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Bernadette P. Resurrección, Ph.D Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Asia Centre Adapting to climate change in peri-urban Southeast.

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Presentation on theme: "Bernadette P. Resurrección, Ph.D Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Asia Centre Adapting to climate change in peri-urban Southeast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bernadette P. Resurrección, Ph.D Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Asia Centre Adapting to climate change in peri-urban Southeast Asia A case study in Vietnam

2 Overview Adaptability to water stresses Peri-urban related water stresses Climate change effects Socially- differentiated & gendered vulnerabilities

3 Research Questions: What are the contingent biophysical, social, spatial, political, economic and gendered drivers of vulnerability of people in water-stressed situations in selected peri-urban areas in Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines? How do people adapt to climate-related water stress situations in selected peri- urban areas in Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines? What are the biophysical, social, gendered, economic and political factors that enable people in peri-urban areas to adapt to climate-related water stresses, and what are the barriers that weaken their capacities to reduce their vulnerabilities to these stresses? What are the promising pathways to inform and influence government adaptation planning that will lead to improved and equitable water management in peri- urban areas that aim to reduce these vulnerabilities for short and long-term resilience against water stresses?

4 Methods Phase 1: scoping study on multiple drivers of vulnerability, water stresses and impacts (Months 1- 11) 1.Scoping on history of water stresses, interventions, hydrological and ecological conditions, climate changes 2.Area mapping of peri-urban water stress study sites 3.Socio-economic profiling of households in most severely water-stressed sites through rapid assessment 4.Survey on climate change perceptions 5.Infrastructure and programs in place related to water stress 6.Preliminary gender analysis of livelihoods, water use and management

5 Preliminary findings: a case study in Vietnam The main entrance of Van Mon commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh Province Quan Do Village of Van Mon commune

6 Preliminary finding: a case study in Vietnam Bio-physical characteristics: By the river bank Uncontrolled discharge of wastewater Underground water Peri-urban characteristics: Increased population More houses and workshops Less rice field and ponds Bad water and sanitation systems Untreated discharge of toxic chemicals Management institutions: No monitoring & management of the wastewater No collective action Self-protection Drivers of Vulnerabilities Unusual & sudden inundation Unpredicted floods Sudden & prolonged rains Lower underground water level Climate factors:

7 Preliminary finding: a case study in Vietnam Wastes discharged from aluminum melting furnaces Water filtering system Water pollution Bad sanitation Water-born diseases Loss crops and properties Pest contamination WORSENING

8 Preliminary finding: a case study in Vietnam Drivers of vulnerabilit y Who are specifically worse off? Women... They take care of the sick Seek outside support Productive roles: excluded from highly lucrative jobs Many of them are child-bearing (since family-size = wealth) The senior and poorer groups (agriculture-based livelihoods) Cinder panning by local women

9 Next step: phase 2 Investigating vulnerabilities and adaptation (Months 12-24) 6.Vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies (i)Typologizing and investigating patterns of experienced impacts and vulnerabilities to water stresses based on episode/s reconstruction with gender analysis; (ii)Typologizing and investigating patterns of actualized adaptation strategies to water stresses and their enabling factors and barriers based on episode/s reconstruction with gender analysis; (iii)Household survey – to test pervasiveness of qualitative results on vulnerability and adaptation with gender-disaggregated data collection 7.Assessing institutionally-organized and supported adaptation programs and actions with gender analysis

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