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Presentation on theme: "JAMES D. CIMINO DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL INNOVATION OCADA Recruiting Game: Lessons Learned."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda 2 Introductions Objectives Our Approach Design Decisions Challenges Demo Lessons learned Questions

3 About D2 TEAM-Sim 3 D2 TEAM-Sim (D2) is a leading developer of enterprise-wide Interactive Multimedia Instruction for the US Government, Department of Defense and Healthcare professionals. 25 year history of Business Success 25 year history of Business Success Comprised of 3 major multimedia companies, integrated under an IT Company. Over 70 total years of broad, diversified digital multimedia and IT expertise and experience. 50 Creative & Technical Professionals Professional disciplines range from graphic arts to database programming thru instructional design and courseware development. Core team leaders are experienced experts in their specific professional areas. 50,000 Sq. ft. facility = a “1-Stop Shop” State-of-the-art development and hosting infrastructure with diesel power back-up. Four video editing suites including hi-definition, 3D and motion graphics. Complete graphic design and interactive game development capabilities. Government secret clearance and secure storage.

4 About OCADA 4 Office, Chief of Air Defense Artillery (OCADA) Manages the personnel lifecycles for Air Defense Artillery (ADA) active and reserve component officers, warrant officers, and enlisted Soldiers Conducts branch marketing initiatives Publishes the ADA Magazine in an effort to maintain the quality and health of ADA military occupational specialists (MOSs) and areas of concentration (AOCs) while improving the overall image of the branch and fostering espirit.

5 About The Recruitment App 5  The ADA recruitment app is an unclassified social learning app designed to run primarily on portable phones and other devices running the Android or iOS platforms, but can also be accessed through a standard web browser  The primary goal of the app is to increase ADA visibility Among top officer candidates helping to encourage them to consider ADA when choosing a placement  Secondary goals include entertaining the player while teaching them about the ADA branch: day to day activities, weapon systems, etc., as well as providing information about the ADA and the army in general to interested civilians

6 Objectives 6 Problem: OCADA’s budget does not allow on-site briefings at every college campus. Solution: Leverage mobile technology applications to provide the most cost-effective and contemporary method to reach our target audience.

7 Objectives: Timeline 7 AMO Packet Submitted 1 Aug 11 Contract out for Solicitation 1 Sep 11 Contract Awarded 28 Sep 11 Design Discussions 12 Oct 11 Mockups Created 11 Nov 11 Alpha Build 8 Dec 11 Beta Build 31 Jan 12 Beta Test Begins 3 Feb 12

8 Objectives: Supported Platforms 8 Web Browsers PC Mac Mobile Devices iOS iPod Touch iPhone Android

9 Objectives: Web Site 9 Web Site How To Play Web Game PC Mac Leader Board Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy

10 Objectives: Metrics 10 Monthly Reports Registered Users Demographics Google Analytics Dashboard Visitors Map Overlay New vs. Returning Traffic Sources Referring Sites Search Engines Keywords Content By Title Drilldown Landing pages Exit Pages

11 Our Approach 11 Listen twice, Design once Understand the client’s requirements Be flexible: our ideas are NOT always the best Become the customer’s partner, not vendor

12 Design Decisions 12 Development platform: Unity 3D Mastery of 1 development environment, not 5 2D graphics instead of 3D models Mini game bandwidth constraints Use of Video Bandwidth issues Require active internet connection Instant application data updates Can’t support everything (sorry iPad… for now)

13 Challenges 13 Sometimes what looks good on paper doesn’t really work out in the end.

14 Demo 14

15 Lessons Learned 15 Content from external sources needs stringent formatting specifications. Identify interfaces that will be required early in the development process. Identify “generics” within your code early on If possible, standardize database tables and requests Establish clear deadlines and build requirements. Scene management/versioning Performance test your 3D assets on your target devices “Success is a terrible teacher.” Bill Gates

16 Thank You! 16 Questions?

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