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Find the link… In your notes, separate all these organisms into 2 groups. (INDIVIDUALLY)

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Presentation on theme: "Find the link… In your notes, separate all these organisms into 2 groups. (INDIVIDUALLY)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Find the link… In your notes, separate all these organisms into 2 groups. (INDIVIDUALLY)


3 Messy Chapter!  Lots of material Important to read sections PRIOR to lesson

4 Sunlight Powers Life Certain organisms convert energy from sun to chemical energy in food… –S–S–S–Some make food themselves AUTOtrophs producers (photosynthesis) –S–S–S–Some rely on others for food HETEROtrophs consumers ALWAYS starts with the sun!

5 Harvesting Energy in Food Plants and other producers use light energy to make organic molecules Cellular Respiration is the chemical process that uses oxygen to convert the chemical energy stored in organic molecules into another form of energy Cellular Respiration is the chemical process that uses oxygen to convert the chemical energy stored in organic molecules into another form of energy  ATP  ATP (main energy supply)

6 Working Together The p pp products of photosynthesis are the chemical ingredients for cellular respiration The p pp products of cellular respiration are the chemical ingredients for photosynthesis

7 Types of Energy (NRG) Kinetic  anything moving Potential  stored energy Chemical  form of potential, depends on the structure of moleculesChemical  form of potential, depends on the structure of molecules –Organic molecules have high chemical NRG –Calorie  amount of NRG needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water by one degree C –Kcal

8 ATP packs energy for cellular work Chemical NRG stored in foods (organic molecules) must first be converted to ATPChemical NRG stored in foods (organic molecules) must first be converted to ATP Pg 143 What is ATP? Pg 143 Structure  Adenosine TRI-phosphate How is works  “compressed spring” joins chemical reaction potential NRG is released (loose 1 P) ATP  ADP (lost a P, adenosine DI- phosphate)

9 ATP Adenosine Tri Phosphate ATP  ADP + P + energy Energy released used in metabolic activity PPP Di ENERGY

10 ATP & Cellular Work What ATP does –e–energy for dehydration synthesis for linked AA –c–contraction of muscle cells –c–crossing across cell membrane –E–Electron transport chain

11 ATP Cycle ATP continuously converted to ADP as cells do work… but need cant use ADP…ATP continuously converted to ADP as cells do work… but need cant use ADP… Recycles! Page 144

12 Cellular Respiration  ATP NRG in food used to make ATP (NRG for cellular work) Cell Respiration happens in i ii inner membrane of mitochondria MANY STEPS!! Glycolysis  Krebs Cycle  Electron Transport Chain  38 ATP total

13 ATP and Cell Respiration Cell respiration main goal is to make ATP for cell work Glucose ATP 6 Oxygen 6 Water 6 Carbon Dioxide 38 What you need to write… 1 Glucose  38 ATP

14 Cellular Respiration  ATP NRG in food used to make ATP (NRG for cellular work) Cell Respiration happens in inner membrane of mitochondria MANY STEPS!! Glycolysis  Krebs Cycle  Electron Transport Chain  3 33 38 ATP total


16 Mitochondrion! Cell respiration happens in the mito Structure of mito is KEY to its role in respiration –Envelope of 2 membranes fluid –Thick fluid between inner and outer membrane (called the matrix) –Complex folding  high surface area  maximize ATP production

17 Stage 1: Glycolysis Pg 149 Occurs outside the mitochondria –I–I–I–In the cytoplasm What glycolysis needs (input) –2–2–2–2 ATP molecules, 1 Glucose Molecule, 2 NAD+ What glycolysis p pp produces (output) –2–2–2–2 NET ATP (4 total) –2–2–2–2 Pyruvic acids –2–2–2–2 NADH (each holds 2 electrons)  TO ETC –2–2–2–2 Water Molecules

18 Steps of Glycolysis What happens –1–1–1–1. 2 22 2 ATP splits glucose in h hh half  Yields 2 22 2 Carbon molecules each with a P group –2–2–2–2. Each carbon molecule transfers electrons AND hydrogen ions to a carrier molecule (NAD+) –3–3–3–3. NAD+ then turns into N NN NADH with the addition of the 2 electrons and 1 hydrogen –4–4–4–4. Through a chemical reaction a P is taken from the carbon molecule  forms ATP (2 for every NADH) INVESTED 2 ATP YIELDED 4 ATP  net gain 2ATP

19 6 Carbon 3 Carbon P P P P PP ATP ADP NAD+ NADH e e NAD+ NADH e e ADP 2 Pyruvic Acids Glucose Add 2 ATP  REACTIONS OCCUR  RESULT 4 ATP BUT!! 2 invested so NET gain is 2 ATP Both NADH move to the ETC

20 Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle Pg 150 Finishes the breakdown of pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide (releases more NRG) Where this occurs  matrix of mito Input  Acetyl CoA –1 Pyruvic acid – CO2 = 1 Acetyl CoA (happens twice) –During this we make 2 NADH and 2 Water molecules Output  4 CO2, 6 NADH, 2 ATP, 2 FADH2 the 6 NADH & 2 FADH2 go to the ETC the 6 NADH & 2 FADH2 go to the ETC

21 The Krebs Cycle 1. Acetyl CoA joins acceptor molecule –Produces 2 CO2 2. Electron Carriers (NADH & FADH2) trap NRG One ATP, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2 & 2 CO2 is produced for every 1 Acetyl CoA3. One ATP, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2 & 2 CO2 is produced for every 1 Acetyl CoA –THEREFORE… KREBS turns TWICE for every 1 Acetyl CoA (also for every glucose )


23 Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain (ETC) pg 151-152 Where  inner membrane of mito Input  NADH transfer electrons to ETC Output  34 ATP –Joins with 2 ATP from glycolysis and 2 ATP from Krebs 36-38 ATP total from 1 glucose molecule Add 2 ATP to start reaction!

