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Do Due Do Now #33  Read the article on the Rwanda Genocide.  Read the Rwanda FRQ question on the last page. Due Today  Nothing.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Due Do Now #33  Read the article on the Rwanda Genocide.  Read the Rwanda FRQ question on the last page. Due Today  Nothing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Due Do Now #33  Read the article on the Rwanda Genocide.  Read the Rwanda FRQ question on the last page. Due Today  Nothing.

2 Ethnicity Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes

3 Homework  Due December “12”/15  Unit 3 Graphic Vocabulary Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7  Formative  Chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7 Reading Guide  Summative  Due December 16/17  Study all Unit 3 materials for Exam  Summative  Due December 18/19  Hotel Rwanda FRQ  Formative  Religions Profile Notes

4 RACE VS. ETHNICITY  Racial group = group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance (Whites, African Americans, Asian Americans).  Ethnic Groups = set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns/traditions (Puerto Ricans, Jews, Polish Americans).

5 RACE  Social construction – people define a group as a race based in part on physical characteristics but also historical, cultural, and economic factors  In U.S., when observing skin color, people lump others together into “Black, White, or Asian”  Those who have power define racist social structure  Subtle differences go unnoticed (Ex. He looks Mexican, so he must be Mexican.)  Racial Formation (Omi & Winant, 1994)  Reservation system for Native Americans  “One-drop rule” 1800’s

6 ETHNICITY (unchangeable)  Hispanics or Latinos (Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, Cuban Americans)  Socially constructed physical differences are more visible than ethnic differences

7 UNFORTUNATELY, IT DOES MATTER  Prejudice  Racism  Hate Crimes  Color-Blind Racism  Discrimination  Glass Ceiling  White Privilege  Institutional Discrimination  Affirmative Action  Exploitation Theory (Marxist Class Theory)  Racial Profiling  Genocide  Apartheid  Segregation  Contact Hypothesis  Pluralism

8  Skin Color  Not scientific  The Apartheid in South Africa  Gets a little Blurry – Hispanics  Leads to Social Distance- how distant two ethnicities are from each other  Ethnocentrism- groups perceived identity is better  Often leads to ethnic conflict

9 Race  Does not exist on a scientific level, despite influence of the idea.  Biological variation is real; the order we impose on this variation by using the concept of race is not.  Race is a product of the human mind, not of nature  The truth is that there is very little fundamental genetic variety between humans and no way to tell where one category stops and another begins.  Most of us are mutts  Race is literally skin deep. There has not been enough time for much genetic variation  We do not have distinct “races” or “subspecies.”

10 Race in the U.S. Rosa Parks Japan Town, San Francisco, 1910 Dogs Used to Control Protestors, 1957 Genetic mixing is so common and complete that most geographers dismiss race as a category since it can not be clearly tied to place.

11  Ethnicity- the identity of a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth.

12 What Defines an “Ethnicity”?  Factors inherent in human selfhood and the "psyche"  home  family  values  relationship styles  foundational beliefs holding a related group of people together.  Worldview issues entails  a common history  customs  sense of oneness  social structures holding the related people together

13 What is an Ethnic Group?  An ethnic group is a group of human individuals who share a common, unique self-identity.  An ethnic group is also called a “people” or a “people group.”  A common technical term for an ethnic group is “ethnolinguistic.”

14 Ethnicity  The “ethno” in “ethnolinguistic” refers to other aspects of culture that make up “ethnicity.”  Usually there is a common self-name and a sense of common identity of individuals identified with the group.  Some other common ethnic factors that define or distinguish a people are: 1. a common history, 2. customs, 3. family and clan identities, as well as 4. marriage rules and practices, 5. age-grades and other obligation covenants, and 6. inheritance patterns and rules.  What they call themselves may vary at different levels of identity, or among various sub-groups.

15  The most common ethnicities within the U.S. are African Americans (Not Africans) and Hispanics/Latinos, about 13% each.  Others include Asian American (4%) and American Indian (1%).  The fourteen races w/in the U.S., as decided by the Census, are:  white,  black-African American-Negro,  American Indian-Alaska Native,  Asian Indian,  Chinese,  Filipino,  Japanese,  Korean,  Vietnamese,  Native Hawaiian,  Guamanian-Chamorro,  Samoan,  other Pacific islander,  other race.

16 Clustering  Within a country, clustering of ethnicities may occur on a regional scale, or within particular neighborhoods of cities.  Regional-  In the U.S., African Americans are clustered in the S.E.,  Hispanics in the S.W.  Asians in the West  Native Americans in the S.W. and Great Plains. Why?

