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Chapter 4 Varieties of Consciousness

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1 Chapter 4 Varieties of Consciousness
General Psychology Chapter 4 Varieties of Consciousness

2 Consciousness Perceptual – awareness of the external environment
Introspective – awareness of one’s own mental processes It may be best to avoid a precise definition and just say that consciousness has two aspects.

3 Normal Waking Consciousness
According to William James, it is Always changing A very personal experience Sensibly continuous Selective

4 Freud’s View of Levels of Consciousness
Conscious – ideas, memories, feelings, or motives of which we are actively aware Preconscious – aspects of our experience that are not conscious, but can easily be brought to awareness Unconscious – cognitions, feelings, or motives of which we are not aware Often depicted as an iceberg nearly totally submerged in the sea. Freud theorizes that the unconscious mind can and does influence us. Contents of the unconscious mind can be found in dreams, slips of the tongue, or humor.

5 Figure 4.1: Freud’s Theory.
In the theories of Sigmund Freud, the mind is likened to an iceberg, where only a small potion of one’s mental life is available in normal waking consciousness; more is available, with some effort of retrieval, at a preconscious level; and most is stored away at an unconscious level from which intentional retrieval occurs only with great effort. Figure 4.1: Freud’s Theory.

6 Contemporary Investigations of the Unconscious
Subliminal perception – perceiving stimuli at intensity levels just below the absolute threshold Little evidence for the power of these messages More simple stimuli can be processed; complex messages cannot

7 Contemporary Investigations of the Unconscious
Blindsight – individuals with damaged visual areas who can still see simple stimuli Person without direct vision can be aware of stimuli There may be intact lower brain centers responsible

8 Sleep & Dreams We spend nearly 200,000 hours of our lives sleeping!
EEG – measures brain activity EMG – measures muscle tone Best indicators of sleep are EEG and EMG.

9 Sleep Cycle Stage 1 is a very light sleep
Stage 2, you can still be easily awakened Stage 3, internal functions are lowering and slowing Stage 4 is a deep sleep – muscles are totally relaxed, and about 15% of sleep is in this stage Infants spend a great amount of time in this restorative phase, and adults increase stage 4 after exertion.

10 Figure 4.2: EEG records showing the general electrical activity of the brain for a person at various stages of sleep and wakefulness.

11 Sleep Stages, Con’t. There are also periods of sleep where eyes dart around under closed eyelids This is called rapid eye movement, or REM sleep People awakened during REM often (about 85% of the time) report clear, vivid dreams In REM, there is considerable brain activity, almost like wakefulness. However, during REM, there is ATONIA, which is a total relaxation of the muscles. REM also produces increased sexual arousal. We also have NonREM sleep (about 75% of sleep in adults). Persons awakened in NREM may report dreaming (about 25% of the time), but not vivid dreams.

12 Dreaming Freud– Interpretation of Dreams Wish-fulfillment purpose
Manifest content – content of which the dreamer is consciously aware Latent content – true, underlying meaning of the dream that resides in a person’s unconscious mind Most influential view of nature of dreams presented by Freud.

13 Jung vs. Freud Carl Jung – dreams are transparent or obvious, and symbolism inherent in dreams is related to universal human concerns Sigmund Freud – dreams preserve our sanity by allowing us to gratify forbidden or unrealistic wishes

14 Dreams Activation-Synthesis Theory – dreams are activated via physiological mechanisms in the brainstem Brainstem generates neural activity Cerebral cortex synthesizes the activity into meaningful “stories” The brain is trying to make sense of random neural firing occurring during sleep.

15 Sleep Disorders Insomnia – inability to fall asleep or stay asleep
Pseudoinsomnia – person believes he or she is not getting enough sleep, but is sleeping more than he or she realizes Medications seldom work in treatment Sleep is apparently a necessary thing. Chronic insomnia affects nearly 30 million Americans. It is more common in the elderly than in younger adults. Regulating melotonin may help, but many cases are rooted in bad sleeping habits.

