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Xitao Fan, Ph.D. Chair Professor & Dean Faculty of Education University of Macau Designing Monte Carlo Simulation Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Xitao Fan, Ph.D. Chair Professor & Dean Faculty of Education University of Macau Designing Monte Carlo Simulation Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xitao Fan, Ph.D. Chair Professor & Dean Faculty of Education University of Macau Designing Monte Carlo Simulation Studies

2 Getting Involved in Monte Carlo Simulation Fan, X., Felsovalyi, A., Sivo, S. A., & Keenan, S. (2002) SAS for Monte Carlo studies: A guide for quantitative researchers. Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc. Fan, X. (2012). Designing simulation studies. In H. Cooper (Ed.), Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, Vol. 2 (pp. 427-444). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

3 Getting Involved in Monte Carlo Simulation Peugh, J., & Fan, X. (In press). Enumeration index performance in generalized growth mixture models: a Monte Carlo test of Muthén’s (2003) hypothesis. Structural Equation Modeling. Peugh, J., & Fan, X. (In press). Modeling unobserved heterogeneity using latent profile analysis: A Monte Carlo simulation. Structural Equation Modeling. Peugh, J., & Fan, X. (2012). How well does growth mixture modeling identify heterogeneous growth trajectories? A simulation study examining GMM’s performance characteristics. Structural Equation Modeling, (19), 204-226. Fan, X., & Sivo, S. A. (2009). Using  goodness-of-fit indices in assessing mean structure invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 16, 1-16. Fan, X. & Sivo, S. (2007). Sensitivity of fit indices to model misspecification and model types. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 42, 509-529. Sivo, S. A., Fan, X., Witta, E. L., & Willse, J. T. (2006). The search for "optimal" cutoff properties: Fit index criteria in structural equation modeling. Journal of Experimental Education, 74, 267-288.

4 Getting Involved in Monte Carlo Simulation Fan, Xitao, & Fan, Xiaotao. (2005). Power of latent growth modeling for detecting linear growth: Number of measurements and comparison with other analytic approaches. Journal of Experimental Education, 73, 121-139. Fan, X., & Sivo, S. A. (2005). Sensitivity of fit indices to misspecified structural or measurement model components: Rationale of two-index strategy revisited. Structural Equation Modeling, 12, 343-367. Fan, Xitao, & Fan, Xiaotao. (2005). Using SAS for Monte Carlo simulation research in structural equation modeling. Structural Equation Modeling, 12, 299-333. Sivo, S., Fan, X., & Witta, L. (2005). The biasing effects of unmodeled ARMA time series processes on latent growth curve model estimates. Structural Equation Modeling, 12, 215-231. Fan, X. (2003). Two Approaches for Correcting Correlation Attenuation Caused by Measurement Error: Implications for Research Practice. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 63, 6, 915-930. Fan, X. (2003). Power of latent growth modeling for detecting group differences in linear growth trajectory parameters. Structural Equation Modeling, 10, 380-400.

5 Getting Involved in Monte Carlo Simulation Yin, P., & Fan, X. (2001). Estimating R 2 shrinkage in multiple regression: A comparison of different analytical methods. Journal of Experimental Education, 69, 203-224. Fan, X., & Wang, L. (1999). Comparing logistic regression with linear discriminant analysis in their classification accuracy. Journal of Experimental Education, 67, 265-286. Fan, X., Thompson, B, & Wang, L. (1999). The effects of sample size, estimation methods, and model specification on SEM fit indices. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6, 56-83. Fan, X., & Wang, L. (1998). Effects of potential confounding factors on fit indices and parameter estimates for true and misspecified SEM models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 58, 699-733. Fan, X. & Wang, L. (1996). Comparability of jackknife and bootstrap results: An investigation for a case of canonical analysis. Journal of Experimental Education, 64, 173-189.

6 What Is a Monte Carlo Simulation Study?  “the use of random sampling techniques and often the use of computer simulation to obtain approximate solutions to mathematical or physical problems especially in terms of a range of values each of which has a calculated probability of being the solution” (Merriam-Webster On- Line).  An empirical alternative to a theoretical approach (i.e., a solution based on statistical/mathematical theory)  Increasingly possible because of the advances in computing technology

7 Situations Where Simulation Is Useful  Consequences of Assumption Violations Statistical Theory: stipulates what the condition should be, but does not say what the reality would be if the conditions were not satisfied in the data  Understanding a Sample Statistic That May Not Have Theoretical Distribution ● Many Other Situations  Retaining the optimal number of factors in EFA  Evaluating the performance of mixture modeling in identifying the latent groups  Assessing the consequences of failure to model correlated error structure in latent growth modeling

8 Basic Steps in a Simulation Study  Asking Questions Suitable for a Simulation Study  Questions for which no (no trustworthy) analytical/theoretical solutions  Simulation Study Design (Example)  Include / manipulate the major factors that potentially affect the outcome  Data Generation  Sample data generation & transformation  Analysis (Model Fitting) for Sample Data  Accumulation and Analysis of the Statistic(s) of Interest  Presentation and Drawing Conclusions  Conclusions limited to the design conditions

9 An Example: Independent t-test (group variance homogeneity)


11 Data Generation in a Simulation Study  Common Random Number Generators *binomial, Cauchy, exponential, gamma, Poisson, normal, uniform, etc. *All distributions are based on uniform distribution  Simulating Univariate Sample Data *Normally-Distributed Sample Data (N ~ ,  2 ) *Non-Normal Distribution: Fleishman (1978): a, b, c, d: coefficients needed for transforming the unit normal variate to a non- normal variable with specified degrees of population skewness and kurtosis. Fleishman, A. I. (1978). A method for simulating non-normal distributions. Psychometrika, 43, 521-531.

12 Data Generation in a Simulation Study  Sample Data from a Multivariate Normal Distribution *matrix decomposition procedure (Kaiser & Dickman, 1962): F:k  k matrix containing principal component factor pattern coefficients obtained by applying principal component factorization to the given population inter-correlation matrix R;  Sample Data from a Multivariate Non-Normal Distribution *Interaction between non-normality and inter-variable correlations *Intermediate correlations using Fleishman coefficients (Vale & Maurelli, 1983) *Matrix decomposition procedure applied to intermediate correlation matrix Kaiser, H. F., & Dickman, K. (1962). Sample and population score matrices and sample correlation matrices from an arbitrary population correlation matrix. Psychometrika, 27, 179-182 Vale, C. D., & Maurelli, V. A. (1983). Simulating multivariate nonnormal distributions. Psychometrika, 48, 465- 471.

13 Checking the Validity of Data Generation Procedures  Example: Multivariate non-normal sample data (three correlated variables)

14 From Simulation Design to Population Data Parameters  It may take much effort to obtain population parameters – t-test example

15 From Simulation Design to Population Data Parameters  Latent growth model example

16 From Simulation Design to Population Data Parameters  Latent growth model example

17 Accumulation and Analysis of the Statistic(s) of Interest  Accumulation: Straightforward or Complicated *Typically, not an automated process * Statistical software used * Analytical techniques involved * Type of statistic(s) of interest, etc.  Analysis *Follow-up data analysis may be simple or complicated *Not different from many other data analysis situations

18 Presentation and Drawing Conclusions  Presentation *Representativeness & Exceptions * Graphic Presentations * Typical: table after table of results – No one has the time to read the tables!  Drawing Conclusions *Validity & generalizability depend on the adequacy & appropriateness of simulation design *Conclusions must be limited by the design conditions and levels.

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