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Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges Shruti Satsangi Paper Summary Technology Innovation Management June 8, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges Shruti Satsangi Paper Summary Technology Innovation Management June 8, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges Shruti Satsangi Paper Summary Technology Innovation Management June 8, 2009

2 The Paper Eisenhardt, K. M., Graebner, M. E Theory Building From Cases: Opportunities And Challenges. Academy of Management Journal, 50(1):25-32. June 8, 2009

3 Objectives Highlight the opportunities that differentiate building theory from cases from other research strategies Describe some of its common challenges and suggest possible antidotes Deliverable: List of best practices when implementing and publishing a theory building from cases research strategy June 8, 2009

4 Relevance Who cares Why
Evidence that managers care about the issues addressed Research Method Researchers Provides a definition of what theory building from cases is Shows differences between this and other research methods Gephart, 2004 Siggelkow, 2007 Suddaby, 2006 Weick, 2007 Researchers Provides details on what theory building from cases is Provides guidelines for correctly structuring the presentation of such a theory Chandler, 1962 Dutton & Dukerich, 1991 Eisenhardt, 1989 June 8, 2009

5 Literature review Stream Key highlights of the stream Key references
Using case studies to develop theory Theory building from cases can be used in diverse topics (group process, strategy, internal organization) Papers using theory building from cases are regarded as interesting and novel Definitions of theory building from cases and case studies Edmondson et. al. (2001) Eisenhardt (1989) Gilbert (2005) Mintzberg & Waters (1982) Whyte (1941) Related alternative research methods topics Other alternative research methods include: grounded theory building, value of richness, single case study and qualitative research Gephart (2004) Siggelkow (2007) Suddaby (2006) Weick (2007) June 8, 2009

6 Contribution Clarity on what are the differences between theory building from cases versus other alternative research methods Guidelines for carrying out and presenting a theory building from cases research methodology in a paper June 8, 2009

7 Theory Building from Cases
Source: TTMG 5003 Course Notes “Building theory from cases studies is a research method that involves using one or more cases to create theoretical constructs, propositions and/or midrange theory from case-based, empirical evidence” This is an inductive process Central to the theory is replication logic –much like laboratory experiments Data is collected from multiple case studies and is analysed for patterns/theory through recursive cycling Case studies provide rich and real-world context in which the phenomena occur June 8, 2009

8 Lessons Learned Theory building from cases is objective since it demands close adherence to the data It is a bridge between rich qualitative evidence and deductive research There are challenges in writing papers that use this research method Multiple case studies yield more parsimonious, robust and generalisable theory than single case studies Theory building from cases allows for inductive research that results in testable theory This is likely to product theory that is accurate, interesting and testable, which helps in deductive research – natural complement Constant comparison means simultaneous collection and analysis of data and theoretical sampling means that decisions on which data to collect next are determined by the theory in progress. June 8, 2009

9 Lessons Learned Qualitative data and qualitative research are different Qualitative research also refers to other research strategies that use qualitative data other than organizing data into cases and using replication logic (theory building from cases) Grounded theory is characterised by the concepts of constant comparison and theoretical sampling A strict grounded theory strategy can lead to theory with path dependence and limited generalisability Theory building from cases allows for inductive research that results in testable theory This is likely to product theory that is accurate, interesting and testable, which helps in deductive research – natural complement June 8, 2009

10 Using Theory Building from Cases
Eisenhardt and Graebner identify some key things to consider: Justify why it is used How to choose a theoretical sampling of cases How to analyse interview data correctly Strategies for presenting the theory and empirical data in a paper June 8, 2009

11 Using Theory Building from Cases
Justify why it is used Explain why the research question is significant Demonstrate that there is no existing theory that offers an answer How to choose a theoretical sampling of cases Choose cases that are suitable for understanding relationships and logic among constructs Single Cases: unusual, extreme, accessible Multiple Cases: replication, extension of theory, contrary replication, elimination of alternatives, polar types June 8, 2009

12 Using Theory Building from Cases
How to analyse interview data correctly Interviews can be victim to retrospective sensemaking and impression management Use numerous, knowledgeable informants with diverse perspectives Combine retrospective and real-time cases Strategies for presenting the theory and empirical data in a paper A balance of case narrative and theory presentation Develop a theory by distinct propositions so that each is supported by empirical evidence Use effective visual aids (summary tables, construct tables) June 8, 2009

13 Using Theory Building from Cases
Strategies for presenting the theory and empirical data in a paper Structure the paper by: Summarising it in the introduction Writing each proposition and linking it to the supporting evidence Providing a visual theory summary (“boxes and arrows” diagram, summary table) June 8, 2009

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