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AP H UMAN G EOGRAPHY Grades 11 & 12 Weighted 1.0 w/ AP Exam.

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Presentation on theme: "AP H UMAN G EOGRAPHY Grades 11 & 12 Weighted 1.0 w/ AP Exam."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP H UMAN G EOGRAPHY Grades 11 & 12 Weighted 1.0 w/ AP Exam

2 W HAT IS H UMAN G EOGRAPHY ? Human geography is the study of where humans and their activities and institutions such as ethnic groups, cities, and industries are located and why they are there. Human geographers also study the interactions of humans with their environment and draw on some basic elements of physical geography. Few people—the general public and students alike— think about their daily experiences in geographic terms. That is not to say that the general public or our students do not know anything geographic

3 it is simply that they may not recognize geography when they see it. For example, looking for and thinking about cultural imprints on the landscape, such as how Hispanic markets or religious institutions affect their environments, is geography. Locational questions like “Why is the interstate highway where it is?” or “Why do most Indonesians practice Islam?” are geographic questions with geographic answers. These are just two examples of how we can use the world around us in classroom lessons.

4 If you would like to know why an auto worker in Detroit lost his job because the parts can be produced cheaper in another country- Then sign up for AP Human Geography

5 T OPIC O UTLINE FOR THE C OURSE : Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives (5-10%) Population (13-17%) Cultural Patterns and Processes (13-17%) Political Organization of Space (13-17%) Agricultural and Rural Land Use (13-17%) Industrialization and Economic Development (13- 17%) Cities and Urban Land Use (13-17%)

6 T EST YOUR KNOWLEDGE.... As an academic discipline, geography is principally concerned with the (a) nature and meaning of place names (b) impact of the environment on human understandings and activities (c) evolving character and spatial organization of Earth’s surface (d) absolute location of places, peoples, and processes on Earth’s surface (e) construction

7 D O YOU KNOW THE ANSWER ? The dots in the map illustrate the distribution of (a) cattle (b) cotton (c) rice (d) tobacco (e) sheep

8 S AMPLE F REE R ESPONSE Since 1950 many states have faced challenges in developing a strong national identity. A. Using contemporary examples, explain how each of the following has contributed to the development of national identity and the strengthening of a state. 1. Economic development 2. Relocation of a state’s capital (since 1950) B. Using contemporary examples, explain how each of the following may detract from the development of national identity and weaken a state. 1. Ethnicity 2. Transportation infrastructure Answered in paragraph form (essays are not required)


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