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Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs

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1 Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs

2 This is a one-to-one function, therefore it has an inverse.
Consider This is a one-to-one function, therefore it has an inverse. The inverse is called a logarithm function. Two raised to what power is 16? Example: The most commonly used bases for logs are 10: and e: is called the natural log function. is called the common log function.

3 Definition of Logarithmic Function Logarithmic Form Exponential Form
b > 0; b  1 Logarithmic Form Exponential Form y = logb x x = by

4 The log to the base “b” of “x” is the exponent to which “b” must be raised to obtain “x”
y = log10 x  x = 10 y y = log e x  x = e y

5 Change from Logarithmic To Exponential Form
 8 = 23 Log = ½  5 = 25 ½

6 Change from Exponential To Form Logarithmic
49 = 7 2  log 7 49 = 2 1/5 = 5 –1  log 5 (1/5) = -1

7 Properties of Logarithmic Functions
If b, M, and N are positive real numbers, b  1, and p and x are real numbers, then: Log15 1 = 0 150 = 1 Log10 10 = 1 101 = 10 Log5 5x = x 5x = 5x 3log x = x 3

8 The Decibel Scale The decibel level D of a sound of intensity I , measured in watts per square meter (W/ m2) is given by where I0 = 10–12 W/ m2 is the intensity of the least audible sound that an average healthy person can hear. Sound Intensity, W/ m2 Sound   1.0  10–12 Threshold of hearing 5.2  10–10 Whisper 3.2  10–6 Normal conversation 8.5  10–4 Heavy traffic 3.2  10–3 Jackhammer 1.0  100 Threshold of pain 8.3  102 Jet plane with afterburner

9 The Richter Scale The magnitude M on the Richter scale of an earthquake that releases energy E , measured in joules, is given by where E0 = joules is the energy released by a small reference earthquake. Magnitude on Richter scale Destructive power M < 4.5 Small 4.5 < M < 5.5 Moderate 5.5 < M < 6.5 Large 6.5 < M < Major 7.5 < M Greatest

10 Since logs and exponentials are inverses the domain and range switch
Since logs and exponentials are inverses the domain and range switch!…the x values and y values are exchanged…


12 Logarithmic Function with Base 2
y = 2x y f x y = 2 –3 1 8 –2 4 –1 2 3 Ordered pairs reversed y = x 10 f -1 x = 2y 5 or y = log x 2 x –5 5 10 –5 DOMAIN of f = (– , ) = RANGE of f -1 f f -1 RANGE of = (0, ) = DOMAIN of

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