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World War II Mobilizing for Defense. Selective Service System Required men to register for military service. Will raise an additional 10 million men during.

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1 World War II Mobilizing for Defense

2 Selective Service System Required men to register for military service. Will raise an additional 10 million men during World War II.

3 War Production Board The WPB decided which companies would convert from peacetime to wartime production and allocated raw materials to key industries


5 Office of Price Administration Fought inflation by freezing wages, prices, and rents.

6 Rationing The OPA rationed foods such as meat, butter, cheese, sugar, vegetables, and coffee.

7 Victory Gardens


9 War Bonds The Department of Treasury issued war bonds to raise money for the war effort and to fight inflation. YouTube - Bugs Bunny War Bond Drive WW2 Cartoon


11 Office of Scientific Research and Development The OSRD spurred improvements in radar and sonar, pesticides like DDT, miracle drugs such as penicillin and the atomic bomb.

12 Women “Rosie the Riveter” During WWII, women were actively recruited into what had been non- traditional work for women, including such jobs as welding, machinist, construction, and bus and truck driving. The image of “Rosie the Riveter” was used to encourage women to join the workforce. Rosie-Video

13 African-Americans in WW 2 There were 698,911 African-Americans in the Army at the end of June (1944) and 361,456 of them were serving overseas. A breakdown of the total Negro strength of the Army were as follows: Infantry - 44,869 Coast and Field Artillery - 38,517 Cavalry - 1,473 Engineers - 128,789 Air Corps - 79,027 And all other branches - 406,236. There are 5,957 officers, including 102 dental officers, 213 nurses, 508 Medical Corps officers and 239 chaplains YouTube - African Americans in World War IIYouTube - African Americans in World War II

14 Entertainment Industry Clark Gable and Carole Lombard In addition to promoting war bonds, Hollywood churned out war- oriented propaganda films like Hitler, Beast of Berlin.

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