’s Security & Safety Sector Total security companies: 600 Export-driven security companies: 350 Annual turnover: $4 B Annual exports: $1 B

7 The Advantages The industry was compelled to develop & integrate the technological solutions necessary in order to meet the requirements of the combat elements & the higher echelons. Extensive & proven know-how & a significant wealth of experience at all of the relevant levels.

8 So Why Israel? Practical, “hands-on” experience is a key element in successfully planning & implementing a comprehensive, integrated, effective solution to the exiting threats.

9 What Do We Offer…?

10 What Do We Offer…? Concept & doctrine. Planning & design. Implementation. Integration. Training. Assimilation. Transfer of know-how. Know-How Elements

11 Equipments and products: Perimeter security. Installation security. Access control. Personal gear and physical protection. Crowd control equipment. Intelligence & surveillance equipment. C4I systems. What Do We Offer…?

12 Integrated Solutions Airport security. Security for high-value/infrastructure facilities: power stations, oil/gas pipelines and storage facilities, water reservoirs etc. Aircraft security. Establishment of counter-terrorist units. Security for International mass events (Olympic games, trade fairs, conventions). What Do We Offer…?

13 Integrated Solutions Establishment of security schools. Mail sorting & screening systems. Central and regional C 2 posts. Integrated concepts & procedures for VIP protection. What Do We Offer…?

14 Recent global projects: Examples 2004 Athens Olympic games (15 companies) Border control within mostly new comers countries to the EU Airport and maritime security. Aviation security – US airliners, EL-AL and others. Anti terror special forces.

15 Commercial Department of the Israeli Embassy in Singapore Ms. Anat Katz, Commercial Attaché Tel: +65-68349220 or Mr. Eran SELA Director – Defense Industries & Products Division Security & Safety / Space & Aviation Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute Tel: 972-3-5142926 E-mail: Website: For Further Information Please Contact:

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