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Use of Smart Phone Communication and computing Making calls Sending messages Playing music/videos Gaming, mailing Web browsing, Transacting business Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of Smart Phone Communication and computing Making calls Sending messages Playing music/videos Gaming, mailing Web browsing, Transacting business Social."— Presentation transcript:


2 Use of Smart Phone Communication and computing Making calls Sending messages Playing music/videos Gaming, mailing Web browsing, Transacting business Social networking etc. Is it possible for programming like Python, C and C++

3 Introduction Mobile device for programming:- Linux commands Vi Editor, Filters, Pipes Shell programming Programming languages :- Python C and C++ WAP programming Target Platform:- Nokia’s N900 (N950 )

4 Target Device : N 900 (Maemo)

5 vi editor session VI is used to create any source file like shell programs, python, C or C++ programs etc. $ vi [filename] Eg:- vi vi hello.c vi

6 Shell Programming Methodology Shell programming on mobile is similar to the desktop Shell Program In Nokia’s N900 (Maemo) :- Open the xterminal in Nokia N900/950 Write a Shell Program :- Use editors like VI editor, GTKeditor etc. to write with the file name as in linux desktop envrnt. Run the shell script:-./shell script name

7 Demo vi ls -l pwd date

8 Filters and Pipes etc grep “ls” Output:- ls –l sed ‘/ls -l/d’ > // to delete the words ls –l from the file and redirect the result into cat| sort > Output: date ls -l pwd

9 Python Programming Open the X-terminal Type python to go to the python shell Eg:- to print any text similar to printf in C print “”

10 C Programming methodology: Download the following packages to work with gcc in the given order: binutils_2.18.50.20070820-4+0m5_armel.deb: This package is used to assemble, link and manipulate binary and object files. libgcc1_4.2.1-4maemo9+0m5_armel.deb: gcc support library libgomp1_4.2.1-4maemo9+0m5_armel.deb: gcc OpenMP (GOMP) support library cpp-4.2_4.2.1-4maemo9+0m5_armel.deb: The GNU C preprocessor gcc-4.2-base_4.2.1-4maemo9+0m5_armel.deb:This package contains files common to all languages and libraries contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc). gcc-4.2_4.2.1-4maemo9+0m5_armel.deb:This package is the GNU C compiler, a fairly portable optimizing compiler for C.

11 Browse the directory where these packages are stored. #/home/user/MyDocs/gcc De-packaging all the above downloaded packages /home/user/MyDocs/gcc #dpkg – i Go to home directory and create one new directory as /home #mkdir cprog Compile the source C program /home/cprog # gcc-4.2 hello.c –o out View the out put by runing the exe file #./out Note:-you will get the output on the terminal screen. C Programming methodology cont-



14 Demo #include "stdio.h" main() { printf("mobile c programming lab Mek \n"); }

15 C++ programming Similar use the instructions for programming C++ with new libraries as given in the paper. Try other programming: JAVA etc


17 (Mek) Our Vision: "To impact quality of technical education by bridging the gap between theory and practice in teaching/learning of various ICT subjects using the ubiquitous mobile devices as the new pedagogical platform. “ Our Mission: "Develop a practical teaching and learning environment that provides comprehensive set of guides and experiments, catering to the needs of Computer Science, Electronics and Information & Telecommunication technologies, by making use of modern computing platforms and make it freely accessible through: Mek ” Sponsored by Nokia

18 References 1. Chi-Hong LEUNG, Yuen-Yan CHAN, “Mobile Learning: A New Paradigm in Electronic Learning”, Proceedings of the The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’03), CSI, 2003. 2. Dan Corlett, Mike Sharples, Susan Bull,Tony Chan, “Valuation of a mobile learning organiser for university students”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Volume 21, Issue 3, pages 162–170, June 2005. 3. Babatunde B. Akinkuolie, Chia-Feng Lin and Shyan-Ming Yuan “A Cross-Platform Mobile Learning System Using QT SDK Framework”, Fifth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, 2011. 4. Jules White, Hamilton Turner, "Smartphone Computing in the Classroom," IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 82-86, April-June, 2011. 5. Chris Greenhalgh, Steve Benford, et al, “Addressing Mobile Phone Diversity in Ubicomp Experience Development”, UbiComp 2007: Ubiquitous Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 4717, 2007, pp 447-464. 6. Glenn Stockwell “Using mobile phones for vocabulary activities: examining the effect of the platform”, Language Learning & Technology, June 2010, Volume 14, Number 2, pp. 95– 110. 7. M. Hasegawa, K. Nakamura et al, “High accessible experimental information on CPD experiment”, Fusion Engineering and Design 83 (2008) 402–405. 8. 9. 4maemo9+0m5/.

19 Thank You

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