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May 29, 2012 PowerPoint Design by: Neal James. I. Our Mission Our mission is to be the school of choice for those seeking a rigorous and supportive early.

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Presentation on theme: "May 29, 2012 PowerPoint Design by: Neal James. I. Our Mission Our mission is to be the school of choice for those seeking a rigorous and supportive early."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 29, 2012 PowerPoint Design by: Neal James

2 I. Our Mission Our mission is to be the school of choice for those seeking a rigorous and supportive early college experience on a university campus.

3 II. The Pillars We promise to provide the following to our students… 1. Small School Environment 2. Teaching Excellence 3. University Partnership 4. Focus on STEM Education

4 III. Student Commitments (DRSLs) NUAMES students are expected to commit to the following principles… 1. Citizenship 2. College Readiness 3. Core Curriculum 4. Communication

5 Small School Environment Teaching Excellence University Partnership Focus on STEM Education

6 Pillar 1 Small School Environment

7 Class Size

8 School Enrollment

9 Pillar 2 Teaching Excellence

10  Seven New Hires ◦ Diana Bass – Social Studies – AP US History, AP European History & World Civilizations ◦ Brenda Casper – PE, Health and Drivers ED, Student Gov. ◦ Nevelyn Headrick – Engineering and Science – IED, Physics ◦ Mary Johnston – ACT Prep and Financial Literacy ◦ Steve Ludlow – English – English 10, CE English 1010, Creative Writing ◦ Sarah Whitbeck – Math – Pre-Calculus, Algebra 2 ◦ Michelle Banz – Psychology and AP Psychology

11  Professional Development Focus ◦ ACT Prep and College Readiness ◦ Student Academic Progress ◦ Promotion of College Atmosphere  Performance Bonus Program ◦ This year, Bonuses may be as high as $1000 per teacher per term

12 Average GPA Last Four Years

13 Pillar 3 University Partnership

14  Fall 2012 - New Classrooms  2 New classrooms in current building for this year  1 New conference room in current building for this year  Fall 2013 – New Building  Concerns?

15 Space

16 Pillar 4 Focus on STEM Education

17  Science ◦ 3 rd out of 172 Schools in Utah CRT’s last year  Technology ◦ 2 TSA National finalists  Minna Wang and Tanner Lemperle ◦ 2 nd in State TSA Vex Robotics Competition  Engineering - Project Lead the Way ◦ NUAMES has the largest high school engineering program in Utah. ◦ In 2010-2011 – 300 students enrolled in PLTW courses. ◦ In 2011-2012 – 348 students enrolled in PLTW courses.  NUAMES will add two additional courses ◦ 2012-2013 – Engineering Design and Development ◦ 2013-2014 – Biotechnology/Biomedical Engineering

18 NUAMES outperformed the state and nation in every PLTW category offered.

19 Citizenship College Readiness Core Curriculum Communication Small School Environment Teaching Excellence University Partnership Focus on STEM Education Northern Utah Academy for Math, Engineering, and Science

20 Student Commitment 1 Citizenship

21 Attendance

22 Discipline


24  Student Activities ◦ SBOs ◦ Clubs ◦ Honor Society ◦ Rotary (Interact) ◦ Girls’ State ◦ Boys’ State ◦ Dances ◦ Socials  Community Service ◦ Many Capstones included this component ◦ Business/Education Partners: Northrop Grumman, Futura Industries, Wells Fargo, Moore Good Ideas, Kohl’s, J.C. Penney’s, WSU, DATC, DSD.

25 Student Commitment 2 College Readiness

26 Number of NUAMES Graduates

27 Number of Early College Students

28 Early College Tuition Paid Out by NUAMES

29 Total Early College Tuition Paid Out

30 EC Tuition Paid Per NUAMES Student Total Tuition Paid by NUAMES / Total NUAMES Enrollment

31 Associate Degrees Earned

32 Percentage of Seniors Graduating with Associate Degrees

33 Post-High School Scholarships

34 Percentage of Seniors receiving Post-High School Scholarships

35 Early College Grade Point Average

36 Early College Students on Academic Probation

37  Concurrent Enrollment ◦ Current Offerings  CE Math 1050/1060  PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design  PLTW Principles Of Engineering  PLTW Aerospace Engineering  PLTW Digital Electronics

38  Concurrent Enrollment ◦ New Offerings  CE Math 1010  CE Math 1030  CE English 1010  PLTW Engineering Design and Development

39 2011-12 CE Grade Distribution

40  Advanced Placement ◦ Current Offerings – None ◦ New Offerings  AP Calculus  AP English  AP European History  AP United States History  AP Psychology  AP Spanish

41 % of Students Having Taken the ACT Sophomores – (135/158) 85% Juniors – (128/142) 90% Seniors – (119/120) 99%

42 Average ACT Scores for SY 2011 All Sophomores will take new ACT Prep class for SY 2012-13




46 National Merit Scholarship Finalists: 2 in 2012 Devon Taylor Grayson Moore 2 in 2013 Alex Hardy Minna Wang

47 Student Commitment 3 Core Curriculum

48 Average GPA by Term - 2010-2012

49 On the 2011 Utah End of Level CRTs, Out of 172 High Schools, NUAMES ranked... 22 nd in Math

50  NUAMES Math Program Changes for Fall 2012 ◦ Placement testing for each incoming student ◦ Summer Algebra I “Boot camp” ◦ Each Math teacher will have their own “Math Lab” ◦ Additional Courses  CE Math 1010  CE Math 1030

51  To be Developed During the 2012-2013 SY ◦ Common Grading Disclosures ◦ Common Assessments ◦ Competency Based Credit Offerings

52 The StateNUAMES

53 The StateNUAMES

54 The StateNUAMES

55 On the 2011 Utah End of Level CRTs, Out of 172 High Schools, NUAMES ranked... 3 rd in Science

56 The StateNUAMES

57 The StateNUAMES

58 The StateNUAMES

59 On the 2011 Utah End of Level CRTs, Out of 172 High Schools, NUAMES ranked... 3 rd in English

60 The StateNUAMES

61 The StateNUAMES


63 Commitment 4 Communication

64  Capstone/Portfolio  Mentor Program  Essays/Writing  Continue to improve communication with stakeholders

65  1. Continue Improving College Readiness and Academic Performance  2. Launch/Promote AP and CE programs  3. Promote a College Atmosphere  4. Support Professional Development Activities and a Collaborative Environment

66 PowerPoint Design by: Neal James

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