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The Scientific Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Revolution

2 What is a Revolution? A Revolution is a complete change, or an overthrow of a government, a social system, etc.

3 The Scientific Revolution
New View of the World Scientific Revolution Experimentation / observation Versus Traditional views

4 Before the Scientific Revolution…
Teachings of Ptolemy, an ancient Greek astronomer. Ptolemy ( A.D.) Ptolemy center of the universe. geocentric theory was supported by the Church.

5 Before the Scientific Revolution…
Ptolemy ( A.D.) Ptolemy’s geocentric model of the solar system: Earth Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Notice, the Earth is first, and not the sun, as it should be.


7 Nicolaus Copernicus Copernicus Polish astronomer writer - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. Two Conclusions Heliocentric Theory (Sun First) The Earth one of many planets that revolve around sun mathematical formulas

8 Nicolaus Copernicus Copernicus’ model of the solar system: Sun Moon
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Notice, the sun is first, not the Earth, as Ptolemy believed.

9 The Copernican Heliocentric Model

10 Reaction to Copernicus
Catholic Church Scholars Reject idea.. Church / Ptolemy‘ s wrong, whole system of human knowledge could be wrong.

11 Tycho Brahe Supports Heliocentric idea astronomical observatory.
Observed and Mapped stars and planets.

12 Johannes Kepler Assistant to Brahe Kepler’s. oval shaped orbits
Satellites today follow Kepler’s findings

13 Galileo Galilei Galileo assembled the first telescope
- mountains on the moon - fiery spots on the sun. - four moons of Jupiter - objects fall at same speed regardless of weight. Galileo was put under house arrest, and was not allowed to publish his ideas









22 Warm Up Partner quickly and list the sequence of the scientific method? Why is this important to a revolution of ideas?

23 The Scientific Method State the problem Collect information
Form a hypothesis Test the hypothesis Record & analyze data State a conclusion Repeat steps 1 – 6 Mathematics for predictions technological progress multiplies

24 The Scientific Method Isaac Newton
Math to prove the existence of gravity - a force that kept planets in their orbits around the sun, and also caused objects to fall towards the earth.

25 The Scientific Method Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon English philosopher - Advancement of Learning. Francis Bacon Epistemology Bacon investigate truth

26 The Scientific Method René Descartes
Descartes was a French scientist, mathematician, and philosopher. René Descartes human reasoning leads to understanding Truth is key – prove existence - “I think, therefore I am”

27 Other Scientific Advances…
Chemistry Robert Boyle Boyle also explained the effect of temperature and pressure on gases used an air pump.

28 Robert Boyle’s first air pump

29 Other Scientific Advances…
Medicine Andreas Vesalius Vesalius’ book was the first accurate and detailed book on human anatomy. Remember Renaissance!!!!

30 Medieval human anatomy drawing before Vesalius

31 Drawings done by Vesalius

32 Other Scientific Advances…
Medicine William Harvey Circulation of blood He showed how the heart served as a pump to force blood through veins and arteries.


34 Other Scientific Advances…
Medicine Ambroise Paré ointments for preventing infection. Techniques for closing wounds with stitches.


36 Other Scientific Advances…
Medicine Anton von Leeuwenhoek A Dutch inventor who perfected the microscope and became the first human to see cells and microorganisms.




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