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Rice seed chain in India: does exportable surplus of rice seeds exist? Dr Debdutt Behura Department of Agribusiness Management Orissa University of Agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "Rice seed chain in India: does exportable surplus of rice seeds exist? Dr Debdutt Behura Department of Agribusiness Management Orissa University of Agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rice seed chain in India: does exportable surplus of rice seeds exist? Dr Debdutt Behura Department of Agribusiness Management Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar

2 Trend in rice area, production and yield in India

3 Rice seed system in India Heavy involvement of public sector in R &D, production and distribution of inbred seeds and to a limited scale in hybrid seeds Private sector mainly involved in limited scale R & D mainly in hybrid and research seeds and their production and marketing. It is also engaged in production and marketing of publicly released notified inbred seeds.

4 Organized Rice seed production and supply system in India Source:

5 Indent and requirement of breeder seeds of rice in India in quintal YearIndentProduction 2001-028631229 2002-039311766 2003-048671518 2004-0511992572 2005-0615752850 2006-0720763405 2007-0824913923 2008-0930284333 2009-1038805387 2010-1146046095 2011-1257726828

6 Requirement and availability of Certified / Quality seeds of rice in India in lakh quintals YearRequirementAvailabilitySupplied 2000-0127.0731.26N.A. 2005-06N.A.36.7032.41 2006-07N.A.40.3543.51 2007-08N.A.53.5448.93 2008-09N.A.66.1458.18 2009-1065.6573.4160.95 2010-1171.6786.2969.34 2011-1282.5691.6074.41 2012-1378.1080.3272.27 2013(Kharif)62.5469.23N.A. 2014(Kharif)64.7372.53 N.A.

7 State wise requirement & availability of rice seed during Kharif, 2013 in quintals StateRequirementAvailabilitySurplus/Deficit Andhra Pradesh 1171509126166890159 Assam 563200 0 Bihar 42440048286058460 Chattisgarh 600000778794178794 Haryana 67100183163116063 Jharkhand 16700021635449354 Karnataka 24947329204442571 Madhya Pradesh 194339145895-48444 Odisha 66787668107513199 Punjab 16740021126943869 Tamil Nadu 211500 0 Uttar Pradesh 797000609263-187737 West Bengal 451500756210304710 India 62542646923320669056

8 Ratio of Supply and Demand of Quality/Certified Seeds in major rice-growing states

9 India’s exports in Rice Seeds(MT) Country/Year2005201020112013 Vietnam1136732118155 Indonesia78181617371 Philippines178374312962476 Nepal9518204125691535 Bangladesh8291171129 Ghana2080 Benin2193 Qatar227348142 UAE1375248403 Total exports1034610912911410210 India exported rice seed to 25 countries during 2013 Source: International Trade Centre, Trade Map database(2014)

10 Percentage share of private sector in supply of certified/quality seeds in India, 2013-14 StatesPercentage share to total supply StatesPercentage share to total supply Andhra Pradesh 47.5 Madhya Pradesh 49.4 Assam 68.6 Odisha 0 Bihar 49.2 Punjab 83.7 Chhattisgarh 20.9 Tamil Nadu 59.3 Haryana 70.3 Uttar Pradesh 58.1 Jharkhand 0 West Bengal 63.2 Karnataka 54.2 India 51.7

11 SRR Certified/quality seeds itself increases the yield by 15 to 20%. Seed replacement rate(SRR), defined as the proportion of a crop area planted with certified or quality seeds(as opposed to farm-kept seeds), is an indicator of the effectiveness of seed systems in supplying high quality seeds to farmers. Accordingly the SRR for rice in India and various states of India has increased in recent years. Ideally for self pollinated crops like rice SRR should be 35%.

12 State-wise SRR of rice in major rice-growing states

13 The Case of Odisha

14 Trend in area, production, yield and area under HYV rice in Odisha

15 Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) of Rice in Odisha

16 Area certified under rice seed production in Odisha

17 Seed area registered during Kharif, 2013 by agency in Odisha AgencyArea registeredShare OSSC 13768.7935.5 NFSM 9344.824.1 Private 8447.9121.8 SVS 2272.455.9 BGREI 2148.65.5 OAIC 1208.63.1 GOVT. 867.692.2 OUAT 254.60.7 GOI 2270.6 NSC 174.40.4 SQSPP 300.1 CRRI 11.6480.0 Total 38756.49100.0

18 Percentage share of each seed source in certification of total quantity of Foundation rice seeds in Odisha(Kharif) 2001-022005-062008-092010-112012-13 Dept. Farms4616312522 O.S.S.C. LTD.1112 5 O.U.A.T.223714128 PRIVATE2135435130 N.S.C0.20.10.5 SVS33 OAIC2 NFSM0.03 BGREI0 NGO 0 Total (tons)20361857313632977727

19 Percentage share of each seed source in certification of total quantity of Certified rice seeds in Odisha(Kharif) 2001-022005-062008-092010-112012-13 Dept. Farms812320.4 O.S.S.C.LTD.8267766469 O.U.A.T. PRIVATE919152822 N.S.C1450.3 SVS10.10.01 OAIC1 NFSM8 BGREI0.02 NGO 0.01 Total (tons)1603314439396734196849897

