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Catalyzing carbon cycle science through synergies among research networks NACP Breakout Session January 28 1015.

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1 Catalyzing carbon cycle science through synergies among research networks NACP Breakout Session January 28 1015

2 Goal: Enabling of scientist-led efforts that benefit from, and provide benefit to, AmeriFlux, ICOS, NEON and other carbon focused networks through synergies and collaboration 1.And some (very quick) examples 2.But what is needed? 3.What can we each contribute? 4.Therefore, how can this be achieved? 5.Reporting back


4 Niwot Ridge Subalpine Forest AmeriFlux Site (US-NR1) An “old network”, site started 1999 Several data synthesis projects with AmeriFlux Sites (e.g. drought impacts, precipitation interception, WUE, understory LAI…) Data often used for remote sensing calibration purposes, and model development/verification Site used for instrument inter comparison studies Several new projects co-located near the tower due to long-term data set and data availability Great Lakes Evaporation Network (GLEN) New network started by 3 individuals and 3 sites Data since 2009 Already gaining some traction; several requests for data each month by forecasters, water level modelers, and others Facing issues with database management, uniform data quality control, etc.

5 Hierarchy of Environmental Observations at Harvard Forest EC Fluxes Remote Sensing Harvard Forest EMS Tower Purdue ALAR NEON AOP: Elevation & Land Classification NASA AirMOSS: Soil Moisture

6 Open-Source Data Assimilation for Land Surface models CLM + DART + Clever people

7 European Carbon Research Infr. Ecosystem network: 40 to 60 ecosystem sites measuring fluxes, Atmospheric network: 20 to 30 towers measuring concentrations, Ocean network: ships and fix stations measuring concentrations The ICOS Thematic Centers: coordinate the networks, do the centralized processing, test and development of new methods and sensors. The Carbon Portal is the data distribution entry point. ICOS is: 1.A networks of sites measuring GHGs in the ecosystem, atmosphere and ocean compartments 2.Four thematic centres that coordinate the activity of the sites 3.One EU level head-office and web portal

8 Standardization and harmonization across ecosystem networks Same instruments and sensors Same protocol for measuremetns Centralized data processing Standardized data products Completely open data policy Yes No (Yes)

9 The COOPEUS project helps to bring together scientists and users being involved in Europe’s major environmental infrastructures (EISCAT, EPOS, LifeWATCH, EMSO, and ICOS) and in US NSF funded projects (AMISR, EARTHSCOPE, DataONE, OOI and NEON) Main objectives are: Interlinking similar activities globally and establish new synergies Move in the direction of a truly global integration of existing infrastructures Promote and define an efficient access to the measurements with an open sharing Stimulate curiosity around the measurements in order to increase the number of users Propose harmonization between networks and develop new standards and methods. COOPEUS is not only EU and US. It is an open platform for discussion, willing to be as inclusive as possible. Summer schools on data use will be organized next year and are open to all the interested people. Announcments will be posted on the COOPEUS website:

10 What Interoperability means to me (Ankur) Share your data, openly, freely! Stop worrying about attribution (we can solve this). Don’t have asshole data use policies. Get DOIs for per site. Use common formats and conventions (e.g., Unidata, CF, NetCDF, XML, CSV, UTC). Never ever share data in XLS (ahem, old BADM)! – At least: please please put lat, lon, elevation/altitude, timezone, variable names, units, missing data indicator in file header. One file per site/year is good for tower time series Make downloading, extracting, subsetting your data something that can be scripted (as simple as FTP, complex as SSH keys, OpenDAP or R Package) & automated so that machine-based analysis is possible – Not clickable websites with complex logins (see NCEP/NWS for good examples) Separate indicators for missing data vs. removed/flagged vs. gap-filled data, include uncertainty estimate for all observations. Gap-filling drivers >> gap-filled fluxes – Don’t remove flagged data. Someone might use it! Don’t assume you know how everyone will use your data. Be flexible, share raw and processed fields, native time units (20 Hz?) and aggregated – Life is easier if you use a fixed time interval, equal number of points per time period (leap years be damned), disk space is cheap Provide guides for naming/unit conversion among popular similar networks

11 What the future (now!) looks like

12 The National Ecological Observatory Network is a project sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed under cooperative agreement by NEON, Inc.. This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DBI-0752017. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. NEON, Inc. 1685 38 th Street | Boulder, Colorado 80301 INTEROPERABILITY FRAMEWORK Contact: Hank Loescher (, Brian Wee ( Information Infrastructure End-to-end data flows that includes; how the measurement was made, its metadata, traceability, data formats, research questions, and archival and retrieval processes. Physical Infrastructure All the physical components and design elements that contribute towards a measurement, i.e., hardware physical integration, site design, and associated uncertainties, etc. Support Infrastructure Defined as; i) all the support systems to manage the construction and operation of a research infrastructure (budget, risk, schedule, scope integration), ii) structures to disseminate data (web portals), and iii) education and engagement. Interoperability is Focused on 3 types of Infrastructure Why Interoperability? The rapid pace of large-scale environmental global changes underscores the value of accessible long-term data sets. Natural, managed, and socioeconomic systems are subject to complex interacting stresses that play out over extended periods of time and space. An era of large-scale, interdisciplinary science fueled by large data sets. Data Interoperability enhances the value of current scientific efforts and investment. Interoperability is needed to forecast future conditions for basic understanding, and for future planning, policy, and societal benefit. Currently, there is no accepted approach to make large datasets interoperable Provides new leadership opportunities for Scientists globally

13 The National Ecological Observatory Network is a project sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed under cooperative agreement by NEON, Inc.. This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DBI-0752017. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. NEON, Inc. 1685 38 th Street | Boulder, Colorado 80301 INTEROPERABILITY FRAMEWORK Contact: Hank Loescher (, Brian Wee ( Example: Interoperability for Information Infrastructure The degree to which Observatories are truly interoperable is the degree to which these four elements are adopted by collaborative facilities Signal:noise and uncertainty estimates must also be known in order for data to have broader, global utility and prognostic capability (ecological forecasting) Distilling Science Questions and Hypotheses into Requirements Traceability of Measurements Algorithms/Procedures Informatics Mapping Questions to ‘what must be done’ Defining Joint Science Scope Requirements can define interfaces among respective datasets What is the algorithm or procedural process to create a data product? Provides “consistent and compatible” data Managed through intercomparisons What are their relative uncertainties? Use of Recognized Standards Traceability to Recognized Standards, or First Principles Known and managed signal:noise Managing QA/QC Uncertainty budgets Standards - Data Formats Standards - Metadata formats Persistent Identifiers / Open-source Discovery tools And in the case of Biodiversity: Ontologies, semantics and controlled vocabularies 1. 2. 3. 4. This Interoperability Framework is currently being implemented as part of a joint EU FP7 and US NSF Project called CoopEUS (

14 example recipe for community algorithm development deployable @ master branch fork @ working group member processing @ user branch improvement @ developer branch code base @ NEON improvement @ merge branch pull request algorithm lead @NEON algorithm integration team @NEON improvement @ community resource

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