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Operating Revenues: Operating Revenues: (page 7)

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3 Operating Revenues: Operating Revenues: (page 7)

4 Operating Expenditures: By Object Operating Expenditures: By Object (page 8)

5 Operating Expenditures: By Funding Block Operating Expenditures: By Funding Block (page 8)

6 G RANT R EVENUES ( INSTRUCTIONAL ) Instruction Grants: (Base Rates frozen)  Base Grants (Estimated student growth 75) 1.1% $ 332,000  Grades 9-12  CEU – Work Experience – Reduced by 40% to 60% (360,000)  CEU – ADLC – Reduced by 56% to 44% (100,000) Base Instruction Grants $ (128,000)  Class Size 2% 110,000 Other grants  Inclusive Education Grant 2% 221,000  Equity of Opportunity Grant – (restructured the formula) (35%) (360,000)  LRDC(100%) ( 50,000)  Administration Claw back - 10% decrease from 4% to 3.6% (313,000)  AISI (100%) (653,500)  Teacher Pension – increased from 10.64% to 12.65% 18.9% 643,600 Total (.9%) $ (578,700) Excluding Growth funding for 75 students of $332,000 and Pension Support $643,600 the net decrease is $1,554,300 or 2.1%.

7 G RANT R EVENUES (N ON -I NSTRUCTIONAL ) Facilities:  Plant Operations & Maintenance (POM)  Restructured formula (9.1%) $(513,000)  Student Growth 3.1% 175,500 Net decrease ( 6.0%) (337,500)  Infrastructure Renewal (IMR) – (estimate) (20%) (249,400) Sub-total (facilities) (7.5%) (586,900) Other grants  Transportation – fuel subsidy (100%) (143,000)  External - HUG Project Funding (100%) (225,000) Total (8.4%) $(950,000)

8 R EVENUES S UMMARY Grants  Instructional (.9%) (578,700)  Non-Instructional (8.4%) (950,000) Total Grants(2.0%)(1,528,700) Other Revenues  Property rentals (inter district leasing) (100%) ( 51,700)  STEP grants (summer students) (100%) ( 7,800) Sub-total (facilities)(1.3%) ( 59,500) Total Revenues (1.9%) $ (1,588,200) Excluding Growth funding for 75 students of $332,000 and Pension Support $643,600 the net decrease is $2,563,800 or 3.1%.

9 [AISI -1.9; Ed Tech -1.0, Class Size - 6.0] [+75 students] [Ed Tech 1.0 AISI Coordinator 1.0]

10 Breakdown: EA’s- reduced staffing(.5) Warehouse - closed effective June 30, 2013 (1.5) Facilities - reduced staff complement(1.0) HUG - Project funding ended(1.0) Change in the format re counting FTE at print shop [10 month vs. 12 month] (.3) Total(4.3)

11 E XPENDITURES – C ERTIFICATED S TAFF Certificated Salaries:  Teachers - Increase class size by.5 (6.0 FTE) $ (596,400)  Teachers - Growth (75 students) 3.6 FTE 357,800  Teachers - Other reductions(2.9 FTE) (288,300) Sub-total(5.3 FTE) (526,800)  Substitutes - Maternity & Disability Leaves 150,000  Adjust to Average Teacher Estimates [.5 of 1%] (195,900) Total Salaries $ (572,700) Certificated Benefit Changes:  General Benefit reduction (ASEBP) [.2 of 1%] (141,500)  Pension – ATRF increase 19% [ from 10.64% to 12.65%] 643,600 Total Benefits $ 502,100 Net Certificated – Salary & Benefits $ (70,600) Excluding Pension cost increase of $643,600 – Net savings of $(714,200) in certificated Salary & Benefits.

12 E XPENDITURES – N ON -C ERTIFICATED S TAFF Salaries:  Educational Assistants(.5 FTE) $ (13,300)  Warehouse(1.5 FTE)(99,000)  Facilities(1.0 FTE)(66,000)  Projects (HUG)(1.0 FTE)(92,100)  Substitutes – EA’s & Clerical 30,000  Adjust to average salary costs and miscellaneous 97,600 Total Salaries $ (142,800) Benefit Changes:  Benefit Costs re above staff changes (60,000)  Pension – LAPP increase 10% from 9.43% to 10.39% 76,000  Other 6,000 Total Benefits $ 22,000 Total- Non-Certificated Salary & Benefits $ (120,800)

13 E XPENDITURES – A LL S TAFF Certificated:  Salaries( 5.3 FTE) $ (572,700)  Benefits 502,100 Total Certificated$ ( 70,600) Non-Certificated:  Salaries (4.3 FTE)$ (142,800)  Benefit 22,000 Total Non-Certificated$ (120,800) Total Wages & Benefits$ (191,400) Total Wages & Benefits - $62,893,100 with Staff of 682 FTE A decrease of ($191,400) represents a (.3% of 1%) Exclude Teacher Pensions (funded) – the decrease is ($835,000) or (1.3%).

14 E XPENDITURES – S ERVICES, C ONTRACTS AND S UPPLIES  Instruction:  AISI $ ( 99,100)  PUF$ ( 30,800) Site Based :  School Supplies Budgets$ 14,200  Work Experience$ (324,000)$ (439,700)  Plant Operations & Maintenance  Warehouse$ ( 5,000)  Utilities – Electricity, Gas, Water$ (105,000)  IMR projects$ (260,800)  Other supplies & services$ ( 79,100)$ (449,900)  Transportation$ 73,000  Board & Administration  Software Support (Bellamy)$ (150,000)  Information System (Conversion & Training)$ (110,000)$ (260,000)  External  HUG Project$ (116,000)  Other - various$ 2,300 Total(7.5%)$(1,190,300) Total Services, Contracts and Supplies = $14,586,700.


16 Operating Budget – Reflects a deficit of $245,000 – which is the approximate cost of the District PD initiative (replacing AISI).

17 K EY C HANGES  Class Size increased by.5(6.0 FTE)($ 600,000)  Two senior Educational positions (Ed Tech & AISI Coordinator) cut out of central office(2.0 FTE)($ 200,000)  Other AISI cuts (left in $253,800 subs) ($ 300,000)  Warehouse Closed (1.5 FTE)($ 130,000)  Facilities – reduced one position (1.0 FTE)($ 80,000) & cut to supplies and services by (including IMR of $261,000) ($ 450,000)  School – CEU sharing – reduced($ 324,000)  Information System – savings($ 260,000) These are the keys cuts amounting to ($2.3) million, there were others and there were some increases – net is a budgeted deficit of ($245,000).





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