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CS LoxInfo Public Company Limited 4Q 04 Mini-info Meeting 21 February 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "CS LoxInfo Public Company Limited 4Q 04 Mini-info Meeting 21 February 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS LoxInfo Public Company Limited 4Q 04 Mini-info Meeting 21 February 2005

2 Contents  Financial Highlights  Operational Highlights  Questions & Answers 2

3 Consolidated Financial Highlights 2004 Consolidated revenue for 2004 is 2,004 million baht increases 66% compared to 2003 Consolidated Net profit is 328 million baht increases 321% compared to 2003 Net profit margin for 2004 is 16% due to the high profit margin from Yellow Pages business BOD proposed to Shareholders’ to pay dividend 0.25 B/Share for 2 nd 2004 3

4 Leased line product  1,461 clients representing 45 % of total ISP revenue  6% Q-on-Q subscriber growth  ARPU 38,942 Bt/month Subscribers Strategy - Offer Internet consulting service - More engineering support to fulfill customer expectation As of 31 December 04 Bt/month 4

5 Broadband product (ADSL,IPSTAR,IPTV,ISDN)  8,677 Broadband clients representing 14% of total ISP revenue  49% Q-on-Q subscriber growth  ARPU ( 2,073 Bt/month) Subscribers Strategy - Offer Multi Mode service which user can use a single User ID and Password to access ADSL, Dial-up and Hot Spot - Provide 100 MB Mail box with Virus scan and Spam filtering As of 31 December 04 Bt/month 5

6 Dial up Product (Narrow band)  322,135 subscribers representing 41 % of total ISP revenue  3% Q-on-Q Subscribers drop  ARPU ( 163 Bt/month) Avg of prepaid and postpaid subscriber Subscribers Strategy Post-paid : - Offer 100 MB Mail box with Virus scan and Spam filtering Pre-paid : - Offer 25 MB Mail box and plan to provide Virus scan and Spam filtering - Explore more convenience buying channels such as Mpay, E-Banking As of 31 December 04 Bt/month 6

7 Operational Highlights – Yellow Pages business 2005 Sales Canvas Revenue increased as projected (Note : will effect accounting revenue from 1 st March – 31 Dec 05) (Note : Actual Sales Revenue to be announced later) Average Revenue Per Advertiser (ARPA) improved due to enhancement of product concept (one book) and Branding Exercise Launching of new Voice Business (1188, 1900 XXX, Audio Tex) to - Complement Print Yellow pages Product - Generate new revenue streams Some smaller advertisers who do not serve the entire Bangkok Market, stayed out. 7

8 9

9 Online Yellow Pages new look 10

10 Search Engine: search criteria What? 11

11 Search Engine: search criteria What? Result pages 12

12 Disclaimer “This document contains certain forward-looking statements. They refer to future events and to the future financial performance of the Companies. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “may”, “will”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe” or “continue”. Although the Companies believe that the expectations reflected in such forward- looking statements are reasonable at this time, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.” 13

13 Questions & Answers 14

14 Financial Reports 15

15 Note :Q4’04 : CSL 3 Mth + Loxserve 3 Mth + TMC 3 Mth (63.25%) Q3’04 : CSL 3 Mth + Loxserve 3 Mth + TMC 3 Mth (63.25%) Q4’03 : CSL 3 Mth + Loxserve 3 Mth Consolidated Income statement - Quarterly 16

16 Consolidated Income statement - Yearly Note :2004 : CSL 12 Mth + Loxserve 12 Mth + TMC 9 Mth (63.25%) 2003 : CSL 12 Mth + Loxserve 9 Mth 17

17 Segment Results 18

18 Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 19

19 Consolidated Financial Ratios 20

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