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GSNU-CAM Data Exchange Between CAD/CAM System. GSNU-CAM IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) 1980 US NIST, National Institute of Standards and.

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Presentation on theme: "GSNU-CAM Data Exchange Between CAD/CAM System. GSNU-CAM IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) 1980 US NIST, National Institute of Standards and."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSNU-CAM Data Exchange Between CAD/CAM System

2 GSNU-CAM IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) 1980 US NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology De facto standard of geometry exchange between CAD/CAM systems DXF (Drawing Interchange Format) Autodesk for AutoCAD STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) 1984 ISO Includes product data for life cycle CGM & STL VRML &STRIM/STYLER Data Exchange Format_Neutral File

3 GSNU-CAM STEP STEP AP203 / AP214 format (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) : the CATIA - STEP AP203 Interface and the CATIA - STEP AP214 Interface : allow to interactively read and write data in STEP AP203 / AP214 data formats. Its supports geometry and assembly structures and handles topology (shells, solids) on export and import. For instance, you can read a STEP file, edit its content in CATIA V5 workbenches, and save the results directly as a STEP file.

4 GSNU-CAM IGES IGES format is supported by the CATIA –IGES Interface (IG1) product. CATIA - IGES Interface (IG1) helps users working in a heterogeneous CAD/CAM environment to exchange data through a neutral format. The Initial Graphic Exchange Specification (IGES) format, is the most used neutral format to transfer data between heterogeneous CAD systems. Users can perform bi-directional data exchange between dissimilar systems with direct and automated access to IGES files. IGES files containing 3D geometry are imported into CATPart documents. Their type should be "igs". IGES files containing 2D geometry and annotations are imported as CATDrawing documents. Their type should be "ig2".

5 GSNU-CAM DXF/DWG DXF/DWG : DXF formats are supported by the CATIA - Generative Drafting Products. After creating drawings, the designers can export data in DXF/DWG formatted files and import the 2D geometric data contained in a DXF/DWG file into a CATDrawing document.

6 GSNU-CAM CGM & STL CGM, Computer Graphics Metafile, is the International Standard for the storage and transfer of 2D picture description information. It is specified in IS 8632:1992 Parts 1-4. It can handle vector graphics and images. It stores pictures in a way which is independent of any particular software, computer or graphics device. CGM offers the Internet community the first option for a vector-based (i.e., line-art) image type. Currently, the valid image types are JPEG, and GIF, both raster or bitmap type image files. Vector images allow for greater detail and clarity at multiple zoom levels. Also, they are usually much more compact than the equivalent bitmap. CGM is used by a number of other standards including the Office Document Architecture (ODA) standard, ATA within the commercial aviation industry, J2008 within the automotive industry and the CALS (Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support) specification of the US Dept of Defence. The CGM can be used to exchange pictures between different types of applications. CAE/CAD, graphic arts, business graphics and desk top publishing packages can all use the CGM to exchange graphical information STL format is supported by the CATIA - Object Manager Products. STL concerns stereolithography document (.stl

7 GSNU-CAM VRML & STRIM/STYLER VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) format is supported by the CATIA - Object Manager Products. Moreover CATIA DMO (DMU Optimizer) results can be exported as VRML files. STRIM/STYLER : CATIA - STRIM/STYLER To CATIA Interface 2 (STC) allows to process in CATIA V5 the Geometry from Strim and Styler Applications. It provides a unique direct Interface from Strim and Styler to CATIA, which operates on Strim and Styler Native Format Files in CATIA Environment. The product features a direct access to Styler or Strim data files to convert and store them into CATIA V5 format. The product enables to retrieve an existing Styler or Strim design into CATIA, and proceed to further transformations in CATIA Mechanical Solutions, Potentially NC Manufacturing Solutions and Shape Design & Styling solutions. STRIM and STYLER files (with extension ".tdg") can be selected in File Open to Create and Display a CATIA part document enclosing the geometry of the files in a CATIA Format. Files can be selected in the CATIA - DIGITAL MOCK-UP NAVIGATOR to be inserted as existing components in a Product.

8 GSNU-CAM IGES 파일 포멧 Start section –Comment, filename, data name, etc Global section –System environment information Directory Entry section –Data index and data attribution Parameter Data Section –Real data value(coordinate, parameter value) Terminate Section


10 GSNU-CAM DXF 파일 포멧 Header Section Tables Section Block Section Entities Section

11 GSNU-CAM DXF 파일 예

12 GSNU-CAM What is DUCADE? DUCADE is a collaborative information exchange environment for the concurrent design of electronic printed circuit boards and mechanical enclosures. Tracks the key product characteristics(KPC’s) which are coupled in both domains over the life cycle of the product  Enforces design specifications between such KPC’s  Gives feedback to designers when such design specifications are violated Provides product visualization to facilitate communication Compiles history of KPC’s Models product architecture Structures intangible information between domain designers so that they become tangible for future reference

13 GSNU-CAM “The IPE 200 project team reduced time to market by 75 percent using Unigraphics - a process that used to take two to four years was slashed to just six months...Communication between the various development disciplines and their respective software packages aided the IPE 200 success. These flawless interfaces allowed the design to progress rapidly and efficiently…” - Unigraphic Solutions Inc, Publications, 2000 Why DUCADE? Ericsson's Private Radio Systems (PRS) division initiated a program to develop a new portable radio.c Mentorgraphics (ECAD) and Unigraphics (MCAD) Primary objective was to ensure there were no interferences between the populated PCB and mechanical components. Analyze form, fit and function of system assembly. Problem: Proprietary CAD Systems

14 GSNU-CAM Why DUCADE? Allow for concurrent design of electrical and mechanical components and avoid “over the wall” design methodology  Reduction of product cycle development time  Reduce cost of development of product Environment is independent of the CAD system and relies on standardized data exchange formats DUCADE is web enabled based on client/server architecture Provides expert system analysis based on history of coupled KPC’s to guide future designs Messaging service maintains communication of KPC modifications between engineers Rapid PCB and enclosure assembly via STEP protocols: AP 203: Product definition of 3D mechanical parts and assemblies AP 210: Electronic assembly, interconnect, and packaging design

15 GSNU-CAM Examples of “DUCADE” Products PicoRadio Testbed Handspring® Visor with GPS Module Photoresistor On/Off Switch Serial Port Sensor PCB Sensor Device Access Windows

16 GSNU-CAM DUCADE and Cybercut Pipeline ECAD MCAD MOSIS chip fab/pack. PCB Assembly (Outsource) DFM Rules Mold Viability DUCADEDUCADE Cut Mold (Out source/In-House) AP 210 AP 203 AP 210 Mold Mfg-ability Feature Recognizer Cybercut Pipeline {

17 GSNU-CAM DUCADE Tools and Modules Data Storage DB XML Visualization Tools STEP Viewer VRML, SAT Viewer Translators AP 210 AP203 Development Suite JAVA - client JSP, ASP - server Expert Component System Linear optimization for optimal component placement Notification Service Email to designers of EM changes Geometric Kernel ACIS STEP TOOLS CASCADE PA ModelingCoupled KPC Module Tools Modules

18 GSNU-CAM Standardized Design Data Exchange

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