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1  Counselor  Grades  Credits  GPA  Graduation Requirements  Write your four year plan 2.

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3  Counselor  Grades  Credits  GPA  Graduation Requirements  Write your four year plan 2

4  Provides Comprehensive Counseling Program Personal/Social Academic Career Source for Resources How to contact your Counselor 3

5 1 st Semester2 nd Semester August-DecemberJanuary-May 4 1 st 6 Weeks Progress Report 2 nd 6 Weeks Progress Report 3 rd 6 Weeks Progress Report The semester grades are the only grades on your transcript, and will be the only grades that will go into the GPA. The 6 week progress report grades follow your progress throughout the semester, and they are not permanent grades. They will not show on your transcripts.

6  Passing grades: A, B, C, D earn a.5 credit  Failing grades: F earns 0.00 credit  Excessive Absences: NC earns 0.00 credit Any classes that a student has more than 10 absences in, earns an NC. 5

7 A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0.0 (no credit) 6

8  GPA-Average of grade points earned for total classes completed.  Class Rank-Your numerical placement in relation to other students in your class based on your cumulative GPA. 7

9 How do you earn credits?  Completing Mohave Classes  Summer School  A+ Program  College Classes-MCC 8

10  5 English (Including Writing)  4 Math (Algebra I, Geometry, & Algebra II)  4 Science (Earth Science, Biology, & Chemistry)  1 World History/Geography  1 US/AZ History  ½ US/AZ Government  ½ Free Enterprise  1 Physical Education/Health  1 Vocational or Fine Art  4 Electives  Need to Pass the all 3 areas of the AIMS tests!!! 9

11  4 English  4 Math-Must complete Pre-Calculus  3 Lab Sciences  2 Social Studies  2 of the same Foreign Language  1 Fine Arts 10

12 FallSpringNotes Freshman English ___________________ Writing ___________________ Math ____________________ Science __________________ PE/Health_________________ Elective___________________ English ___________________ Writing ___________________ Math ___________________ Science __________________ PE/Health_________________ Elective___________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Sophomore English ___________________ Math ___________________ Science __________________ W. Hist. ___________________ Elective __________________ Elective___________________ English ___________________ Math ___________________ Science __________________ W. Hist. ___________________ Elective___________________ _Plan Test- Fall_____________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ AIMS Reading, Writing, &___ Math-Spring_______________ Junior English ___________________ Math ___________________ Science __________________ US/AZ Hist_________________ Elective___________________ English ___________________ Math ____________________ Science __________________ US/AZ Hist_________________ Elective___________________ PSAT-Fall__________________ Fall College Visitation OCT_ __________________________ ACT/SAT after Spring Break __________________________ ________________________ _ Senior English ___________________ Math ___________________ Science___________________ Govt/FE___________________ Elective___________________ English ___________________ Math ___________________ Science __________________ Govt/FE __________________ Elective___________________ ACT/SAT__________________ Apply to Colleges ________ Complete Scholarships ____ Attend Financial Aid Night_ Fill out FAFSA in Jan_______ __________________________ 11

13 English 9Honors English 9 English 9 Writing English 10Honors English 10 English 11Honors English 11 English 12DE/Honors English 12 *AIMS English 5 Credits of English are required. *This applies as an elective credit, to remediate for the Writing and Reading portions of the AIMS tests. 12

14 *Math Lab Financial Algebra *AIMS Math Pre-Calculus Algebra I DE MAT 151/180 Geometry Calculus Algebra II 4 credits of math are required (must complete through Algebra II sequence and then student may pick the remainder of credits) *math lab and AIMS Math count as electives 13

15 Earth ScienceAnatomy Biology DE Physical Geology ChemistryDE Physics PhysicsAP Biology Aerospace Science II & III (non lab) 4 credits of science are required (must complete through the Chemistry sequence, and then the student can pick the remainder of credits) 14

16 World History/Geography US/AZ History AP/DE US/AZ History US/AZ Government DE US/AZ Government Free Enterprise DE Free Enterprise 15

17 PE Athletic PE Aerospace Science I (JROTC) 1 credit required 16

18 Vocational Programs  Business › Accounting & Related Services ( 3 Yr Sequence)  Intro to Accounting Services  Basic Accounting  Adv. Accounting › Business Operations Support & Asst. Services (2 Yr Sequence)  Intro to Business Operations Services  Business Operations Services II › Financial Services (3 Yr Sequence)  Intro to Business and Financial Services  Financial Services I  Financial Services II 17

19 Vocational Programs Cont.  Family and Consumer Sciences › Culinary Arts (2 Yr Sequence)  Culinary Arts I  Culinary Arts II › Design & Merchandising (2 Yr Sequence) Interior Design  Fashion Fabrics and Design Interior Design I  Fashion Fabrics and Design Interior Design II › Early Childhood Education (2 Yr Sequence)  Early Childhood Ed. I  Early Childhood Ed. II 18

20 Vocational Programs Cont.  Industrial Technology › Construction Technologies (2 Yr Sequence)  Construction Trades I  Construction Trades II  Graphic Communications › Graphic Communications (3 Yr Sequence)  Intro to Graphic Communications And  Graphic Arts II  Graphic Arts III Or  Photo Imaging I  Photo Imaging II (DE) Or  Yearbook 19

21 Vocational Programs Cont.  Law, Public Safety and Security › Law, Public Safety & Security (2Yr Sequence)  Law, Public Safety & Security I  Law, Public Safety & Security II 1 Credit of Vocational or Fine Art is Required. 20

22 Visual and Performing Arts Art  Art I  Ceramics I, II, III  Drawing I, II, III  Painting I, II, III Music  Beginning Band  Marching Band/Concert Band  Color Guard  Piano  Music Appreciation  Treble Glee Choir  Soul Faze Men’s Choir  Concert Choir (Audition only)  Mystic Rhythm (Audition only)  Rhapsody (Audition only) Drama  Drama I  Drama II  Drama Production 21

23 4 are required Electives should help you reach your post high school goals College entrance-Include 2 Foreign Language credits AIMS English, AIMS Math, Math Lab, ESL, Aerospace Science IV, Student Council, Psychology, Sociology and Debate are given elective credit. 22

24  Counselor  Grades  Credits  GPA  Graduation Requirements  Had you write your 4 year plan 23

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