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HealthierUS School Challenge: Smarter Lunchrooms (HUSSC: SL) 1.

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Presentation on theme: "HealthierUS School Challenge: Smarter Lunchrooms (HUSSC: SL) 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 HealthierUS School Challenge: Smarter Lunchrooms (HUSSC: SL) 1

2 Team Nutrition Initiative Goal: To improve children's lifelong eating and physical activity habits. Provide: -Training and TA for healthy meals -Nutrition Education -School and Community Support -Links to partners and supporters 2

3 HealthierUS School Challenge: Smarter Lunchrooms Voluntary certification initiative recognizing excellence in school nutrition and physical activity Consistent with school meal pattern requirements 4 Award Levels 3

4 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Team Nutrition School Join free! School Meals Program Participate in SBP and NSLP Meet USDA nutrition standards All corrective actions completed SFA 6-cent certified Meet ADP (Silver or higher) SL techniques implemented Smart Snacks NEW 4

5 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Technical Assistance- – National School Lunch Program requirements – Nutrition and School Wellness requirements – Physical Education/Activity requirements Regional Trainings Resources 5

6 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Average Daily Participation (ADP) 6

7 7

8 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Smarter Lunchroom (SL) Techniques Smarter Lunchroom Self-Assessment Scorecard m_self-assessmt_score_card.final_.4-3-14.pdf Bronze – at least 30 action items Silver/Gold – 50 action items Gold Award of Distinction – 70 action items NEW 8

9 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria 9

10 SL Examples – Display the whole fruit – Give vegetables creative names – Use signs and verbal prompts to draw attention to fruits, vegetables, reimbursable meals – Maintain an efficient, clean, and fun environment for eating meals 10

11 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Smart Snacks All Award Levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Gold Award of Distinction) Must meet Smart Snacks in School Nutrition Standards. – All foods and beverages sold to students during the school day* meet or exceed the USDA's nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold to students – A la carte, vending, school stores, snack or food carts and any food-based fundraising – School follows fundraising exemptions and guidance set by their State agency NEW 11

12 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Smart Snacks Bronze/Silver Meets Smart Snacks criteria as defined in 7 CFR Parts 210 and 2207 CFR Parts 210 and 220 The school offers training on Smart Snacks criteria annually to all individuals who are involved in the sale of foods to students on the school campus during the school day. The school does not advertise or market foods and beverages that do not meet Smart Snacks criteria to students. NEW 12

13 Alliance Smart Snacks Product Calculator Take the guesswork out of the Guidelines Smart Snacks Resources 13

14 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Other Smart Snacks Resources Questions and Answers related to the Smart Snacks Interim Final Rule -2014os.pdf -2014os.pdf 14

15 School Environment’s Role Nutrition Education School Staff School Events Eating Habits Physical Activity Habits School Environment Food Nutrition & Health Messages Food & Beverage Marketing Physical Activity Opportunities 15

16 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Criteria focus on entire school environment Established criteria to impact students at school, home, and in the community – Nutrition Education – Physical Education – Physical Activity – Local School Wellness Policy – Other Criteria for Excellence 16

17 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Local School Wellness Policy 2004 – Reauthorization Act (Sec. 204 of Public Law 108-205) 2010 – Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Sec. 204 of Public Law 111-296) 2014 – Proposed rule for wellness policies was published in Federal Register For model policy resources and updates: NH DOE BNPS Wellness PowerPoint presentation, August 2014: ncils__policies/wellness_policies/ 17

18 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Local School Wellness Policy All Award Levels Submit copy of your school’s local wellness policy with application. List three ways your school is working to meet local wellness policy goals. Describe how parents, students, school administration/staff, and community is involved. Demonstrate a commitment to prohibit use of food as a reward. 18

19 2014 HUSSC: SL Criteria Other Criteria for Excellence Program Outreach Excellence Excellence in School and Community Involvement in Wellness Efforts School Food Service Excellence 19

20 HealthierUS School Challenge Incentives and Goals HUSSC: SL Awardees Receive Display Banner Certificate signed by the Secretary of Agriculture and mounted on a plaque Recognition on the Team Nutrition Web site Congratulatory letter signed by the First Lady of the United States Monetary incentives Award BronzeSilverGoldGold Award of Distinction Amount $500$1,000$1,500$2,000 20

21 Take the Challenge Get Awarded Schools get recognized for what they do to create a healthy school nutrition environment! 21

22 www. 22

23 23

24 NFSMI Offers Free Training & Resources 24

25 Launched in 1995 as part of the School Meals Initiative (SMI) Funded by USDA/FNS, maintained by NAL’s FNIC in collaboration with UMD standards-school-meals standards-school-meals Healthy Meals Resource System Advancing access to information for schools and child care settings participating in USDA Child Nutrition Programs 25

26 For more information: Bureau of Nutrition Programs & Services Judy Gosselin- Cheri White- Nutrition and School Wellness Robin Peters- Debbie Luppold- Physical Education/Activity Scot Foster- 26

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