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 Computer Science 1MD3 Introduction to Programming Michael Liut Brandon Da Silva

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1  Computer Science 1MD3 Introduction to Programming Michael Liut ( Brandon Da Silva ( Ming Quan Fu ( Winter 2014

2 Introduction  Computer Science Students  Easily Approachable  Office Hours Held By Graduate TA & Professor – TBA  E-mail Us!

3 Class Resources   All announcements, assignments, marks, and course material will be posted here.

4 Setting up Python  Download the installation file from the web   Click on “Download” on the left  Download the Python 3.3.3 installation file  Make sure you are selecting the right file as there are different files for different Operating Systems.  There is a difference between 32- and 64-bit operating systems  Need Help? p/help.cgi p/help.cgi

5 Using IDLE  To open up IDLE, click…  Start > All Programs > Python 3.3 > IDLE (Python GUI)  To create a new program, click…  File > New Window  To edit a program, click…  File > Open

6 Text Editors  You may use any you wish. Python has its own text editor.  Others:  Notepad++  TextWrangler  Sublime Text

7 Who uses Python?  Python is known as a programming language for everyone, as beginners, professionals, and even computer scientists use it for programming  Beginners enjoy Python’s simplicity, and particularly like its ‘batteries included’ appearance, meaning that with one simple download, one has everything they need for basic programming without having to import or download more add-ons.  Professionals and computer scientists often use Python as an alternative to Perl, for its scripting and string manipulation capabilities, yet its syntax is not as cryptic as other languages  Python has been used by companies like IBM, Disney, NASA, Google, Dropbox, Industrial Light and Magic, and Zope Corporation.

8 How easy is it to learn?  Very easy to learn and experiment with  Interactive Environment  Compatible with many platforms  Designed for beginners and advanced programmers  One of the easiest languages to learn  Python documentation 

9  Learning to Program /cs1md3

10 The Beginning  Two main ways to program in Python, Interactive Mode Programming or Script Mode Programming  We use Script Mode Programming  Basics:  Commenting  # in Python instead of // in Java  New line in text  \n  Tab  \t

11 Variables NameExample String (holds numbers and text)stringVariable = “Hello world!” Boolean (True or False value)booleanVariable = True *Note: True and False must have the first letter capitalized Integer (a positive or negative whole number) intVariable = 123 Floating-Point Numbers (a positive or negative number with a decimal) floatVariable = 1.0 Imaginary Numbers (square root of - 1, represented by a j ) imaginaryVariable = 12j

12 Naming Conventions General Naming  Use meaningful names  Use words existing in the terminology of the target domain  AVOID EXCESSIVELY LONG NAMES  Use names relative to what you are assigning

13 Naming Conventions (ctd) Variable Names  Single word variable names are all lower case  Example: “age”, “gender”, etc.  Multiple word variable names capitalize the first letter of the SECOND word in the variable  Example: “firstName”, “lastName”, “pointScored”

14 Naming Conventions (ctd) Constants  USE ALL CAPS  Example: “WIDTH”, “LENGTH”, etc.  Multiple words are separated but underscores “_”  Example: “SCREEN_SIZE”, “MAX_AGE”

15 Declaring Variables firstName is a type string age is a type integer firstName = “Bob” age = 17

16 Printing Text  As mentioned earlier, Python is known for its “batteries included” appearance, meaning you do not have to import to print text  Example: Printing a string print(“Hello World!”) >> Hello World!

17 Text and Variables  There are two basic ways to display variables when outputting text in Python  Examples: Printing print(“Here is an example with text and variables: %s %d %f” %(“ABC”, 123, 3.14)) >> Here is an example with text and variables: ABC 123 3.14 print(“My name is ” + firstName + “, I am ” + str(age) + “ years old”) >> My name is Bob, I am 17 years old

18 Common String Functions text = “Hello World!” print(text.count(“l”)) >> 3 Count how many of a letter or word is in the text print(text[6:11]) >>World Extract substrings (reminder that the first letter of the text is 0, like in arrays) print(text.lower()) >> hello world! print(text.upper()) >> HELLO WORLD! Change to lower/upper case print(text.replace("Hello", "Goodbye")) >> Goodbye World! Replace the first world in the brackets, with the second word in the brackets  There are a lot of string functions! Here are a few:

19 Print Functions  print(“Here is an example with text and variables: %s %d %f” %(“ABC”, 123, 3.14))  The percent signs represent the type of variable being outputted – MUST MATCH  print(“Make a new line\n”)  “\n” at the end of text creates a new line

20 Keyboard Input  In Python, the input function reads anything that the user inputs as a string Example Keyboard Input number = input (“Insert a number: ”)

21 If Statements If Statement if number == 1: print(“The number is 1”) elif number > 1: print(“The number is ” + number) else: print(“Please choose a different number”)

22 While Loop Python 3 Example: counter = 0 go = True while go == True: if counter == 2: go = False print(“Gone”) else: counter += 1 print(“Going…”)

23 For Loop  In Python, you use something called the for… in… loop  In Python it is set up as:  for in range (,, ):  Example Python for i in range (10, 0, -1): print("T-minus: " + str(i))

24 Working with Lists in Python grades = [89, 76, 92, 83] grades.append(94) print(grades) >>[89, 76, 92, 83, 94] Appending a number to a list adds it to the end of the list. grades.insert(2, 67) print(grades) >>[89, 76, 67, 92, 83] The first number in the brackets when inserting a number tells Python where in the list you want to put it. Like in Java, the list starts at 0. All the other variables after it get pushed to the right one. print(grades[3]) >> 83 Like in Java, Python can call certain variables from the list

25 Assignment 1 DUE: THURSDAY JANUARY 30, 2014 BY 11PM

26  The End

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