17 What are we looking at?





22 Within cities:  African Americans are highly clustered within cities, greater than 50% of blacks live within cities.  Ex- In Detroit, A-A comprise 80% of the pop, but only one-fourteenth the pop of the rest of Michigan.  The distribution of Hispanics in northern cities is similar to that of African Americans, for instance NYC is ¼ Hispanic, but only 1/16th the rest of New York.  Why are they distributed in this manner?  Jobs, Comfort, Political interaction

23 From Concentrate  Concentration of ethnicities in U.S. cities  90 percent of African Americans and Hispanics live in cities  Detroit (>50% of state’s African Americans)  Chicago (>50% of the state’s African Americans)  NYC (>75% of the state’s Hispanics)  Cleveland  Remnants of 20 th century European migration = still evident on the landscape  Example: clustering of restaurants in Little Italy, Greektown

24 Neighborhoods  Neighborhoods  The clustering of ethnicities is especially visible on the neighborhood level. Such as in Chicago where many of the immigrants from S. and E. Europe tended to chain migrate to specific city blocks in such density that certain areas of town became known for a specific ethnicity.  descendants of European immigrants are more likely to retain their ethnic identity through religion, food, and other cultural traditions rather than through location of residence.  What are some examples in your life? Weddings food, special events, holidays  Increasingly the ethnic concentrations in the U.S. are African Americans from the South, Hispanics, or Asians

25 Distribution of Ethnicities in Chicago and Los Angeles

26 On the Move  African American migration patterns  Three major migration patterns 1.Forced migration from Africa (eighteenth century)  The triangular slave trade  sharecropping 2.Immigration from the South to northern cities (first half of the twentieth century)  Pull factors (industry and jobs)  Identifiable paths of migration 3.Immigration out of inner cities to other urban areas (second half of the twentieth century to present)  The ghetto  White Flight & Blockbusting

27  Racism- the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.  Racist- a person who subscribes to the beliefs of racism

28  Racism or stereotyping can lead to a phenomenon  “White flight” is the rapid fleeing of whites from the cities as black families emigrate out of the ghettos, or as the ghetto expands. It was encouraged by blockbusting.  blockbusting- the real estate practice of scaring whites into selling their homes at low prices by telling them that blacks would soon be moving in and causing property values to fall.  The real estate agents then turned around and sold the homes at extremely high prices to blacks that were emigrating from the inner city.  Do you think this still happening today?

29  Apartheid- the physical separation of different races into different geographic areas, i.e. South Africa.  The apartheid laws were repealed in 1991 in South Africa, but many years will be needed to erase the legacy of such racist policies  E.C.- Invictus

30 Black “Homelands” in South Africa During the apartheid era, South Africa created a series of black “homelands” with the expectation that every black would be a citizen of one of them. These were abolished with the end of apartheid.

31 Why have ethnicities been transformed into nationalities?  Nationality- the identity of a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country.  Self-determination- the concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves.

32 Nationalities and States  Nationality - legally it is a term encompassing all the citizens of a state, but most definitions refer now to an identity with a group of people who generally occupy a specific territory and bound together by a sense of unity arising from shared ethnicity, customs, belief, or legal status.  Such unity rarely exists today within a state today.  State - a politically organized territory that is administered by a sovereign government  Nation-state- a state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality.  Denmark is an excellent example. Are there any states that still meet the definition of nation-state?

33 Nationalis m  As simple patriotism it helps create national unity  When extreme it can be very dangerous to minorities and  Can breed intolerance of difference and Others  Do we see examples in the U.S. today? the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation, viewed as separate from the interests of other nations.

34 Rwandan Genocide


36 Do Due Do Now #34 Create and fill in the diagram modeled below Due Today Unit 3 Graphic Vocabulary Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7 Formative Chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7 Reading Guide Summative RaceEthnicity

37 Homework Due December 16/17 Study all Unit 3 materials for Exam Summative Due December 18/19 Hotel Rwanda FRQ Formative Religions Profile Notes

38 What Is Ethnic Cleansing? Ethnic cleansing = process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful group from their territory The purpose is not to subjugate, but to remove creating a homogeneous ethnic nation In recent years, most ethnic cleansing has happened in Europe and Africa

39 European Cleansing Ethnic cleansing in Europe Largest forced migration = 1939–1945 Jews, gypsies, and others forcibly removed by Nazis ****Millions of Europeans migrated after WWII because of boundary changes. The breakup of Yugoslavia Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo Balkanization: the process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities AKA: Shatterbelt

40 Balkanization The process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities

41 The Balkans in 1914 June 1914, WWI begins when heir to Austria- Hungary throne is assassinated by a Serb who favored Bosnian independence. Yugoslavia is created after WWI by the allies, uniting several Balkan ethnicities speaking similar South Slavic languages.

