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Transnational Seminar (training for trainers) The implementation of the Empower model 2010 in comparison with ISO 9001:2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Transnational Seminar (training for trainers) The implementation of the Empower model 2010 in comparison with ISO 9001:2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transnational Seminar (training for trainers) The implementation of the Empower model 2010 in comparison with ISO 9001:2008

2 2 Empower model based on processes Results Training process Organization system Requirements, objectives policies Review and assessment (peer review) Review and assessment (peer review) Management of the resources Test CONTINOUS IMPROVEMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACT, PLAN PLANDO CHECK ACT STAKEHOLDERS (Needs) STAKEHOLDERS (satisfaction) EMPOWERMENT

3 3 Model of a process-based QMS

4 4 5 System dimensions AOrganisation system Management system Responsibility Review BRequirements and objectives Stakeholder requirements Policies and overall objectives Learning objectives CResources Human resources Infrastructures DTraining process Design and development Provision of teaching; learning process Contextual services EResults, analysis and improvement Results Analysis and improvement Special measures Reception of students at a disadvantage conditions (immigrants, drop outs and disables, other) and integration support E-learning and ICT services Continuous updating of schools Logistic services (transport etc.)

5 5 ISO 9001:2008 – The Standard – 8 clauses

6 6 ISO 9001:2008 – The Standard

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10 ISO 9001:2008 – The Standard

11 11 Model structure 5 Assessment dimensions 5 Assessment dimensions Explanatory note Assessment elements Questions Guiding factors to answer the question

12 12 Audit Checklists Questions can help

13 13 Assessment score scale Results Processes/System 1 Not evaluable 2Acceptable 3Good 4Excellent Absent or occasional Acceptable but not caused by processes Good but not caused by processes Very good and caused by processes Not sufficiently designed and managed Well designed and managed Well designed, managed and integrated Absents or “unknowns” “upper scale” more defined

14 14 Score scale 1Not evaluableThe element is not evaluable because it has not been treated or, if it has been treated, the results are absent or occasional. 2AcceptableThe element is approached in a reactive manner: measures achieve acceptable results, but the processes are not yet sufficiently designed and managed to assure a systematic approach. 3GoodThe element is approached in a systematic manner: measures achieve good results and the processes are well designed and managed. Improvements must still be made in some areas. 4ExcellentThe element is approached in an excellent manner: measures achieve very good results and are caused by processes that are well designed, managed and integrated. The evaluated element can function as a model of reference for other training institutes and it is difficult to think of areas of improvement.

15 15 The self-assessment report as a real improvement incentive The school working group sums up the STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS POINTS OF THE INSTITUTION on the basis of the analysis and assessments recorded in the report STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS POINTS EMPHASISED IN THE REPORT DIMENSIONSTRENGTH POINTSWEAKNESS POINTS ORGANISATION SYSTEM …… …… REQUIREMENTS AND OBJECTIVES …… …… RESOURCE MANAGEMENT …… …… TRAINING PROCESS …… …… RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT …… ……

16 16 Audit process

17 Assessment dimension “A” ORGANISATION SYSTEM

18 18 Management system A1. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The institute has to develop and continuously update and improve a self- management system of the processes underlying the assessment dimensions (organisation system, requirements and objectives, resource management, training processes, results, analysis and improvement). This system must clearly identify and describe the processes to be managed. Moreover, the institute has to define suitable documentation and communication channels. A1.Have all processes been properly identified, in particular those directly related to disadvantaged students? Have they been documented (templates, grid or process map, flow charts)? a) Defined management processes for the institute, in particular those directly related to disadvantaged students? (a1) b) Sequence of and interactions between the defined processes (a2) c) Specific norms or models adopted by the institute as guidelines for the development of its own management system (a3) A1.2 Have all documents relating to school management been defined? Have all documents relating to the management of students (included disadvantaged pupils) been defined? Have all documents relating to document management been defined (creation, archiving, retrieval)? a) Documents used to manage the institute (a4) b) Document management (a5) A1.3 Is the communication with stakeholders handled effectively? (stakeholders more involved with the topic of immigration or social inclusion, other) a) Different kinds of communication (a6) b) Control mechanisms ensuring effective communication (a7)

19 19 Responsibility A2. RESPONSIBILITY The institute must define its own organisational structure, assigning the authority and responsibility to manage all the identified processes (with particular focus on disadvantaged students), and appointing a person in charge who monitors their correct implementation. A2.1 Have the responsibilities connected with the different processes (with particular focus on disadvantaged students), been defined and assigned? Assumption and assignment of responsibilities and definition of subordinate links and relations among the individual functions. (a8) b) Staff has been appointed in charge of quality procedures and assistance services for immigrants (obligatory requirement - Empowerment 2010 ) (a8) For every defined process or sub-process necessary to the management of the course (see A1), point out the identified responsibilities and the subordinated relationships among the school staff (i.e. organisation chart). Note: the assigned responsibilities must correspond with the grade of professional authority of the individual person. Also point out if and how the institute monitors the fulfilment of the assigned responsibilities.

20 20 Review A3. REVIEW The institute has to plan a periodical review (with particular emphasis on disadvantaged groups) of the management system in order to assure its continuous suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. A3.1 Does the course periodically review its management system (with focus on disadvantages) in order to assure its continuous suitability, adequacy and effectiveness? a) Review performance modalities and periodicity (a9) b) Define data and information to form the basis of the review (a10) c) Review results (a11) d) Implement measures on the basis of the review results and evaluate their effectiveness (a12)

21 21 Processes

22 22 Organizational structure

23 23 Quality Management





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