20 Percentage share of each seed source in certification of total quantity of rice seeds in Odisha(Kharif) 2001-022005-062008-092010-112012-13 Dept. Farms13 543 O.S.S.C.LTD.74617260 O.U.A.T.44111 PRIVATE1021173023 N.S.C1350.3 SVS10.064 OAIC1 NFSM7 BGREI0.02 NGO 0.005 Total (tons)1806916296428084526657624

21 Percentage share in total seed supply/sold by major varieties during kharif season Seed supply/sale by major varieties during kharif season. Percentage share in total seed supply/sold 20012005201020112013 MTU-10011316171827 Swarna3331333222 Pooja011141618 MTU-101000688 Lalat148744 Khandagiri53423 CR-101854221 Surendra26211 CR-1009163110 BPT-520454171 Others914 1015 Total seed supplied/sold (Qtss)241441136095471678487221512143

22 % of responses Sources of seeds Own57 Gov't Seed Sale Center31 Other farmers7 Seed trader4 Others1 Sources of information Other farmers76 Extension officers21 Seed trader2 Others2 Sources of seeds and varietal information(2010)

23 Actors/Stakeholders in rice seed value chain in Odisha DAC-Seed Division, GOI Research Institutes/SAUs- CRRI, OUAT, ANGRAU, IGKV, BCKV, DRR etc OSSOPCA, OSSC Ltd, OAIC, NSC, SFCI, State Government Farms(57) Private seed entrepreneurs( more than 50 MOU farms) Registered seed growers of OSSC Ltd(5000 nos) Organizers & Contract seed growers of Private seed entrepreneurs Govt. Schemes- NFSM, SVS, BGREI Farmers’ Organizations & SHGs (NABARD as well as Word Bank assisted) MNCs/National Seed Companies NGO Seed dealers of OSSC ltd and OAIC, PACS, Wholesalers/distributors of inputs both inside as well as outside the state, Input retailers both inside as well as outside the state, SHGs Farmers

24 Flow chart of inbred rice seed production and distribution in Odisha DAC/Seed Division, GOI, NSP Research institutes within & outside the state BS Private Farms (MOU- more than 50 Nos) OSSC farms/ Seed growers DAFP govt farms (57) CRRI-ICAR (NSP) OUAT (NSP) TL OAIC TRIPTI (WB) Private Farms(MOU- more than 50 Nos) Contract seed growers OSSC farms SVS (GOI) Registered seed growers (5000) CRRI Outlet/ Schemes Pvt. Firms through OAIC OSSC OAIC/OSSC /Schemes Pvt. firms/ Rice farmers CS OAIC dealers (644 Nos.) Seed distributors/ Input dealers DDA-DAFP (Schemes) DDA-DAFP (Schemes) Storage facility (70), 2.60lakh qts PACS(878)/OSSC dealers (3225) OAIC dealers (644 nod.) OUAT Outlet/ Schemes Rice Farmers FS CS FS

25 CONCLUSIONS India has surplus production of breeder as well as certified rice seeds. There is oversupply in some states and some are deficient SRR of rice doubled from 21% to 40% during 2005 to 2011 SRR in some of the eastern Indian states of Odisha, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh is low as compared to the other major rice producing states though there is surplus availability. Timely availability of desired variety is a constraint. In the near future low SRR states will certainly try to increase SRR. So internal demand will increase. Still India has sufficient capacity to increase the production base Role of private seed entrepreneurs have increased significantly in production & marketing of Certified seeds Area under rice seed production has increased significantly over the years and is stated to reach a higher front in the near future thereby increasing the possibility of higher SRR as well as increased potential for export to neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Nepal etc. The export potential of inbred rice seed will mainly concentrate on specific rice varieties. However, quality is a major concern. Other major challenges are IPR, quarantine, sanitary and phytosanitary issues, harmonization of seed certification standards, infrastructure bottlenecks

26 Policy Options Policy to decide what type of seeds i.e., whether to export Breeder or Certified seeds If Breeder seeds, who to export and pricing issues in export of BS If Certified seeds, private sector or public sector? If public sector, then SSC or NSC? The State Seed Corporations along with the Certifying Agencies who are the controlling authority in production and certification of seeds are highly understaffed. Infrastructure facilities at their steps are too little and inadequate to produce and maintain quality standards of that enormous quantity of rice seeds. Immediate measures need to be taken to increase the production units under different seeds corporations as well as certification centres with sufficient staff. Godown facility to store paddy seeds is low. There is urgent need to increase the storage capacity to keep the seeds in sound condition.

27 Policy options (Cont.) Seed Testing Laboratories are quite inadequate to check the large quantities of seed lots being sent for testing. Technical Training: The seed industry stretches all the way from genetic research, through varietal development, bulking up, certification, registration, production and marketing. Many of these topics are highly technical, and it need well trained seed scientists and technologists. So training is an essential element for successful implementation of quality seed production, processing, storage and marketing.

28 Policy options (Cont.) Demand estimation of varieties in the importing countries Ensuring regular supply Streamline the quarantine aspect by vigorous checking and testing at each stage of production, processing, grading, packaging etc Ensure maintaining sanitary and phytosanitary requirements Harmonizing of seed laws and regulations

29 Thank you

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