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AB 104 Webinar Series 6-26-2015
Agenda for Today’s Webinar Review AB 104 Section 39, Section 84900: Adult Education Block Grant Definitions: 84901 Regions: 84903 and 84904 Rules: 84905 AE Plan: 84906 Maintenance of Effort: 84907 Apportionment of Funds: 84908 2016-17: 84909 Funding Formula: 84911 Funded Program Areas: 84913 Receipt of Funds: 84914 Report to the Legislature: 84915 Consortia Membership: 84916 Report to the Legislature: 84917 One-time Funding: Section 40, 84920 – Data – Measures of effectiveness Next Steps 2
Sec. 39, Article 9 Adult Education Block Grant Program Section 84900 The Adult Eduction Block Grant Program is hereby established under the administration of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the Superintendent of Public Instruction 3
Definitions Section 84901 “Adult” means a person 18 years of age or older. “Consortium” means an adult education consortium approved pursuant to this article. “Executive Director” means the executive director of the State Board of Education. “Program” means the Adult Education Block Grant Program established by Section 84900. 4
Regions Sections 84903 and 84904 The Chancellor and Superintendent, with the advice of the executive director, shall divide the state into educational regions and shall determine physical boundaries of each region; and shall consider factors that impact the provision of AE, including the following: Economic and demographic factors, including locations of regional labor markets; The boundaries of regions used to distribute funds for other state programs; The presence of AE providers that have demonstrated effectiveness. 5
Regions: Sections 84903 and 84904 Until otherwise determined by the Chancellor and Superintendent, the physical boundaries of the adult eduction regions shall be the same as the physical boundaries of the regions established for purposes of providing planning and implementation grants pursuant to section 84830. 6
Regions, Rules, and Procedures 84905 The Chancellor and Superintendent, with the advice of the executive director, shall approve, for each consortium, rules and procedures that adhere to all of the following conditions: Any CCD, SD, or CoE, or any JPA consisting of CCDs, SDs, CoEs, or a combination of these, located within the boundaries of the AE region shall be permitted to join the consortium as a member. As a condition of joining a consortium, a member shall commit to reporting any funds available to that member for purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds. A member of the consortium shall be represented only by an official designated by the governing board of the member. 7
Regions, Rules, and Procedures 84905 Continued… Decision making procedures are specified that ensure that all of the following conditions are satisfied: All members shall participate in any decision made by the consortium. A proposed decision is considered at an open, properly noticed public meeting of the consortium at which members of the public may comment. The consortium has provided the public with adequate notice of a proposed decision and considered any comments submitted by members of the public, and any comments submitted by members of the public have been distributed publicly. 8
Regions, Rules, and Procedures 84905 Continued… The consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults. The consortium has considered and responded to any comments submitted by those entities. Entities that provide education and workforce services to adults include, but are not limited to, local public agencies, departments, and offices, particularly those with responsibility for public safety and social services; WIBs; libraries; and community based organizations. 9
Regions, Rules, and Procedures 84905 Continued… A decision is final. A decision includes approval of an AE Plan pursuant to Section 84906 and approval of the distribution schedule - 84913. The members of the consortium may decide to designate a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program. 10
84906 - Conditions of receipt of an apportionment of funds the members of a consortium shall have approved an adult education plan that addresses that fiscal year and includes: An evaluation of the educational needs of adults in the region. A list of the following: Entities that provide education and workforce services to adults in the region. Entities that are impacted by or have a fundamental interest in the provision of those services. A description of those services. 11
84906: AE Plan Continued… An evaluation of current levels and types of education and workforce services. An evaluation of the funds available to members and entities, including funds other than those apportioned. Actions that members will take to address those educational needs. Actions that members will take to improve the effectiveness of their services. 12
84906: AE Plan Continued… Actions that the members, entities, and other interested parties will take to improve integration of services and to improve transitions to postsecondary education and the workforce, including actions related to all of the following: Placement of adults seeking education and workforce services into adult education programs. Alignment of academic standards and curricula for programs across entities that provide education and workforce services. Qualifications of instructors, including common standards across entities that provide academic and workforce services. Collection and availability of data. 13
84906: AE Plan Continued… A description of the alignment of adult education services supported by this program with those described in other education and workforce plans guiding services in the region, including plans pertaining to the building of career pathways and the employment of workforce sector strategies and those required pursuant to WIOA. A description if the ways entities contributed to the development of the plan. Approve at least once every three years; update at least once a year. Regional plan developed in “planning” satisfies requirement for 15-16, 16-17, and 17-18. 14
84907: MOE No later than July 31, 2015 the Chancellor and Superintendent, with the advice of the executive director, shall certify for each SD and CoE, the amount of state funds required to be expended for adult education. 15
