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1. What was the name of FDR’s wife? She urged FDR to consider the rights of women and minorities. A) Betty B) Jackie C) Eleanor D) Edith.

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Presentation on theme: "1. What was the name of FDR’s wife? She urged FDR to consider the rights of women and minorities. A) Betty B) Jackie C) Eleanor D) Edith."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What was the name of FDR’s wife? She urged FDR to consider the rights of women and minorities. A) Betty B) Jackie C) Eleanor D) Edith

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3 2. The FDIC was created by the Glass-Steagall Act as a way of protecting a person’s _____. A) home mortgage B) stock investments C) farm land D) bank deposits

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5 3. Collective Bargaining was established through this. A) HOLC B) Wagner Act C) Glass-Steagall Act D) CCC

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7 4. Which was not part of Social Security? A) pension upon retirement B) aid to minority citizens C) aid to those with disabilities D) aid to women with dependent children

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9 5. Franklin Roosevelt was paralyzed by this disease for much of his adult life. A) small pox B) glaucoma C) polio D) cerebral palsy

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11 6. How many Presidential elections did FDR win? A) two and then he declared himself to be dictator B) five C) three D) four

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13 7. This group was made up of males, ages 18-25, who build roads, developed parks, and planted trees. A) Fireside Boys B) Boy Scouts C) Civilian Conservation Corps D) Works Progress Administration

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15 8. Franklin Roosevelt held this position before he became president. A) Vice President B) Governor of New York C) Secretary of State D) Governor of Pennsylvania

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17 9. Which of the following was not an effect of the Great Depression? A) some men lost their jobs B) some people became homeless C) some children had poor diets D) more people became farmers

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19 10. Which of the following describes a government system for giving payments or food to the poor? A) direct relief B) price support C) capitalism D) laissez faire

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21 11. This program reflected FDR’s concern for the environment. A) Social Security B) Boy Scouts C) Civilian Conservation Corps D) National Youth Administration

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23 12. One long-range effect of the Great Depression was that many people _______. A) speculated in the stock market B) developed habits of savings & thriftiness C) bought toys with their extra money D) grew to appreciate Hoover

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25 13. In terms of business, the SEC stands for _____. A) South Eastern Conference B) Stock Emergency Confederation C) Securities and Exchange Commission D) Soup Equals Comfort

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27 14. The main goal of the New Deal programs was to _________. A) make government bigger B) stop child labor C) builds roads, parks, and bridges D) put men to work in a hope to end the Great Depression

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29 15. The National Labor Relations Act is also known as the __________. A) arbitration B) Wagner Act C) Taft Hartley Act D) 17 th Amendment

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31 16. The Great Depression ended when ______. A) When FDR became President B) World War II began C) the New Deal programs began D) the FDIC was created

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33 17. FDR had a plan for the American people that was similar to the propaganda of ___. A) Abe Lincoln B) Teddy Roosevelt C) Adolf Hitler D) Herbert Hoover

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35 18. FDR communicated with the American people once a week by way of __________. A) town meetings B) tv commercials C) letters to the editor D) “fireside chats” on the radio

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37 19. The media did much to __________. A) show FDR’s disability B) publicize FDR’s infidelities C) hide FDR’s disability D) encourage FDR to get physical therapy

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39 20. Social Security was important because it ____. A) cost the government very little B) provided monthly retirement benefits C) helped single fathers D) guaranteed workplace safety

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41 21. The Fair Labor Standards Act did all the following except _______. A) set maximum work hours per week B) abolish child labor C) set minimum wages D) set maximum wages

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43 22. FDR’s re-election in 1936 saw the African American population vote for this party for the first time. A) Democratic B) Republican C) Independent D) Green

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45 23. FDR attempted to control the Supreme Court by _____. A) appointing family members B) impeaching all the justices C) Court Packing-adding more members D) bribery

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47 24. The term for spending to get out of debt is known as _______ economics. A) Socialism B) Keynesian C) Laissez Faire D) trickle down economics

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49 25. One of FDR’s first goals was to ______. A) give African Americans the right to vote B) send US troops into World War II C) restore faith in the banks D) redecorate the White House

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51 26. The New Deal ended up ______ the government. A) not changing B) destroying C) shrinking D) increasing

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53 27. When a neutral party listens to both workers and management in an attempt to work out a deal, this is _____. A) individualism B) arbitration C) laissez faire D) deficit

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