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The Glass Ceiling Factors affecting: Performance Salaries and Advancement of Female Managers L. Dubin, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The Glass Ceiling Factors affecting: Performance Salaries and Advancement of Female Managers L. Dubin, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Glass Ceiling Factors affecting: Performance Salaries and Advancement of Female Managers L. Dubin, 2013

2 Factors Affecting Women Are women genetically predisposed to be the weaker sex? Have women evolved or naturally selected to be less powerful in other ways? 1.Physical 2.Social 3.Emotional intriguing-medical-facts-settle-oldest-argument-all.html#axzz2KhND1odp 2

3 1-Physical Traits Height and beauty are often tied to success Height has been shown as a factor linked to career success Beauty is rewarded in our culture adings/Week%201/Judge.pdf 3

4 1-Physical Traits (con’t) Too much beauty is threatening or distracting Poor appearance may impede a woman’s success Studies suggest that men do not have this issue Appearance continues to be an issue restraining women musburger-really-creeping-on-aj-mccarrons-girlfriend Katherine Webb Danny Devito 4

5 2-Social Issues Women in Traditional Roles Education roles Traditional roles continue Administrative positions largely filled by men Political roles Traditional roles continue behind the scenes Women are still not adequately represented 5

6 2-Social Issues (con’t) Women are often assigned routine tasks Female managers do not advance as quickly as their male counterparts Women perceived as too aggressive or threatening Women may have difficulty breaking into the “club” Women in Business Roles 6

7 3-Emotional Issues Working Traits/Group Dynamics Men prefer to work solo Women prefer cooperation and group collaboration Working Styles/Status Quo Women are more unwilling to rock the corporate boat They are less likely than their male counterparts to take chances 7

8 3-Emotional Issues (con’t) Behavioral construct/theory -Women may not be as confident as other males in their profession -Women tend to be perceived as more emotional/moody whether true or not Social paradigm/pattern -Women are not as overtly aggressive or competitive in business situations 8

9 Other Issues Stereotypes Double standard Gender bias Home vs. Professional Life Women have a constant work-family conflict Success is a sacrifice in one area or another 9

10 How to Succeed (the 4 “E’s”) 1.Education- Lifelong learning and continuing education 2.Establishment- Learn to work within the “system” 3.Enterprise Mentality-Develop an entrepreneurial spirit 4.Ethics and Ethical Behavior- Lead by setting a positive example 10

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