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Roosevelt’s New Deals: Relief from the Great Depression Copy the words in RED.

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2 Roosevelt’s New Deals: Relief from the Great Depression Copy the words in RED

3 President Hoover Believed “the Government should not support the people” He did give some relief –Loaned money to railroads, banks, and other vital businesses. –Called for lower taxes –Loaned money to states for public works But unemployment continued to rise…


5 Welcome to Hooverville

6 1932 Election President Hoover vs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Governor of New York) Franklin D. Roosevelt won a landslide victory. Promised that the government would help victims of the Great Depression. FDR called for a special session of Congress during his inaugural address. Congress created programs later known as the New Deal.

7 Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected President

8 Copy into your notes under “New Deal” **Some people thought New Deal was a form of socialism: a system in which the state (govt.) controls the economy.

9 Restoring Confidence Banks –March 6, 1933 President Roosevelt declares a “bank holiday” –Banks were temporarily closed to review their finances. Fireside Chats (friendly radio talks to the nation) –Using one of his addresses (March 12, 1933) to the American people FDR assures them that banks are safe. –By the end of the month nearly $1 billion had been deposited.

10 Hundred Days – The New Deal FERA ( Federal Emergency Relief Act) Federal money for relief projects to 13 million unemployed PWA (Public Works Administration) New jobs: highways, bridges, etc. AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration) Regulated farm production and promoted soil conservation. TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) Planned development of Tennessee Valley region.


12 The New Deal (cont.) CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) Hired young men to plant trees, build dams, & other conservation projects. FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Protected money of depositors and insured banks. NRA (National Recovery Administration) Regulated industry and raised wages and prices.

13 The New Deal

14 The Dust Bowl By mid-1930s, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico were all suffering from a long drought. With drought and poor farming techniques, winds whipped up the dry fields into huge dust storms. 50-million acre region became the Dust Bowl


16 Effects of the Dust Bowl Major human migration towards California By the end the 1930s, about 1 million refugees had made it to CA and other Pacific states. Often called “Okies” since many were from Oklahoma.


18 Second New Deal WPA (Works Progress Administration) Large scale national-works programs for jobs. REA (Rural Electrification Administration) Brought electricity to rural areas. NYA (National Youth Administration) Set up jobs for young people & helped them continue education. Wagner ActLaw that protected the right of workers to form unions. Social Security ActHelped workers who had been laid off or retired.


20 1936 Election FDR won again in a landslide. Planned to create even more reforms. “I see one third of the nation ill-housed, ill- clad, ill-nourished.” ~FDR

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