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Electronics Maintenance Company Mentorship Program

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1 Electronics Maintenance Company Mentorship Program

2 Main References MCO 1500.58 Marine Corps Mentoring Program (MCMP)
NAVMC DIR Marine Corps Mentoring Program (MCMP) Guidebook NAVMC 2795 USMC User’s Guide to Counseling GruO A Commanding General’s Marine Corps Mentoring Program Bn Policy Letter D Maintenance Battalion Mentorship Program ELMACO Policy Letter 1-13 ELMACO Mentorship Program

3 White Letter No Published 3-Mar-95 by the 30th Commandant Gen. Mundy. White letter addressing officer mentorship relations. Mentorship relationship should be voluntary.

4 ALMAR 454/96 Published 23-Dec-96 by the 31st Commandant Gen Krulak.
Formally addressed infantry team building based upon mentorship. Formally established the recruit depot ‘Crucible’ event.

5 ALAMAR 008/06 Published 14-Feb-06 by the 33rd Commandant Gen Hagee.
Addressed to all Marines. Formal implementation of Marine Corps mentoring program. Mentor defined as trusted teacher, guide, coach, and role model.

6 MCO 1500.58 Published 13-Feb-06 by the 33rd Commandant Gen Hagee.
Titled ‘Marine Corps Mentorship Program (MCMP)’ Includes Reference (a) NAVMC 2795 ‘USMC User’s Guide to Counseling’, and Reference (b) NAVMC DIR ‘Marine Corps Mentoring Program Guidebook’. “…MCMP does not replace the counseling program…”

7 NAVMC 1500.58 Published 13-Feb-06 by the 33rd Commandant Gen Hagee.
Under the MCMP, your immediate supervisor will normally be your mentor. “…This mentoring program is intended to replace the counseling program…”

8 NAVMC 2795 USMC User’s Guide to Counseling. Published 21-Jul-86.
Written as a reference publication for MCO , has no tasking authority by itself. Contains basic Marine Corps counseling guides to include; types, occasions, methods, considerations.

9 MCO 1610.12 CANCELLED U. S. Marine Corps Counseling Program.
NAVMC 2795 was written for this specific MCO. MCO is no longer available on the MCPEL, nor any other official publication source. IAW NAVMC DIR , “…The mentorship program is not designed to preclude on-the-spot counseling, immediate corrective action, or formal disciplinary actions when appropriate…” IAW NAVMC DIR Common Combat Skills Checklist, Leadership Counseling is ‘As Required’.

10 GruO A Published 17-Apr-13 by Combat Logistics Regiment 35 Commanding Officer Colonel Wright. Reiterates MCO as published. Mentorship occurs at least once every 30 days.

11 Battalion Policy Letter 01-10
Published 13-Jan-10 by 3D Maintenance Battalion Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Poole. Reiterates MCO as published. Mentorship occurs at least once every 30 days.

12 ELMACO Policy Letter 1-13 Published 22-May-13 by Electronics Maintenance Company Commander CWO2 Gilbert. Details frequency and documentation of mentorship and counseling. Mentorship occurs at least once every 30 days. Counseling is event triggered and occurs as required. Mentorship record jacket formats are standardized. Mentor/Mentee expectations are CLEARLY defined.

13 Mentorship Program Keys to successful implementation of any mentorship program require that the mentor/mentee; Familiarize themselves with all applicable references Become thoroughly familiar with NAVMC DIR regarding proper implementation of mentorship Become thoroughly familiar with NAVMC regarding proper implementation of counseling Ensure that the mentor/mentee relationship is professionally proper, mutually consenting, built upon trust and confidence, and continually fosters personal/professional growth.

14 Mentorship Record Jacket – Layout
Maintained within 6-part folders. (4) Parts, treated as sections. All parts covered with DD Form Privacy Act Data Cover Sheet. The Mentorship Record Jacket (MRJ) will be stored IAW SECNAVINST E DON Privacy Program.

15 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part I

16 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part I
INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY Purpose is to establish basic bio information of the mentee for the mentor. Gives mentor good background information for use during mentorship sessions. Updated by the mentee only when changes are required.

