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KEEPING YOUR FAMILY SAFE ONLINE Tips from a Parent Who is Paid to be Paranoid Aaron Ades AVP Cybersecurity at MetLife and Parent of Two Children of the.

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Presentation on theme: "KEEPING YOUR FAMILY SAFE ONLINE Tips from a Parent Who is Paid to be Paranoid Aaron Ades AVP Cybersecurity at MetLife and Parent of Two Children of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEEPING YOUR FAMILY SAFE ONLINE Tips from a Parent Who is Paid to be Paranoid Aaron Ades AVP Cybersecurity at MetLife and Parent of Two Children of the Internet Generation

2 I am Supposed to be an Expert Scary Things at My Job Cybercrime Malware Identity & Credit Card Theft Phishing Corporate Espionage State Sponsored Hacking Denial of Service Malicious Insiders Intellectual Property Theft Scary Things at Home Cybercrime Online Time Management Inappropriate Content Cyberbullying Online Predators Sexting Posting Personal Information FOREVER

3 What We’ll Cover Tonight 1. Basic Cyber Security 2. Being Good Cyber Parent Online Time Online Behavior Online Content 3. Safety

4 INTERNET SECURITY 101 Keeping the Bad Guys Out and Your Online Stuff Safe

5 Cyber Threats and Motivations (What the Bad Guys Want) Courtesy Brian Krebs:

6 It’s Not Personal… It’s Just Business

7 Basic Cyber Security Tips 1. Patch/Update Everything (Automatically if Possible) 2. Run Reputable Antivirus/Antispyware 3. Don’t Open Attachments or Click Links in Email from People You Don’t Know 4. Passwords Use Strong Password (Nothing from the Dictionary in Any Form) Don’t Use the Same Password Everywhere Change Them When Compromised 5. Remove Java From Your Web Browser Need Java?? Use two browsers, One with Java and One Without 6. Use OpenDNS to Filter Malicious Sites

8 CYBER PARENTING For the Connect Child

9 Be a Parent Know What They Do Online Ask specific questions about online activities Snoop – Yes you are allowed to do this! Consider Maturity of Child and Peers Set Limits American Academy of Pediatrics Recommends Limiting (all) screen time to 2 hours per day What they can view and post When they are allowed to connect How long each day Set Expectations Clear Rules Clear Consequences

10 Ways to Safeguard Content Filtering OpenDNS - Net Nanny - McAfee Family Protection - protection protection Time Management Windows 7 Parental Controls - us/windows7/products/features/parental-controls us/windows7/products/features/parental-controls Mac -

11 Other References DHS US-CERT Internet Security Tips - Password Apps 1Password - LastPass - Google Authenticator - Yubikey -

12 SAFETY NetSmartz – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ***NOTE: The Netsmartz portion of this PowerPoint is too big to send via email. It can be downloaded at the link below. The Netsmartz website requires that you register with an email address and password and then the presentation can be downloaded


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