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2 The Personnel Function in our organization
- Lecture 1

3 Syllabus The Personnel Function in our organization
Recruitment, Induction, Placement & Development, Personnel Budget Personnel Policies & Standing orders Absenteeism, Personnel Turnover & Problem of indiscipline Transfers, Promotions & Voluntary retirements Compensation Plans - Perquisites & Bonus Job status, Grade & Salary & wage structure – Out fore, Measure Morale studies & Personnel Research

4 Books HRM – K. Aswathappa Personnel Management – Edwin Flippo

5 Opening Case Develop a case study, where an individual after an elaborate selection procedure, tenders in his resignation after the first month. Form groups of 6 members, discuss & present your findings for the following points. What could the reasons be? How could the HR Department have interviewed? How would the management fill the gap and justify the “episode”?

6 The Personnel Function in our organization
Definition of Personnel Management The Role of the Personnel Manager Challenges of Modern Personnel Management Approaches to Personnel Management Organizing the Personnel Unit Planning the Personnel Program Controlling the Personnel Unit

Personnel Management is the Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling Of the Procurement, Development, Compensation, Integration, Maintenance & Separation Of human resources to the end that individual, organizational, and societal objectives are accomplished.

8 The Role of the Personnel Manager
The Personnel Manager has Exclusive responsibility of – Personnel records, Insurance Benefits administration Unemployment compensation administration Personnel Research The Heart of a Personnel Programme itself requires considerable coordination, as well as coordination with units in the remainder of the organization.

9 Challenges of Modern Personnel Management
Changing Mix of the Work force Changing Personal Values of the Work force Changing expectations of citizen-employees Changing levels of productivity Changing demands of government

10 Changing Mix of the workforce.
Increased numbers of minority members entering occupations requiring greater skills. Increasing levels of formal education for the entire work force. More female employees. More married female employees. More working mothers. A steadily increasing majority of white-collar employees in place of the blue-collar.

11 Changing Personal Values of the Work Force
Better morale Better fit of work time to the employee’s “body clock” Improving handling of fluctuating workloads Increased customer service Reduced employee absenteeism Reduced turnover

12 Challenges of Modern Personnel Management …contd.
Changing Expectations of Citizen-Employees Freedom of Speech Right to privacy Changing Levels of Productivity Numerous laws Increase in new numbers of employees Adversial relations with labour unions Changing Demands of Government In procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation.

13 Approaches to Personnel Management
Mechanical Approach Paternalism Social System

14 Mechanical Approach toward Personnel
Labour must be classified with capital and land. Personnel are controllable, predictable, and interchangeable. Techniques such as time study, incentive wages were introduced. Problems incurred were Loss of jobs through development of new machines or work techniques Decreased economic security leading to formation of labour organizations Labour organizations grew at a very slow pace Decreased pride in work

15 Paternalism Management must assume a Toward employees.
fatherly and protective attitude Toward employees. Activities such as Company stores Company homes and Recreational facilities were started

16 Social System The firm is viewed as a complex central system operating within a complex environment which can be termed as “outer-extended system” The central system cannot be closed & directed in a mechanistic fashion. Options are available to central system members with the aid of labour unions, government, and various public groups.

17 Organizing the Personnel Unit
Bases of Departmentation Procurement (employment) Development (training) Compensation (wage & salary administration) Integration (labor relations) Maintenance (safety) Separation (employee services, retirement)

18 Organizing the Personnel Unit
Line & Personnel Staff relationships Line person may Advise and not Command or Order Staff relationship is of Service Staff advice compels the line person only to listen & not accept or follow advice Staff should be able to give truthful advice to superiors without fear of losing their jobs

19 Planning the Personnel Programme
Planning is determination of anything in advance of action. Decision Making Programmes and Policies The Computer and Personnel Standards

20 Decision Making Recognize & define a problem that calls for action
Determine possible alternative solutions Collect and analyze facts bearing upon the problem. Decide on a solution

21 Programmes and Policies – In 4 areas
Designing enriched jobs The ease with which it can be implemented in the organization Projected economic benefits to the firm Possible economic risks associated with the programmes.

22 The Computer and Personnel
Payroll Timekeeping Taxes Increases etc. Personnel Skills Education Interests etc Fringe benefits Pensions Insurance Medical, etc Integrated Computer system Procurement Basic records Identification of vacancies Applicant flow ( when applied, source, process, hiring decision, why rejected etc.. Development- each employee skill profile Compensation- salary by job, education etc. Integration- grievance by unit, employee etc. Maintenance- Govt. reports (accidents, lost time etc.) Separation- terminated employee reports OUTPUTS

23 Standards It is an established criterion or model against which actual results can be compared. Results or Standards cover Time and Cost variables Method or function Personnel & Physical factors

24 Controlling the Personnel Unit
STRATEGIC CONTROL POINTS Procurement Formal placement follow-up of employee job satisfaction Development Quality losses Compensation Wage & salary budgets Integration Morale surveys Maintenance Insurance premiums Separation Number of retirees participating in retirement programmes

25 The Personnel Audit & Human Resources Accounting
Systematic survey & analysis of all operative functions of personnel, with a summarized statement of findings and recommendations for correction of deficiencies Human Resources Accounting Suppose a major catastrophe wiped out all the human resources in your organization, how long would it take & how much would it cost to replace them.

26 Dimension Personnel Management HRM 1. Employment Contract Careful delineation of written contracts Aim to go beyond contract 2. Rules Importance of devising clear rules ‘Can do’ outlook, Impatience with rule 3. Key Relations Labour Management Customer 4. Speed of decision Slow Fast 5. Management role Transaction Transformational 6. Job design Division of labor Team work 7. Respect for employees Labor is treated as a tool which is expendable & replaceable. People are treated as assets to be used for the benefit of an organization, its employees & the society as a whole. 8. Shared interest Interests of the organization are uppermost Mutuality of interests


28 Composition of HR / Personnel Department
Director HRM Manager Manager- Administration Manager-HRD Manager- IR Personnel Appraisal T & D PR Canteen Medical Welfare Transport Legal HRP Hiring Grievance Handling Compensation

29 Put True / False in the blank space given below:
___ Labour must be classified with capital and land according to the Mechanical Approach. ___ Changing Mix of the Work force is a challenge of modern personnel management. ___ Management role in HRM is transactional & not transformational.

30 Match the term with its appropriate definition
Personnel Management Standard Personnel Audit Systematic survey & analysis of all operative functions of personnel, with a summarized statement of findings and recommendations for correction of deficiencies The planning, organizing, directing and controlling Of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance & separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational, and societal objectives are accomplished. It is an established criterion or model against which actual results can be compared.

31 Thank You

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