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CH. 6 METABOLISM OF PROKARYOTIC CELLS Both catabolic and anabolic chemical reactions occur. Both oxidation and reduction chemical reactions occur.

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Presentation on theme: "CH. 6 METABOLISM OF PROKARYOTIC CELLS Both catabolic and anabolic chemical reactions occur. Both oxidation and reduction chemical reactions occur."— Presentation transcript:

1 CH. 6 METABOLISM OF PROKARYOTIC CELLS Both catabolic and anabolic chemical reactions occur. Both oxidation and reduction chemical reactions occur.

2 TBL06_01: Comparison of two key aspects of cellular metabolism

3 How enzymes function

4 Ezymatic action

5 Figure 06.02: The mechanism of enzyme action

6 Figure 06.04: Metabolic pathways and enzyme inhibition

7 Oxidation-Reduction

8 Figure 06.05: Adenosine triphosphate and the ATP/ADP cycle

9 5.2 The Catabolism of Glucose

10 Glucose contains stored energy that can be extracted Metabolic pathways Coupled reactions

11 Summary of respiration and fermentation

12 Glycolysis is the first stage of energy extraction Reactions of glycolysis Metabolic pathway  ATP gain from glycolysis  NADH formed

13 The Glycolytic pathway

14 The Krebs cycle extracts more energy from pyruvate Pyruvate (Pyruvic acid) is changed to a 2 carbon acetyl in the transition stage.  A total of 8 NADH’s and 2FADH’s are gained starting with pyruvate, which includes the transition stage, and concludes with the production of OAA at the end of the Kreb’s Cycle.  A total of 2 ATP’s are made directly in the Kreb’s Cycle.

15 Summary of respiration and fermentation

16 Figure 06.08: The steps of the Krebs cycle

17 Figure 06.09: Summary of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle

18 THE ELECTRON TRANSPORT SYSTEM A total of 34 ATP are produced here. In bacteria, ETS occurs on the cell membrane

19 The ElectronTransport System

20 Electron Transport System of Eukaryotes

21 Figure 06.10: Oxidative phosphorylation in bacteria

22 Figure 06.MI01A: Assembly of F0F1 complex/ATP synthesis The structure of ATP Synthase

23 Figure 06.11: The ATP yield from aerobic respiration

24 Figure 06.12: Carbohydrate, protein & fat metabolism

25 Fermentation produces ATP using an organic final electron acceptor NAD + is regenerated. Lactic acid or many other organic acids are produced as waste products. Or a variety of alcohols and other fermentation waste products are produced. ATP is produced only in the glycolytic pathway, along with 2 pyruvic acids and 2NADH’s.

26 Figure 06.13a: The relationship of fermentation to glycolysis

27 Figure 06.13b: Alcoholic fermentation

28 Figure 06.14: Variations in fermentation end products

29 Examples of fermentation with pyruvate as the intermediary substrate

30 Figure 06.15: Cyanobacterial membranes © Dr. Dennis Kunkel/Visuals Unlimited


32 CCCCCC glucose NAD + NADH CCC pyruvate 2 ADPATP 22 2 2 2 lactate NADH NAD+ CCC CC 2 ethano l + 2 CO 2 NADH NAD + CCC pyruvate CoA acetyl CoA acetyl CoA CC CO 2 CCC pyruvate acetyl CoA acetyl CoA CC Kre bs cycl e ATP ADP NAD + NADH FAD FADH 2 3 3 NADH NAD+ e-e- H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ ½O2½O2 2H+2H+ HO 2 H+H+ FADH 2 FAD AT P AD P Glucose + O 2  CO 2 + H 2 0 + Energy 2 CO 2 CoA NADH Find: 1.Fermentation 2.Formation of acetyl CoA 3.Glycolysis 4.ETC 5.Kreb Cycle Where in the cell does each reaction take place

33 CCCCCC _______ _ NAD + NADH CCC ________ 2 2 _______ _ ADPATP 22 2 2 NADH NAD+ CCC CC 2 + 2 CO 2 NADH NAD + CoA ________ ___ CC CO 2 ATP ADP NAD + NADH FAD FADH 2 3 3 NADH NAD+ e-e- H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ ½O2½O2 2H+2H+ HO 2 H+H+ 2x2x FADH 2 FAD ____ AD P (matrix) 2 CO 2 CoA NADH H2OH2OH2OH2O + Find: 1.Electron Transport Chain 2.Fermentation 3.Formation of acetyl CoA 4.Glycolysis 5.Kreb’s Cycle C Cell Membrane

34 Explain, in your own words, the next two slides.

35 CCCCCC glucose NAD + NADH CCC pyruvate 2 ADPATP 22 2 2 2 lactate NADH NAD+ CCC CC 2 ethano l + 2 CO 2 NADH NAD + CCC pyruvate CoA acetyl CoA acetyl CoA CC CO 2 CCC pyruvate acetyl CoA acetyl CoA CC Kre bs cycl e ATP ADP NAD + NADH FAD FADH 2 3 3 NADH NAD+ e-e- H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ ½O2½O2 2H+2H+ HO 2 H+H+ FADH 2 FAD AT P AD P Glucose + O 2  CO 2 + H 2 0 + Energy 2 CO 2 CoA NADH H2OH2OH2OH2O +

36 CCCCCC glucose NAD + NADH CCC pyruvate 2 2 lactate ADPATP 22 2 2 NADH NAD+ CCC CC 2ethanol + 2 CO 2 NADH NAD + CoA acetyl CoA acetyl CoA CC CO 2 Kre bs cycl e ATP ADP NAD + NADH FAD FADH 2 3 3 NADH NAD+ e-e- H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ H+H+ ½O2½O2 2H+2H+ HO 2 H+H+ 2x2x FADH 2 FAD AT P AD P CYTOSOL (matrix) 2 CO 2 CoA NADH H2OH2OH2OH2O + Cell membrane

37 Figure 06.16ab: Photosynthesis in microorganisms

38 TBL06_02: Nutritional classification of microorganisms

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