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Karmey Olson Education Program Consultant Career, Standards and Assessment Services Kansas State Department of Education August 31. 2011 Kansas Civil Rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Karmey Olson Education Program Consultant Career, Standards and Assessment Services Kansas State Department of Education August 31. 2011 Kansas Civil Rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karmey Olson Education Program Consultant Career, Standards and Assessment Services Kansas State Department of Education August 31. 2011 Kansas Civil Rights


3 A Little About Myself….. BS “Home Economics” Masters in Teacher Technical Education Former Teacher at Kaw Area Technical School/Topeka – 12 ½ Years KSDE for 18 years

4 Selection Process Basis of selection: The analysis of career and technical education enrollment data in relation to total institution enrollment data  KIDS and CaTE Reports (Data submitted by local USD’s)  Last complete fiscal year - 2010

5 When Making the Selection….. Focus areas of the enrollment data: ■Underrepresented gender by enrollment; ■Disproportionate enrollment by race/ethnicity/national origin; ■Disproportionate enrollment by disability, limited English proficiency, and economic disadvantaged; and ■Date of the last on-site review;

6 Selection Process, continued Secondary sub-recipients are selected annually for comprehensive on-site reviews. ■The secondary sub-recipients will be ranked in the four categories as described above within the five subsets. ■The USD's with the highest score within each of the five (5) subsets will be selected for an on-site review. ■A sixth secondary sub-recipient is selected based on the highest score among all secondary sub-recipients not previously selected. ■Should two Unified School Districts within a single subset have equal scores the USD with the highest Special Populations score will be the determining factor for the on-site review site within that subset. ■If a sub-recipient, which has been selected for a comprehensive on-site review, cannot be visited in the year for which it has been selected it will be added to the sub-universe of the following year. ■The secondary sub-recipient with the next highest score within the subset will be visited as an alternative.

7 Example Gender Form SECONDARY Gender Educational Institution Name Percent of Female Enrollment in CTE Programs Percent of Female Enrollment in Institution Difference/ Points USD 000 60.004515 USD 001 No Data 100 USD 002 80.005327 USD 003 0.0053 USD 004 100.004654 USD 005 50.00464 USD 006 9.004738 USD 007 33.004916 USD 008 0.0051 USD 009 25.004116 USD 010 50.00473 USD 011 52.00520 USD 012 60.004614 USD 013 100.005248

8 Example Ethnicity Secondary Ethnicity Educational Institution Name Percent of Minority Enrollment in CTE Programs Percent of Minority Enrollment in Institution or County Difference/ Points USD 0000.0033 USD 001No Data 100 USD 0020.0066 USD 0030.0088 USD 0040.0055 USD 0050.0055 USD 0069.0081 USD 0070.0066 USD 0080.0055 USD 00913.00121 USD 0100.0044 USD 0117.0061 USD 0120.0033 USD 0130.0012

9 Example Special Populations SECONDARY FORM C - Disability, Limited English Proficiency and Economic Disadvantaged CTE Enrollment Special Populations Demographics Institutional or County Special Populations Demographics Educational Institution Name LEPDisability Economic Disadvantaged TOTAL Disability LEP Economic Disadvantage d % Point s % % %% USD 000000153852015043 USD 001 No Data 100 USD 002000202732320024 USD 0030101367365013131 USD 004010120435612143 USD 00500132 161815029 USD 006000190527119052 USD 0070133183342315137 USD 008000120556712055 USD 009000110425311042 USD 0100001329112413040 USD 011011452135419156 USD 0120007021287021 USD 01301201404470141244

10 Example Date of Last On-Site Visit SECONDARY DESK AUDIT FORM D – Date of Last On-Site Educational Institutional NameDate of last on-sitePoints USD 00019875 USD 00120013 USD 00219973 USD 00320070 USD 00420013 USD 00520013 USD 00619963 USD 007010 USD 008010 USD 00919933 USD 01019943 USD 011010 USD 012010 USD 013010 LEGEND Points No Record10 21-30 years5 10-20 years3 5-9 years1 1-4 years0

11 Example Totals SECONDARY TOTALS Educational Institution Name Form A: Gender Form B: Ethnicity Form C: Disability, LEP, Economic Disadvantaged Form D: Last on-site TOTAL USD 00015.003205.0043 USD 001100.00100 3.00303 USD 00227.006233.0059 USD 00353.008500.00111 USD 00454.005563.00118 USD 0054.005183.0030 USD 00638.001713.00113 USD 00716.0062310.0055 USD 00851.0056710.00133 USD 00916.001533.0073 USD 0103.004243.0034 USD 0110.0014110.0052 USD 01214.0032810.0055 USD 01348.00127010.00140

