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Studying Jordanian Market Survey 2012 Target : Our survey was conducted to Jordanian companies to get data and analysis these data to improve the technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Studying Jordanian Market Survey 2012 Target : Our survey was conducted to Jordanian companies to get data and analysis these data to improve the technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying Jordanian Market Survey 2012 Target : Our survey was conducted to Jordanian companies to get data and analysis these data to improve the technical and service level we provide to Gs1 Jordan members Goals :  To obtain more knowledge about our members  To build an image how members use GS1 products and technology  To introduce the Electronic Data interchange (EDI), to the Jordanian companies

2 The Survey The survey is 23 questions divided into 4 sections I. Basic Information II. Company Sectors III. Field use of Barcode IV. Technical and technological aspects Choice of Questions  We were aiming to get more knowledge how Jordanian companies utilize GS1 Technology

3 Methods of data collection There were Two ways to send Surveys:  Via Fax  Via E-mail There were three ways to receive surveys :  Via Fax  Online  Via Email

4 The collection of date From the 337 who received the survey 64 members filled and resend the survey again which means about 19%

5 Q 1 :What is the type of activity of your company? Manufacturing51 agriculture 1 Retail2 Wholesaler4 Import and export6

6 Q2 :What are the commercial markets that deal with the company? Major business markets (malls )6 Medium business Markets8 Small Shops1 Others ( pharmacies, Farms, …etc)49

7 Q3:What are the countries that you export to? Arabic Countries42 Foreign countries3 Expected to export soon3 I was exporting4 I don’t export at all12

8 Q4: What are the products Percentage that have a barcode ? 0-50 %3 51-99 %15 100%34 لا أعلم 12

9 Q5: What kind of Information that you print on the product ? Special barcode on Cartoon1 Special barcode on product15 Patch / lot Number2 Weight2 Produce date2 Expiry Date2 All of the above12 Other17 Nothing11

10 Q6: Do you encode the shipment pallets using Barcode ? Yes7 No4 I don’t know17

11 Q7: Does the company implement traceability ? yes, paper works26 yes, automated systems10 I don’t Know6 No, but we have a future plans to adopt a tracing system7 no, and there are no plans15

12 Q8 :Does your company have an Internet access? Yes62 No1 No, But we have plans in the future2

13 Q9 : Does your company have a website ? Yes, Special information44 Yes, General information12 No, but there are plans9

14 Q10: What kind of methods are using in managing your data ? Manual methods5 Word or Excell files15 Special DB for the company13 Special system for warhouses15 ERP System10 Others6

15 Q11 : Do you implement any international standards or systems as below ? IFS1 ISO 220053 ISO 900120 I Don't36 HACCP5

16 Q12: Do you use Barcode readers in your company ? Yes25 No36 I don’t know3

17 Q13: Do you have any plans to invest in Technology (Barcodes, RFID, automated systems,.. Etc )? Yes35 No17 I Don’t Know12

18 Q14: Does the company like to apply Electronic Date interchange in procurement, shipping, billing and delivery ? Yes21 No12 I don't know, and interested to know more31

19 Conclusion This result only shows 10 questions of 23 questions that are important. About 33% companies are interested to use technology and about 48% want to know more information on EDI. Many companies are interested in developing their work process by using modern technology and they need to have more information and knowledge. Most of the companies reply on the survey were industrial companies that are also interested in implementing GS1 Standards

20 Next Step Training sessions will be held for the companies that are interested in the GS1 Standards and EDI. A new survey will be created for Retailers as many questions of this survey are only targeting the industry sector.

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