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E-Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom The Discover the COSMOS Project is financed by the European Commission’s Framework Programme 7 (FP7)

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Presentation on theme: "E-Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom The Discover the COSMOS Project is financed by the European Commission’s Framework Programme 7 (FP7)"— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom The Discover the COSMOS Project is financed by the European Commission’s Framework Programme 7 (FP7) under grant agreement no. 283487. Peter Watkins University of Birmingham The World Conference on Physics Education July 1-6, 2012 Istanbul / Turkey

2 Science Education in Europe: Challenges & Opportunities Reverse declining student interest in Science Re-imagine the science classroom of tomorrow Realise the potential of eScience for engaging students in scientific inquiry Rocard et al. 2007 Osborne & Dilon 2008

3 Discover the Cosmos Contribution To demonstrate how Europe’s e-infrastructures could provide powerful tools for scaling-up current pilot implementations for effective introduction of eScience in the school curriculum and development of effective outreach programmes.

4 Aim I: Community Building TeachersStudentsScientists

5 Aim II: Effective Integration Science Education e-Science Activities Research Infrastructures Aim III: Good Practices Roadmap

6 From Telescopes to Accelerators 15 partners 9 countries

7 e-Infrastructures Particle Physics Astronomy LHCCMS ATLAS Gaia The Faulkes Telescope The Liverpool Telescope

8 e-Science Applications Particle Physics Astronomy LTImage Sun for All SalsaJ HYPATIA MINERVA AMELIA

9 Where to find interesting stuff?

10 Discover the COSMOS Portal

11 Education & Outreach Activities Local → Demonstrations and training workshops in schools and teacher training centres → eScience school-based activities National → Training/Demonstrations and e-Masterclasses (e.g. IPPOG ) → Contests for secondary school teachers/students International → Contests for teachers/students → Training seminars (e.g. winter/summer schools) → Masterclasses/e-Masterclasses → Annual Conferences

12 Activities: Example 1 Physics Teacher Training Workshop Germany, Mar 17, 2012 → Lectures from active scientists → Measurements on real data from LHC experiments → Discussions with scientists and teaching colleagues → Presentation of the “Netzwerk Teilchenwelt” (German network for students /teachers in PP) → Presentation of resources usable in classroom

13 Activities: Examples ATLAS Virtual Visits Greece, Apr 04, 2012 → Lectures about ATLAS experiment at LHC at CERN → Mini Masterclass with HYPATIA → Preview of CERN Mini Expo in Greece → Virtual Visit to ATLAS Control Room

14 Activities: Example 2 ATLAS Virtual Visits Birmingham, Mar 28, 2012 → Lectures about LHC experiments at CERN → Masterclass with MINERVA → Q&A sessions (small groups) → Virtual Visit to ATLAS Control Room

15 Activities: Example 3 The CERN Mini Expo Tour Greece, Nov 2011 – Jun 2012 → 7 cities; > 25k visitors (inc. >17k students) → 12 training workshops for >800 teachers → IPPOG Masterclasses for students and Virtual Visits

16 Activities: Example 4 Discover the Cosmos Summer School Crete, Jul 01-06, 2012 → 15h of lectures/demonstrations → 10h hands-on workshops → Facilitate teachers/trainers to integrate educational resources of science centres to the science curriculum

17 Activities: Example 5 High School Teachers Programme at CERN Geneva, Jul 01-21, 2012 → Physics teachers from member & non-member states → 2-day Hands-On Workshop  Creation of inquiry-based educational scenarios in HEP using eScience tools from LHC experiments

18 Next Steps Now DtC Demonstrators/Scenarios → Cutting edge science exercises combining eScience tools with IBSE → ~15 demonstrators completed and ready for pilot testing locally, nationally and internationally Practice Reflection Workshops → 4 per country → Build scenarios addressing outcomes of visionary workshops → Adaptation of selected eScience tools/resources to science curriculum Sep12 – Feb13 Summative Workshops → 1 per country → Whole DtC Community involved → Roadmap Document produced Apr13 – Aug13

19 Thank You! Peter Watkins Find us on Facebook

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21 Results of Visionary Workshops (1)

22 Results of Visionary Workshops (2)

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