17 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part II

18 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part II

19 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part II
MROW WORKSEET Marine Reported On Worksheet (MROW) utilized by Sgt and above for generating a Fitness Report (FITREP) IAW MCO P1610.7_ for career evaluation puroses. The Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), also originally utilized by Sgt and above, is now utilized for all Marines for the benefit of their career. The MROW will also be utilized by all mentees as a compiling document in order for the mentor to better gauge their personal and professional growth.

20 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part II
MROW WORKSEET cont. The MROW will be maintained by all mentees. The MROW will be updated by the mentee prior to each formal mentorship session. Sgt and above; newly created and maintained within the mentorship record jacket after every FITREP occasion reported in the Automated Performance Evaluation System (A-PES) Cpl and below; newly created and maintained within the mentorship record jacket after every proficiency and conduct occasion that is reported in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS).

21 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part III

22 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part III

23 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part III
COUNSELING WORKSHEETS Although MCO P is cancelled, NAVMC remains an invaluable reference for counseling. IAW NAVMC DIR , counseling will occur ‘As Required’ per the guidelines contained within NAVMC Each newly created counseling worksheet will be maintained within the mentorship record jacket.

24 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part III
COUNSELING WORKSHEETS cont. Counseling event triggers may include but are not limited to: promotion, proficiency and conduct reporting occasions, positive or negative duty performance, positive or negative conduct while off duty, and formal notification of specific performance and/or conduct expectations. The corrective action counseling memo will be utilized whenever minor discrepancies are noted, yet do not warrant a planned formal counseling session.

25 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV
LEADER’S MENTORING LOG Derived from NAVMC DIR and includes; Mentoring Log (Local ELMACO Form) Mission and Goals Form Honor, Courage, Commitment (HCC) Assessment Common Combat Skills (CCS) Checklist Combat Readiness Page

26 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

27 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV
MENTORING LOG Updated after each formal mentorship session. Purpose is to provide a summary of mentorship actions for ease of reference and cursory inspection by senior leaders. NEXT TARGET DATE is utilized in order to ensure that both mentor/mentee are actually planning mentorship sessions as required by NAVMC DIR Mentorship sessions must occur at least every 30 days IAW MCO

28 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

29 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

30 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV
MISSION AND GOALS FORM In order to effectively gauge goal progression history, a newly created Mission and Goals Form will be generated and maintained within the MRJ prior to each formal mentorship session. Paragraphs 1 and 2 will be completed by the mentor prior to each formal mentorship session. Paragraph 3 will be completed by the mentor/mentee during each formal mentorship session.

31 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV
MISSION AND GOALS FORM Purpose is to allow the mentor to effectively gauge goal progression progress and to ensure that the mentee; Understands their unit’s mission Understands their role in the unit’s mission Identifies their personal/professional goals Documents plan for completing their goals Documents progress of their goals

32 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

33 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

34 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV
HCC ASSESSMENT The Honor, Courage, Commitment (HCC) Assessment is updated by the mentee prior to each formal mentorship session. The INDIVIDUAL CRP% will be updated by the mentor prior to each formal mentorship session based upon the criteria contained within the team combat readiness page. The HCC Assessment will be evaluated by the mentor and mentee during each formal mentorship session.

35 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV
HCC ASSESSMENT cont. Living document maintained by the mentee. Entries should be recorded in pencil for ease of updating without the need to excessively recreate the document.

36 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

37 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

38 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

39 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

40 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV
CCS CHECKLIST The Common Combat Skills (CCS) Checklist is updated by the mentee prior to each formal mentorship session. The HCC Assessment will be evaluated by the mentor and mentee during each formal mentorship session. Living document maintained by the mentee. Entries should be recorded in pencil for ease of updating without the need to excessively recreate the document.

41 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV

42 Mentorship Record Jacket – Part IV
COMBAT READINESS PAGE Maintained by the mentor in their perspective MRJ for use in evaluating all mentees as a team. Updated by the mentor at least every 30 days. The individual CRP% for each mentee will be calculated for input on the HCC assessment during each formal mentorship session for that mentee.

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