84908 Apportionment of Funds If MOE is less than $375,000,000: Apportion funds to each SD and CoE. As a condition of receipt, a SD or CoE is required to be a member of a consortium. With concurrence of executive director, approve a schedule of allocations to the consortium no later than October 31, 2015 of remaining funds. 16
84908 Apportionment of Funds The Chancellor and Superintendent shall determine the amount allocated to each consortium based upon the adult education region’s share of statewide need for adult education. The Chancellor and Superintendent shall apportion funds to a fund administrator designated by the members beginning no more than 30 days after the approval of the schedule; or Apportion funds to members of a consortium beginning no more than 30 days after receipt of a final distribution schedule from the consortium. 17
84909: 2016-17 February 28, 2016: Chancellor and Superintendent, with advice of executive director, approve a preliminary schedule of funds to consortium. Determine amount: Amount of funds apportioned to members in the preceding year; The adult education region’s share of the statewide need for AE; The consortium’s effectiveness in meeting the educational needs of adults based on data. Present preliminary projections for subsequent two years. 18
84911 Funding Formula To determine need the Chancellor and Superintendent shall consider measures related to: Adult population Employment Immigration Educational attainment Adult literacy 19
84913 Program Areas Funds apportioned for the program shall be used only for support of the following: 1.Programs in elementary and secondary basic skills, including programs leading to a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate. 2.Programs for immigrants eligible for educational services in citizenship,ESL, and workforce preparation. 3.Programs for adults, including, but not limited to, older adults, that are primarily related to entry or reentry into the workforce. 4.Programs for adults, including but not limited to, older adults, that are primarily designed to develop knowledge and skills to assist elementary and secondary school children to succeed academically in school. 5.Programs for adults with disabilities. 6.Programs in career technical education that are short term in nature and have high employment potential. 7.Programs offering preapprenticeship training activities conducted in coordination with one or more apprenticeship programs approved by the Department of Apprenticeship Standards for the occupation and geographic area. 20
84914 Receipt of Funds A consortium shall approve a distribution schedule that includes: Amount to be distributed to each member; A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the AE Plan. 21
84914 Continued… Funds shall be equal or greater than prior year funds unless: Member no longer wishes to provide services consistent with AE Plan; Member cannot provide services that address the needs identified in the AE Plan; Member has been ineffective in providing services and intervention has been unsuccessful. 22
84915: 2016-17 It is the intent of the Legislature to coordinate programs that support education and workforce services for adults: Jan. 31, 2016: Chancellor and Superintendent shall report to the Legislature a plan to distribute funds to the consortia from WIOA and Carl D. Perkins CTE Act. 23
94916 - Membership CCDs, SDs, CoEs, and JPAs must be members of the consortium if they receives funds from: Adults in Correctional Facilities Programs; WIOA, Title II; Carl D. Perkins CTE Act; LCFF apportionments reserved for students 19+; State funds for remedial ed and job training for CalWORKS participants. 24
84917: September 30, 2016 Report to Legislature Summary of AE Plan operative for each consortium. Distribution schedule for each consortium. Types and levels of services provided by each consortium. Effectiveness of each consortium in meeting educational needs of adults in region. Recommendations related to delivery of education and workforce services, including those related to improved alignment of state programs. 25
Section 40: 84920 One-time Funding Chancellor and Superintendent shall identify common measures for determining the effectiveness of members of the consortium in meeting educational needs of adults. Define data each consortium needs to collect. Establish menu of common assessments and policies regarding placement of adults seeking education and workforce services into programs to be used to measure educational needs, and effectiveness of providers in addressing those needs. Progress report due to Legislature November 1, 2015. 26
84920: Intent of the Legislature Educational needs of adults be better identified and understood through sharing of data across state agencies. Chancellor and Superintendent shall enter into agreements to share data related to effectiveness of consortia between their agencies and other state agencies - EDD, CWIB. 27
84920: Measures of Effectiveness Number of adults served by consortium. Number of adults served that: Improved literacy skills. Completion of HSD or equivalent. Completion of postsecondary certificates, degrees, or training programs. Placement into jobs. Improved wages. Report due September 30, 2016 28
84920 One-time Funds 85% of these funds shall be used for grants to consortia to establish systems or obtain the necessary data to submit any reports or data required. 15% of these funds shall be used for grants for development of statewide policies and procedures related to data collection or reporting or for technical assistance to consortia, or both. The Chancellor and Superintendent shall provide any guidance to the consortia necessary to support the sharing of data included in systems established by consortia. 29
Next Steps State Guidance Process CDE and Chancellor’s Office is working with a team to provide input into guidance for the adult education block grant. Eight field representatives balanced between K-12 and community college. Began meeting Monday, June 15 th. Will end by early July with draft guidance. Field input/comment on draft guidance through early July. Training and technical assistance over the summer. 30
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