42 Josip Broz Tito governed Yugoslavia from 1953-1980. 7 Neighbors 6 Republics 5 Nationalities 4 Off. Languages 3 Major Religions 2 Alphabets 1 Dinar (currency) Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia

43 Destruction of Yugoslavia Ethnic rivalries resurface after Tito’s death 1980 Countries broke away and ethnicities fought to redefine boundaries. Bosnia 48% Bosnian Muslim, 37% Serb, 14% Croat Serbs and Croats engage in ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims Make the regions more ethnically pure in order to join Serbia and Croatia (irredentism) 1996 accords, Serbs get ½ of land, Croats got ¼, Muslims got ¼


45 Destruction of Yugoslavia (cont.) Kosovo, Serbia Province of Kosovo 90% Albanian Serbia launched campaign of ethnic cleansing of Albanians Forced 750,000 Albanians from their homes by 1999 U.S and NATO launched air attack Serbia withdrew troops and Kosovo gained independence in 2008

46 Ethnic Changes in Yugoslavia

47 Stari Most bridge in Bosnia & Herzegovina destroyed in 1993 and rebuilt in 2004 If peace comes to the Balkans, it will be because in a tragic way, ethnic cleansing “worked?”

48 Other Balkanized Regions (?)

49 Multi-ethnic state- a state that contains more than one ethnicity. Multinational states- multi-ethnic states that contain two ethnic groups with traditions of self-rule that agree to coexist peacefully. The United Kingdom is an example. The Soviet Union was the largest multinational state until is fall in the early 1990s; it consisted of 15 different republics based on its largest ethnicities. Now Russia is the largest multinational state, with 39 nationalities.

50 The Soviet Union consisted of 15 republics that included the country’s largest ethnic groups. These all became independent countries in the early 1990s Republics of the Soviet Union

51 Ethnic Groups in Russia Russia officially recognizes 39 ethnic groups, or nationalities, which are concentrated in western and southern portions of the country.

52 39 Recognized Ethnic Groups

53 Ethnicities in the Caucasus The Caucasus region is extremely diverse ethnically. Ethnic groups are spread across several national boundaries.

54 Major Tribes in Iraq How can a single nation be built out of a land with so many groups that think of themselves as separate entities?

55 Ethnicities of Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq


57 Ethnic formal culture regions

58 The 56 Ethnicities of China

59 Why do ethnicities clash? Often the cause of violence is when different ethnicities compete to rule the same region or nationality. Especially common in sub-Saharan Africa, where the superimposed boundaries of the Europeans colonies poorly coincide with the thousands of ethnicities. The Horn of Africa has been the site of many ethnic disturbances: Ethiopia and Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia, etc.






65 African Cleansing Ethnic cleansing in central Africa Most boundaries in Africa do not correspond to ethnic groups Conflict between Hutu and Tutsi destabilizes the region of Rwanda Ethnic cleansing and genocide in Rwanda Refugees spill into neighboring countries Democratic Republic of Congo falls into civil war

66 Is there any solution to this?


68 Ethnic Division The other main source of ethnic violence occurs when ethnicities are divided among more than one state. Such as in S. Asia where the British divided their former colony into Pakistan and India. (East Pakistan became Bangladesh after 1971) As a result of the partition, millions of Hindus had to migrate from the Pakistans, and Muslims had to migrate from India. During the course of the migrations, many adherents were killed by members of the opposite religion. These issues can lead to Ethnic cleansing

69 Conclusion of Hotel Rwanda


71 DO DUE DO NOW #35 10 minutes to prep for the Unit 3 Exam DUE TODAY Unit 3 Exam  Summative

72 Due December 18/19  Hotel Rwanda FRQ  Formative Religions Profile Notes Due January 5/6  Winter Break Film Assignment  Summative HOMEWORK



75  Conclude any Religions Profile Notes that you need.  Hotel Rwanda FRQ Formative DO DUE Do Now #36 Due Today

76  Due January 5/6 Winter Break Film Assignment Summative HOMEWORK

77 EXAM WRAP UP If you need to wrap up any part of your exam you may do so in the front of the room now.


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