16 Table 4.1: Techniques recommended for getting a good night’s sleep.

17 Sleep Disorders Narcolepsy – involves going to sleep without any intention to do so Associated with the loss of specific types of neurons in hypothalamus Long treated with prescribed stimulants, but this approach has serious side effects Nearly 350,00 Americans suffer from narcolepsy. It is characterized by a sudden decrease in muscle tone. People with this condition experience paralysis upon falling asleep and dreamlike images that occur as soon as they go to sleep or awaken. Now, a new drug, Modafinil, has been approved for narcolepsy and is having good results so far.

18 Sleep Disorders Sleep Apnea – involves patterns of sleep, usually short, during which breathing stops entirely Occurs most among men over age 40 who are overweight As many as 12 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. It is a partial cause of hypertension, heart disease, impotence, and memory loss. It is also a suspect in the cause of SIDS.

19 Hypnosis Marked increase in suggestibility Focusing of attention
Exaggerated use of imagination Unwillingness or inability to act on one’s own Unquestioning acceptance of distortions of reality State of consciousness that typically requires the voluntary cooperation of the person being hypnotized.

20 Common Issues Concerning Hypnosis
Susceptibility to hypnosis varies from person to person It’s unlikely a person will do anything under hypnosis that he or she would not do otherwise The issue of it being a unique state of consciousness is debatable Hypnosis can be used to alleviate pain Some people resist. Entering hypnotic state is voluntary. The subject must have ability to daydream and fantasize. Suggestibility and willingness are important.

21 Common Issues Concerning Hypnosis, Cont’d.
5. Where one can remember things under hypnosis and could not otherwise is debated 6. Age-regression hypnotic sessions have not proved valid 7. Using hypnosis to refresh the memory of a witness may lead to false memories

22 Meditation Self-induced state of altered consciousness characterized by focused attention and relaxation Physical changes do take place David Holmes says there is no difference between relaxation and meditation

23 Altering Consciousness with Drugs
Psychoactive drugs – chemicals that alter psychological processes Dependence Tolerance Withdrawal Addiction

24 Altering Consciousness with Drugs
Drug Abuse – Lack of control Disruption of interpersonal relationships or work difficulties Drug has been used for at least a month There is a continuum from total abstinence through heavy social use to addiction.

25 Stimulants Activate an organism, producing heightened sense of arousal and elevated mood Caffeine Nicotine Cocaine/Crack Amphetamines

26 Depressants Alcohol – Most commonly used depressant
Pregnant mothers should avoid Blood alcohol level affected by amount one drinks and how fast it is absorbed in bloodstream Use and abuse is associated with socio-cultural factors Over 50% of alcohol consumption in the U.S. is by persons aged 12-20, and results in more than 100,000 deaths a year!

27 Depressants Opiates – can be used to reduce or eliminate pain
Heroin Barbiturates – synthetic sedatives

28 Hallucinogens Chemicals that lead to the formation of hallucinations (usually visual) LSD Acts on serotonin receptor sites Small doses can have great effect Changes in mood tend to be exaggerated Hallucinations tend to be exaggerations of perception

29 Marijuana Consciousness-altering drug from the cannabis, or hemp plant
In small doses, it is a depressant In large doses, it is a hallucinogenic Active ingredient is THC Can reduce nausea, but can cause cancer, lung disease, and impairment in judgment

30 Ecstasy (MDMA) A psychedelic amphetamine Popular Tolerance can develop
Unpleasant physical problem can develop Can be particularly dangerous when mixed with alcohol.

31 Table 4.2: A few examples of common psychoactive drugs.

32 Ethnic and Gender Difference in Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Illicit drugs – drugs whose use, possession, or sale is illegal More men than women admit to using American Indians and Native Hawaiians more likely to use Asians least likely to use Caucasians are most likely to use alcohol Illicit drug use in the U.S. began to drop slightly in the late ‘90s.

33 Figure S.2: Current, binge, and heavy alcohol use among persons aged 12 or older, by race/ethnicity: 2003 (with permission, from SAMSHA, 2003).

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