24 The ETC 2 steps : ETC and ATP Synthase 2 steps : ETC and ATP Synthase 1. ALL electron carriers carry electrons to ETC1. ALL electron carriers carry electrons to ETC 2. Move down “chain” being more strongly attracted2. Move down “chain” being more strongly attracted as they move from protein to protein as they move from protein to protein 3. Oxygen is the FINAL ELECTRON ACCEPTOR, uses them to form water with hydrogen atoms3. Oxygen is the FINAL ELECTRON ACCEPTOR, uses them to form water with hydrogen atoms 4. AS electrons move, hydrogen atoms pumped across membrane from low to high concentration4. AS electrons move, hydrogen atoms pumped across membrane from low to high concentration

25 ATP Synthase NRG stored from ETC used in ATP synthase –5. Rush downhill through this structure –6. Uses NRG from H+ ions to convert ADP  ATP –7. Makes 34 ATP

26 Protein 1 Protein 3 Protein 4 P2P2 P2P2 ATP Synthase H+ ETC of Glycolysis 2 NADH Run 2 NADH 2 NAD+ 4 e- H+ 4 e- H+ 4 e- H+ ½ O2 Makes Water 6 ATP Molecules ALL H+ Pump ed Down

27 Protein 1 Protein 3 Protein 4 P2P2 P2P2 ATP Synthase H+ ETC of Pyruvate 2 NADH Run 2 NADH 2 NAD+ 4 e- H+ 4 e- H+ 4 e- H+ ½ O2 Makes Water 6 ATP Molecules ALL H+ Pump ed Down

28 Protein 1 Protein 3 Protein 4 P2P2 P2P2 ATP Synthase H+ ETC of Krebs 6 NADH Run 6 NADH 6 NAD+ 12 e- H+ 12 e- H+ 12 e- H+ ½ O2 Makes Water 18 ATP Molecules ALL H+ Pump ed Down H+

29 Protein 1 Protein 3 Protein 4 P2P2 P2P2 ATP Synthase ETC of Krebs 2 FADH2 Run 2 FADH2 2 FAD+ 4 e- H+ 4 ATP

30 ATP Synthase 2 NADH from Glycolysis  forms 12 H+ Ions, 6 ATP 2 NADH from Pyruvate  forms 12 H +Ions, 6 ATP 6 NADH from Krebs  36 H+ ions, 18 ATP 2 FADH2 from Krebs  4 ATP (no ions) 34 ATP made TOTAL ALL GO THROUGH PROCESS of pumping 1 H+ ion for every 1 electron (every carrier has 2 electrons)


32 Summary Glycolysis –Out of mito –1 Glucose  2 Pyruvic Acids, 4 ATP made, 2 NADH 2 Pyruvic  2 Acetyl CoA  2 NADH and 2 H20 Krebs –Matrix fluid inside inner membrane of mito –2 Acetyl CoA  4 CO2, 2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2 ETC –Inner membrane –34 ATP made from electron carriers PLUS the ATP made during glycolysis and Krebs = NET ATP 38 (-2 put in) = 36 GAINED ATP

33 7.5 Cellular Respiration GlycolysisKrebsETC input2 ATP molecules Breaks down pyruvic acid molecules NADH Electrons from sugar to electron transport chain ADP Output4 ATP 2 pryuvic 2 ATP molecules 34 ATP

34 Today… Review Cellular Respiration Learn 7.6 Fermentation Video clip on muscle strength and cellular respiration Reflection Activity

35 What we know… Body uses oxygen & chemical energy to make ____________ (NRG for cell work) Cellular respiration has 3 steps –1–1.____________, makes _____ATP –2–2.____________, makes _____ATP –3–3.____________, makes _____ATP But what if there is no oxygen present? ATP Glycolysis Krebs ETC 2 2 34

36 7.6 Fermentation Some of your cells can produce ATP and continue working for short periods without oxygen Where this can happen –M–Muscle Cells –M–Microorganisms

37 Fermentation in Muscles Makes ATP only through glycolysis –D–Does not use oxygen (anaerobic) Not very efficient but by burning enough glucose it creates enough ATP for short bursts of NRG Sprint  lungs and blood stream cant supply oxygen fast enough to meet needs for ATP

38 Side effects of fermentation –L–Lactic acid Soreness Body consumes oxygen to convert lactic acid to pyruvic acid

39 Fermentation in Microorganisms Yeast –F–Fermentation and cell respiration Kept in anaerobic conditions (no oxygen) they use fermentation Kept in aerobic (presence of oxygen) conditions they respiration –Y–Yeast fermentation produces alcohol; releases CO2 Also in breads

40 Video Clip How training prevents the use of fermentation in muscles

41 Reflection Activity Individually Design your own organisms! –An anaerobic organism ( no oxygen, it will kill it) –An aerobic organism (oxygen to survive) –An organism that can do both Describe its living conditions (where does it live, what does it eat, is it social…etc)

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