12 Sites Selected for 11 – 12 School Year 6A/5A USD 261 Haysville John Burke, Superintendent 4A USD 210 Hugoton Mark Crawford, Superintendent 3A USD 246 Northeast – Arma Rhonda Fincher, Superintendent 2A USD 483 Kismet Plains Elton Argo, Superintendent 1A USD 103 Cheylin Bruce Bolen, Superintendent At-Large USD 507 Satanta Ardith Dunn, Superintendent

13 Date Selection On-site Visits will occur between October 1, 2011 and November 15, 2011 Week of October 3: 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Week of October 10: 11 and 14 Week of October 17: 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 Week of October 24: 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 (Taken by Southwest Kansas) Week of November 7: 8 and 9 Week of November 14: 14 and 15  Call Karmey Olson to get date selected and added to the calendar!

14 Federal Regulations  ANSI (American National Standards Institute)  ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)  UFAS (Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards) Civil Rights Federal Regulations for Accessibility (Resource Document)  Cites the timeframe in which each set of standards supports measures for accessibility  Cites the Legal Citation for each set of accessibility standards  Cites where and how to access each set of accessibility standards

15 Required Documents for On-Site Visit


17 2011 – 2012 Kansas Guide for Civil Rights Review  Each Equity Requirement is cited  Legal citation for each Equity Requirement is cited  Documentation to support each Equity Requirement is listed  Do not have to have copies of each piece of documentation listed  KSDE Staff will determine if each Equity Requirement has been met complete with comments of what was provided and what needs to be provided

18 Additional Required Documents include……. Form to Determine Applicable Accessibility Standards (Resource Document) Must include date each building was built, modified and/or altered Must include the month, date and year for each building

19 Form to Determine Applicable Accessibility for District Facilities

20 Why Specific Dates are Needed ANSI A117.1-1961 (R1971): Construction or alteration initiated between June 4, 1977 and January 17, 1991. Available upon request – New construction: Section 504: 34 CFR 104.23 UFAS: Construction or alteration initiated on or after January 18, 1991. New construction: Section 504: 34 CFR 104.23 ADA or UFAS: Construction or alteration initiated on or after January 27, 1992. New construction: ADA 28 CFR 35.151

21 Additional Required Documentation…… Interview Questions for Administrators Interview Questions for Parents and Students Questions for Counselors and CTE-Academic Instructional Staff Questions for Title IX, Section 504 and ADA Coordinators  District personnel must respond to all 4 sets of questions. One person may have multiple roles and may respond to more than one set of questions.

22 Resources to Assist Districts While Preparing for the On-site Visit  Civil Rights Resources  Office of Civil Rights Reading Room  Sample Student Grievance Policy  Suggested Civil Rights On-Site Documentation


24 What Happens Next? KSDE will provide a Letter of Finding(s) within 30 days of the on-site visit District will complete a Voluntary Compliance Plan (VCP) within 60 days of receiving the Letter of Finding(s) KSDE will send an acceptance letter of the Letter of Finding(s)

25 What Happens Next? Districts may submit documentation by each established date for completion as identified in the VCP Once all Finding(s) have been completed, KSDE will conduct a follow-up visit KSDE will send letter determining status after the follow-up visit

26 Voluntary Compliance Plan (VCP) Three (3) Guidance Documents 1. Developing a Voluntary Compliance Plan 2.Voluntary Compliance Plan 3.Sample Voluntary Compliance Plan

27 Components of a Voluntary Compliance Plan (VCP)  Name of the district/institution.  Date of submission of the plan.  Identification of each non-compliance item identified in the Letter of Findings as needing corrective action.  Statement of KSDE’s recommendation(s) for compliance.

28 VCP  Statement of planned action to be taken in order to comply.  Identification of activities/steps, such as specific tasks that must be accomplished in order to complete the planned corrective action.  Timeline(s) including the date(s) each activity/step will begin and be completed.  Person(s)/position responsible, i.e. the specific personnel designated to initiate and monitor the implementation of the tasks/activities.

29 VCP  Monitoring and Evaluation -- identification of tangible examples, products or outcomes which can be examined and assessed by KSDE staff to determine whether the district/institution has made changes or provisions necessary for complying.  Signature of Superintendent.  Signature of Local Board of Education President (optional). ***A separate page must be used for each finding.

30 Sample of a VCP

31 Contact Information Karmey Olson Work: 785-296-2883 Cell: 785-969-3829 Email: Beverly Smith, Sr. Administrative Assistant Work: 785-296-1978

32 Questions

33 See You This Fall!

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